
2 Many Fish In The Sea

Last activity 03 June 2019 by dirk.c.

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Hello guys and girls,

I notice on a lot of the topics posted on this website about problems with relationships, people suggest to have more than one girl o the go so you always have some options.

My problem is that I have done this and am currently chatting to two Filipino women and two more from Vietnam. This only came about because the woman I visited in the Philippines has asked me for money on several occasions and I have said no. After that she does not message me for a few days and then starts again. I also heard she is seeing a local man but this came from her friend who lives with her and I am not sure to believe her even though she sent a picture of the two of them together, I did believe  her until she said she had lots more pictures and I got to thinking why would my girlfriend let her take all these pictures of the two of them together, especially since her and her friend were not getting on at the time and if I told my girlfriend that would make their friendship difficult.

Anyhow my problem now is choosing between four women, my girlfriend another Filipino and two Vietnamese women. The Vietnamese women seem genuine but for some reason sad and lonely even though they have jobs and family. The other Filipino girl has a small shop and two young sons. Apparently she got money for this from her ex has a settlement so she does not seem short of money and she has never asked me for any. She seems ambitious and very loving but it is so difficult to choose between these women as my heart and head do not say the same thing. I did think of visiting two of them in one trip but if anything gets posted on Facebook about our relationship I could be in trouble. Also this is not fair on these women if any of them are genuine.

Have any of you had a problem like this?

Nielsen Flute

Choose the country first before you choose the woman. It really is a big deal.


Yes i understand but the choice is hard. I can go to the Philippines where English is spoken or Vietnam where I will have to try learn the language.


Follow adivise such as Nielsen Flute, other wise dont ask for advise, and make your own choice, which in the end in a total and a simple way it is your choice.


Be clear about what you want out of these relationships. What are you looking for when you talk about "genuine"? One can be "genuine" and still end up leveraging on you for monetary purposes.


First thing is to understand what the woman asking for money is doing! She will play you for the rest of your life! The choice should be easy! If not find others! If still only choosing from these then I would think you should have a very frank conversation with the one who has a business and see what she thinks! Whatever you choose just keep control of the money! It will take awhile for her to live that way but after a few months you will be happier! Not to mention Richer! Good Luck! By the way Vietnamese can learn English faster then you can lern Vietnamese! I have a Vietnamese daughter and she assured me of this!


Thank you for that advise. The lady in the Philippines is not rich by any means but does have a small business and some savings and seems to be a loving mother and she has told me all she wants is unconditional love, a partner for life. I chat using a translation tool to the lady in Vietnam and she also wishes to meet me although she seems a little more shy and timid so I have told her that she can bring a friend with her for the first day or two until she feels comfortable and I suggested that if she has an English speaking friend that would be better. I am having trouble with pronouncing Vietnamese words so hopefully I can learn a few words before I go and if not and if she has no English speaking friend, maybe I can hire a translator to accompany us for a day.

Cherryann01 wrote:

Thank you for that advise. The lady in the Philippines is not rich by any means but does have a small business and some savings and seems to be a loving mother and she has told me all she wants is unconditional love, a partner for life. I chat using a translation tool to the lady in Vietnam and she also wishes to meet me although she seems a little more shy and timid so I have told her that she can bring a friend with her for the first day or two until she feels comfortable and I suggested that if she has an English speaking friend that would be better. I am having trouble with pronouncing Vietnamese words so hopefully I can learn a few words before I go and if not and if she has no English speaking friend, maybe I can hire a translator to accompany us for a day.

Sounds like things could be difficult for both of you. I would think that one or both of you would need to get fluent in the others language pretty pronto unless you plan to use your phones to talk to one another in person all the time.


Yes I am doing my best to try pick up some of the Vietnamese Language but it is very difficult to pronounce the words and one thing I have noticed is that if you make the slightest mistake while using the online translator, it changes the sentence drastically. There are a lot of punctuation marks in her language and she once sent me a picture she found of my ex wife, asking who the wife was, I typed in and made one mistake and got the translation (Who is the elephant).


Dont complicate things, life is too short


I know exactly what you mean by that.

Cherryann01 wrote:

Yes i understand but the choice is hard. I can go to the Philippines where English is spoken or Vietnam where I will have to try learn the language.

Vietnamese is tonal and most westerners have some difficulty and the Govt isnt alway appreciative of foreigners. Go where you can be understood believe it will be a huge difference when thing need sorting out.
Plus the culture in the Philippines is pro-west and this makes for easy adaption. Some times a lot of women can be a lot of problems .  smile.png


Thank's for the advise although I am still pondering this. The lady in Vietnam told me yesterday that she has started to take English lessons so we can communicate and I am trying to learn some Vietnamese. Chatting to the two of them, I can see pros and cons for each but they both seem very genuine and loving people. I have read some articles and watched you tube videos on each country and although the Philippines may be more pro West, it does seem like if I needed to get a job I would have more chance in Vietnam.


Vietnamese would be paramount then, it is one of the more difficult ones to learn. … e-fluently


Great advise

thewoodenpotter wrote:

Vietnamese would be paramount then, it is one of the more difficult ones to learn. … e-fluently

You forget Thaï language


thats true but the guy is dealing with a Vietnamese lady. But any tonal language would be a challenge.


if she is maried but living seperated and or have kids i would not get involved as the ex can give serious problems.

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