
about to marrying brazilian woman in brazil


hell, I am From India and i fall in love with Brazilian girl who lives in  Brazil. i know her since last 10 months and now we want to marry each other . for marriage i want to in Brazil to marry her . i want to know what are the producers and documents needed to get married and most important i want to know how i can go there in Brazil by one way ticket .

please help i am planning to go there in 4 months

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

I would speak with the BR Consulate in India. Not certain as to 1 way ticket entering BR.
It is not easy and you can find information on the forum.
Have you been in Brasil?


Thread is difficult and complicated,
I do not know if you can go to Brazil with a one-way ticket (I think you need a return ticket), you need a call from Brazil / from the girl / for the Brazilian visa, the required documents: birth certificate, You also need a document proving that you are single ,these documents must  Document from your country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from the Brazilian embassy in your country),
valid passport, minimum 6 months, valid visa.
Then you should certify these documents from your country consulate in Brazil.
Then you must translate: Birth Certificate, Single Document, Passport to Portuguese in Brazil / After the ratification of your country consulate in Brazil.
They may also ask you for a proof of residence (which the girl can extract and document from the notary's office, where she says that you live with her in her home).
Brazilian girl: Required: birth certificate, identity card, CPF card, water bill or electricity bill (as proof of residence).
You must note: All these documents must be submitted to the marriage office within 3 months of their extraction, after 3 months lose their effect.


Sorry: I mean you need an invitation From Brazil to get the Brazilian visa. . is an invitation not call .


First thing you ought to do is to bring her in to India, and have her spend time there. And let your parents to take a good look at her. And lady friends, and relatives.

That will give you the opportunity to seize her up and see if she can adapt to your widsom, conventions, and be trustworthy.   

Brazilian women tend to be very pragmatic on matters of the heart, so a 10 month period, unless you have spent considerable time with her, might not warrant much in terms of getting to know with whom you are placing your trust with. 

The rate of divorces in Brazil  is as high as the US was back in the 80's and 90's, and for a good reason.  Women here are asserting their independence, and will not give much through in filing for divorce if things do not go their ways. 

And as many Gringos might vouch me for, once they bear your child, you will be bound to pay for child support.  You will become the "meal ticket".

Having said that, It is my opinon, and many Americans concur with me,  that the sex on this side of the pond is far more interesting than in India, a Country, as a whole, bound by traditions and customs.  In the general stereothypical sense, Brazilian Women are more willing and wanton than Indian women. They are, not necessarily all, but in a general perception, more predisposed  and open to sex.

The formal side of the business, as far as getting visas, and country permits, as painfull and time consuming it might be, it pales compared to the hassle of dealing with Brazilian Women if things don't go as planned.   

There is not to say you can hit the jackpot and find true companion.  If there is one positive about Brazilian Women is that once out of their element,  many will find a way to fend by themselves and can be quite a good asset.  I've seen quite a few.

Nonetheless you will still ought to find more on her. 

There used to be this Baseball Player in the US, Bruce Hurst, a Mormon, who then was toiling in the Minor Leagues. On one of his Minor League stops, Pawtucket there was, he asked the clubhouse manager to arrange for separate  housing for himself and his girlfriend.    The clubbie then mentioned this to the then Ballclub Owner, the late
Ben Mondor. To which he remarked  .... "There is a true Gentleman".

Well Bruce went to have a Major League Career, no whitstanding his gentleman demeanor, in fact he was one of the starters in the 1986 World Series with
Roger Clemens ( a self absorbed jerk ), Oil Can Boyd ( then a self proclaimed coke addict ).

The thing is that the women must be interested in you for other reasons than being a meal ticket or a way out ( not to mention that Brazilian Women will more than others, choose foreigners over their own, all for good reasons ).

Once proven a good one, then you may marry her. With all fringe benefits you might be entitled to.

IF you come to think of, there is a reason why in India, the norm of arranged marriages still deffies conventions.  I am sure marrying City Bound Indian Women is not as easy as it once was.   Sign of the times. 

There is acutally no social standing, strata, ethnic background ,education, that will define a good Brazilian Women.  Locale, family, faith, education have a lot more in terms of the quality of person you will engage with.


Man, this is a very precipitated decision. You ought to know the woman first before you dive into the cliff of eternal damnation!

Brazilian women are very volatile in nature and would divorce you without hesitation if you´re not fit to fulfill their wishes and dreams - be it emotional or monetary. It helps if you have the money or a profession like a doctor. The salary is low in Brazil and if you come here with financial instability, that would affect your relationship to the extent of divorce later. Remember: with an empty stomach, love flies out of the window.

Be very careful! If you have a child with her, you can go to jail if you don´t pay child support.

I noticed that Brazilians divorce or separate more than the US. I have many acquiantances on their 4th marriages! The thing is, they marry quickly and change their mind quickly!

My observation!
