
Marriage and living together


Hello everyone. I'm living with my Brazilian girlfriend more then a year together. And we are about to get married. The problem is my business is growing and I have to move to Rio but my girlfriend has to wait till her daughter finishes her school education. Do we actually have to live together after marriage all the time or I can go earn money and she stays till the end of the school in another state? I will visit her once a month or she will come for a couple of days once in a while. What do we do in this situation? She absolutely does not want to move now and next 2 years.

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

Hi CaCO3,

I´m CH3COOH with the hydroxyl group and you just neutralized my acidity with your statements. Kidding!

Why can´t you go to Rio? It´s only business. You must be thinking that you´ll jeopardize
your stable union/marriage and that your girlfriend will report you to the authorities for abandonment. Is that it?

You´re both adults (I presume) and a good conversation is in order. Just make sure that you´re not making an impression that you´re making gradual steps to be away from her and later total abandonment.



I worry about all those random home visits made by PF. 

Huhah like these chemical jokes


Home visits? Seriously? Did you put in a paperwork (residency) thru stable union?


No. Marriage, not união estável


You stated first that you´re about to get married. Is that a fiancee visa? Or you are actually married now (civil) and now you want a church marriage? If you really want to be helped you have to state your exact situation.

The Policia Federal  do home visits (US also for immigrants there) due to foreigners taking advantage of Brazilian women. Men from the Middle East, Africa and some oppressed counties from Europe are singled out that after getting the Permanent Visa they abandon their spouses in search of their own "freedom."

Even after marriage, the PF still could visit randomly up to 4 years as they purport "to insure" that you did not perform a marriage of convenience. A lot of Brazilian women reported abuses of foreign husbands like physical and mental harm especially coming from a lot of Middle Eastern men. That´s probably due to their practice of male dominance in their respective countries. … no-brasil/     

ABRIL 13, 2018 ÀS 5:54 AM
Eu estou quebrando a cara com um cara que só veio aqui pra se encostar, quer que eu cozinhe pra ele , quer que eu viva limpando a casa é o mantendo com.o meu dinheiro.
Fui tola , em especial quando acreditei que me amava e que queria fazer uma vida comigo.
Hoje vive na internet falando com outras para tentar outra residência.
Eu vi várias conversas dele no tradutor com outra o qual hoje ele apaga tudo.
Não sei o que fazer, só digo uma coisa cuidado com esse povo do oriente médio.
São os que se fazem de santo , juram tudo por Allah e são os piores .
Ele veio pra cá se encostou em mim e agora diz que é livre , que me quer como.amiga morando na.minha casa , vivendo sobre as minhas custas e pedindo que eu cozinhe pra ele mantenha a casa super em ordem pra ele viver bem.
Não aconselho ninguém a fazer essa burrada que eu fiz por carência.
Sim somos carentonas é acreditamos em qualquer jura de amor
Mas é tudo uma.fraude.
O que realmente pra eles tem valor são as mulheres dos países deles .
Entre aspas por que são umas coitadas que fazem tudo pelo marido e baixam a cabeça , só que ao contrário daqui lá eles tem que sustentar a casa e aqui eles procuram nós pra que nos sustentamos eles

If false documents have been used; marriage of convenience was performed to obtain a permanent visa, then that´s a felony and be liable up to a maximum of 5 years
in prison and later on force expulsion out of Brazil.



Robal, I'm with you on this one....