
Vitem V odds


Hello. I looked for this information on the internet and here and couldn't find it.
I have a good job as a manager in a multinational firm in my home county but I want to move to Brazil to join my fiancee.
I got a job offer in São Paulo at another multinational and I can prove I have college education and more than 2 years of experience in my field so I'm about to start my visa process. My field is technical but not very well known, unlike engineering, more like applied math.
I have not requested separation from my current job because nothing guarantees the visa request will be positive but I would like to know what are in general the odds of having a vitem v when you do satisfy the requirements.
Anything helps. Thank you all.

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

If your prospective employer is willing to sponsor you with the Labor Ministry, your chances are pretty good.  The process is time consuming, though, and you don't want to give notice to your current employer until it's approved.
Have you and your fiancée set a date for the wedding?  If it's soon and the employer will hold the job, it may be less hassle to get your permanent residency by virtue of family reunion, which lets you work legally, without the need for approval by the Ministry.


Hello abthree. Yes, they will sponsor.
We also consulted two immigration consultants (one my fiancee found and then the international agency  my employer indicated) on this possibility but both told me it was a gamble because the police could request an investigation on my marriage and this could potentially take up to 6 months.
Do you agree on this?
Thank you very much for the support.


Note that you can only start your VITEM V application AFTER the hiring firm has submitted a petition -- with supporting documentation -- to the Ministry of Labor to approve your employment, and that petition has been approved and forwarded by the Ministry of Labor to the Foreign Ministry.  Once that happens, the process should be pretty automatic.  If your specialty is as technical and rather obscure as you suggest, I would think that the petition has a good chance of being approved; there's no way of knowing how long it will sit at the Labor Ministry, however.  Have they already filed the petition, or given you a date when they plan to file?  An offer letter alone is not enough.

I try to never say "never" with respect to Brazil, because almost anything can happen.  But if you and your fiancée are legally married, whether in a cartório in Brazil, or in Mexico, and register the marriage subsequently with the Brazilian Consulate there and with a cartório here, it's hard to imagine that the Federal Police will start an investigation on their own initiative, unless there's something obviously fishy about the marriage on its face.

If the company has an international agency working on getting you in, that's promising.  Might as well let that process run its course, while letting your personal plans move forward as well.


So, last week the firm submitted the work permit request to the Ministry through the Legal Agency. The agency says we can expect an answer within 30 days (Hope its sooner than later).
I already prepared the additional documents I would need at the Consulate and Im preparing the documents I would need to either marry or request the recognition of an stable union in Brazil (though the later option seems difficult given the documents they request and Im not legally married anywhere as of today).
Lets hope I can get the work permit soon so I can begin working on the Visa stamp, RNE, CTPS, etc.


Sounds like you're doing everything right.  Good luck!


Just as an update. Everything went just fine and Im in Sao Paulo. Thank you for the help abthree.


Fantastic!  Congratulations, and all the best in Brazil.


Hello everyone,

I was following this topic and I would like to explain very quickly my specific case (very similar with Fer_Cantabria needs).

I'm a junior analyst within a multinational company in Italy, with 1 year and 6 months of experience. I got a job offer in Rio de Janeiro, with higher responsibilities, with the same multinational company (they will be my sponsor and will provide to me the RN 02 visa, with temporary stay of 2 years). Actually I'm making all the data gathering (including reference letters from my actual manager) and sending all the documents to the visa agent that will support me and the local company for my specific localization.

Now, my real problem is that my title is not recognized in Italy as a Bachelor's degree (it is considered Diploma of Higher Education , EQF5, and not a Bachelor, EQF6), but I could check on internet that my specific high professional diploma can be equivalent in Brazil as a Diploma of Tecnologo (so, it's like a professional degree). My course of Higher Education was a 2 years full time course, including the 6 months of working experience in two different companies.

My visa agent explain to me that if the Ministry of Labor will recognize my title as professional degree, I have to demonstrate just two years working experience (missing only 6 months), but if my diploma will be not recognized, i have to domenstrate 3 years working experience, and I have exactly the half of experience.

Basing on all these informations, how do you think is going to be my visa application? It would be approved?

Thank you all and best regards.


This is hard to say. New employer may be able to get it improved, but MJ department will take a look as to taking a Brazilian's job or not.
Rio is not cheap and pay may not equate to what you are making on your present job. Be sure to do some research on cost of living. transportation (traffic is a night mare). Autos are very expensive. Rent is not cheap unless far away.
Have you visited Rio?


My best advice would be to consult with a professional. I can send you the email of a trusted, international visa agency that I recommend for work visas in Brazil. If you agree you can send me a message to my account. Good luck.


Hello guys, thank you for your answers.

@Texanbrazil: Yes, I have already visited Rio and I'm gathering my informations about life costs, apartment's rent.. this kind of stuff. My actual multinational company has just an office in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), so I don't have much choices if I wanna move in Brazil..

@Fer_Cantabria: Thanks for your feedback. Right now all the visa process is under supervision of an international visa agency, supported by my local sponsor. The main doubt of my visa agent is related to my education title (Diploma of Higher Education in Europe, Associate Degree in USA), that maybe can't be enough for receive the VITEM-V visa (because if the MJ will not recognize it, I have to guarantee 3 years of working experience (and i have only 1.5 years).  So, how my visa agent kindly explained to me, if my education title will be not recognized as academic, I have the 50% of probability of have a successful outcome from MJ.

However, my local sponsor is aware of the risk I might receive a negative response to the application from the Ministry of Justice considering the Educational Background does not match to my Professional Experience but, even though, they decided to move the process forward due to the good recommendations on my professional experience.

So, for conclude, I have no idea what to expect as a result (positive or negative) for the visa issued by the Ministry of Justice.

What do you think about it?

Thank you all!


I can only wish you good luck.
A few years ago I also worked for a company which only has a office in Rio. I was asked to go there and the company was able to get a temp work permit and the company advised the MJ that I was not taking a job from a Brazilian and I would need no training. All went smooth.


@Texanbrazil: just for a better understanding: what do you mean by "..and the company advised the MJ that I was not taking a job from a Brazilian.."?

Actually, my sponsor local company will hire me with an higher level, in the same sector, and they said that, being already part of the same company, i don't need training too.

Let's hope for the best!


Just a small actualization: yesterday I signed the economic proposal required by my sponsor company in Brazil. They needed it as last document before send all the documentation to the Brazilian Justice's Ministery. Also the visa agent finished to translate all my documents and they are ready to start my process.

How much, do you think, should I wait before have a first feedback from my visa agent of the Justice's Ministery?

Thank you all.