Is my Tunisian boyfriend just using me

Hello Windy6996,

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@Bhavna thank you!

@GuestPoster542  my friend is currently in a very similar situation however she has 5 children and rent and bills to pay and he knows she is single and pays for everything and works 2 jobs to be able to live and yet he wants her to pay the rent for the house he lives in with his mother which I think is a joke as why should she have to pay when his mother owns a shop they both smoke and have nice stuff he also has 6 dogs which he said he would like help each month with feeding them , I told my friend say no as you shouldn't be providing for any man and his mother to live bloody rent free his mother should be the one to

do this stuff and not his girlfriend. He also don't work because he said he wants a business with dogs and showing them. I've said well how can he do all  that with no money I think something really isn't right please does anyone else agree with me or am I being an overprotective friend

@suzielewis31 right on


@Ozitoun I also have to say your friend has a great heart to care for dogs. This is the other side of the coin....

@GuestPoster542 I think you are righe.

Watch the movie "Bezness" from Nouri Bouzid (very famous movie maker). You'll discover the way some boys are raised... I don't know where you're from but when the balance is not balanced trustable commitments can't be comfortable.

Stop the relation as soon as possible.. It's painfull but

Be strong..

Moral of the story follow your gut and what your heart and mind tells you .


He is 100% scamming you!  I know so many men in Tunisia and they only date the older women to use them, how can you be so stupid?  TUNISIAN MEN actually prefer women younger or the same age...

Love is blind..!!! 😂
He is 100% scamming you!  I know so many men in Tunisia and they only date the older women to use them, how can you be so stupid?  TUNISIAN MEN actually prefer women younger or the same age...
