
German Citizen but Dutch Resident wanted to marry Vietnamese Student


This situation is a bit complicated.
My girlfriend is currently in the last few months of her masters degree and I am self-employed with my own dutch B.V.
I have lived in Thailand for 5+ years, so the "geemende' told me I need to get an official paper from thailand confirming my single status. I never had a marriage registered i Germany which is the country of my origin.
Is the geemende correct about that?

I have the document from germany that I am free to marry, my birth certificate and so has my fiance.
The document from Thailand is an insane headache and I am biting my teeth out on it.
It's also very time sensitive as we are a couple and living together for 3+ years and her education visa is about to run out once she finishes her masters.

Any advice on how to handle this properly? Should we just try another 'geemende' ?
Once married, what will happen to her visa? Can she simply change it at the Vietnamese Embassy to a marriage visa?

Thanks in advance!! :)

See also

Travelling to the NetherlandsProving *exclusive* relationship (recently divorced)How RNI - BSN worksMake an appointment to get the BSN in a different GemeenteCan I get Dutch citizenship as a UK Brit married to a Dutch person?

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

I had to do what you are describing when we got married in Holland; we got married in Gemeente Enschede.  I was a Brit, living in Germany, marrying a Dutch citizen - it also got complicated, but my wife/mother in law sorted it out and just told me what I had to ask for.

You don't have to get married for her to get a residence permit; contact the IND and ask about a spouse or partner visa; this link will take you to the IND website that has the details.  She could even get a "Looking for a job after study" visa, which will give her 12 months in Holland to sort out your issues with the paperwork.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team