Building permit - IMB

We have leased land in West Sumbawa and we have our official booklet certificate.

We are now having plans drawn up.

Our next step is obtaining the building permit.  Can anyone tell me what the exact government fee is for the IMB then I can go further with negotiations with our legal advisor as to what his fee will be.

Thank you in advance for anyone's advices.


Lynne Conn

I paid 45,000 rupiah per square meter in Bali. But there are other fees too such as UKL/UPL etc

Thank you that's great - was just looking for a guide of what we could expect - thanks for your help 🙏

Hi Lynn
I hope all goes well with your project.

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Do you have any idea about cost of IMB in West Sumbawa - we have 200m2 land and the house will be 8 x 10 concrete slab with concrete columns kitchen bathroom and lounge area downstairs and then first floor will be wooden house just 2 bedrooms and sitting area and balcony.  We are waiting for our plans and quantity to be finished which hopefully should get tomorrow.  Then we can lodge the IMB !!  We have had our well dug that is done.  Any help would be most appreciated.  Think it's going to be a long journey  !!

What is UKL/UPL !!