
Overstay Charges as Posted on Punta Cana Airport Website

Steverino7777 continues to publish the fees applicable for overstaying your 30 day limit. Click on "Airport Services" and go to the bottom of that paragraph where you click on "Click Link to View Rates". They have overstay fees all the way up to 10 years. My point is this. Why would the number one airport in the country be publishing this information if the government wanted crack down on people overstaying the 30 day period?

See also

The taxation system in the Dominican RepublicWant to bring electronic goods through airportTax on income from US pensionAirbnb proposal to register and tax in the DR as posted on DR1New Tax Proposals and their impact

There are some expats who have lived in DR without immigration status and not left DR for considerable periods of time so the schedule of fees exists for ten years and more.


Exactly.  Try going to any other country on planet earth and overstay your Visa.  The Dominican Republic is the most lenient.  Understand also, if you overstay your 30 days and get stopped by a police officer, you will not be arrested for overstaying.  Don't attempt this in China or Russia or any other country.

Enjoy the laxed visitors 30 day rule.  It is not absolute.  And you can stay up to 90 days past for 2500 pesos or $50.00 USD.  A basement bargain price.


bigbob, if you had more Chinese in you then I would worry.

Let's be clear, it is mainly expats from North America and Europe that are getting the lax treatment at this time. is and international forum and there will be expats from many nations reading DR threads.


I was in a few Chinese but not part Chinese.  Nothing to worry about.

As previously stated, I am on an InterNation, expat site in Guangzhou, China.  I don't recall seeing anything on their site about other expat sites from other countries.


There are pitfalls to going over the limit.

Technically... your driving is invalid /Illegal
The health plans have lower limits for non-residents - it's said

The system may be loose in some but it's tough in others.... and getting tougher

My Buena Conducta letter was clean until the new Multa system came in
They pulled up a 2013 speeding ticket.....
just last fall they did this this when the new system went into action

Notice the fingerprinting at the airport?
New system in development there.

Who can predict ??
But one thing certain - change is in the air

Who- How will it affect ??
Impossible to say


Yes there are always change.  That will never change.  So, change will never change!  You can quote me on that.  hehe.  We can only deal with what is at the moment.  We don't have crystal balls to predict the future.  So don't anticipate what may be.  QUE SERA SERA..


I responded to your comment in the other thread already!  Go read it.

Change is on the way. For now this has worked but not much longer I fear.


Thanks darlin darling D. 

Appreciate your help always.


bigbob, I don't believe Internation is part of, but we appear to be  part of the latter.

So people from nations afar will be reading about DR and wondering of the possibilities of coming here, and so I think we should be clear of the potential pitfalls rather than, say come because North Americans and Europeans still get a free pass through the long term continued lax application of the law.

Enough said, and I do sincerely hope you don't fall foul of DGM with your plans for a future life in DR in Luperon or wherever. You're and adult and have made your decision and that's enough for me.

I made my decision when it was easy and it now has cost me USD 6.25 a week on the 4 year permanent resident cycle (having used a lawyer) to be legal and get all the benefits of residency (it will be significantly less per week for those that do it themselves....the price of a beer). My advice is that if you can fast rack residency through the investor route, do it now while the door is open and you will be onto that same 4 year cycle more quickly.


am I to understand BigBob has no residency?


The residency issue is a big deal if you plan on spending time here

I won't preach.... but....

Suit yourselves........
Life is easier for far as I see.
But lots of people see it otherwise.
Even the police treat you differently
Every time I pull out my cedula... there is noticeable change in attitude....
police, stores, whatever

not my style.... to squeeze between the cracks
no slight intended to anybody

best way thru a problem is straight thru the middle....


My investments will provide permanent residency. 

Thanks for all your input.


I was understood that InterNations was the grandfather of all expat groups.  Although I cannot triangulate that.  But from what you said, it makes sense.  Just saying.


It's is our policy to not recommend anything that is illegal while acknowledging "common practice" . 

So get your residency if you intend to live here.

Get your residency or a work visa if you intend to work here.

You don't have to be a resident to own a business but you do if you plan to work in the business.

Visitors can come 30 days on a tourist visa and can extend 30 more days but not automatically.

We need some extended versions of the tourist visa but they don't currently exist.


Bigbob Internations is it own organization and not connected to in any way.


This is one of the most benign countries to get residency

Others have more stringent requirements

Only issue here is DO NOT BE ABSENT more than 6 consecutive months... refresh your passport.
If even that is enforced

This was my primary reason for choosing Rep Dom

Riverlee macintyre

Is it easy to find a place to rent?  Any recommendations on cheap hotels? Have any of you experienced the internet there?  If so what speed? My daughter has fibromyalgia, is the weather there good for pain?
Has anyone been to puerto plata? So many questions, thank you to everyone for answering 😁


Yes it's easy to rent here.

Cheap hotels - sure - where honey?

Internet capacity will depend what area of the country!

Fibromyalgia - I am not positive but I think the weather here is helpful! It's always warm, hot for at least 8 months of the year and really most of the country at least 4 months! Again weather will vary depending where you are.

I lived in Puerto Plata a total of  almost 9 years, over 15 years in country!

Riverlee macintyre

Puerto plata is  where we are thinking, how is the internet there ? My daughter is a writer and my grandson is a gamer , is this a good place for us do you think. We are hoping to live cheaply till her books take off. Tayler has two out in stores now, three more in the next three to six monthes. Can you tell me how to become a resident there, so we do this right? Where do we go to get this started?do we start it from there, we hope so. What can you tell us about the
regulations regarding residentiship ? Thank you all for any help you can give us.


Go to a Dominican Embassy in your country...
it starts there... not here in the country

Save yourself some trouble by doing that


There is a thread called Temporary residencia. Start reading there. 

Rentals are easy to find in both Puerto Plata and Costambar. I suggest getting an Air BnB for a week or two then get a longer term rental by walking or driving (Taxi) the areas you may be interested in.  Many non tourist rentals just simply have signs on the buildings. You can also check the Facebook group Everything Puerto Plata.

You can live inexpensively  in Puerto Plata but it's not necessarily easy.


Can you expand on this:

"My advice is that if you can fast rack residency through the investor route"

Or point me in the right direction to find the minimum one needs to invest.



Fast track  is a fast track to citizenship not to residencia. The process is NO faster then regular residency.

The rules say invest  200,000 US or you have  1500 US in non work related income. That is the down and dirty version.  I know people who invested less and were accepted.


Just 'google' 'fast track Dominican Republic residency' and you will find numerous lawyers and real estate agencies describing the process.


Residency -- thru Investor status
I think it's called

A pension- rental income... something like that

Faster acceptance and faster Permanent Residency
Nothing to do with citizenship - as far as I know