


Fresh from Portugal news

The Portugal news - Monday . 8 July . 2019

"The minister for Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, told reporters that the trend of increasing foreigners living in Portugal, which began in 2016, remains the same this year."
“The demographic changes and the success of the Portuguese economy have determined that during the past three years, especially in 2018, there has been a significant growth of foreign residents,”said Eduardo Cabrita.
According to the report, the highest level of increase of foreigners from a single country was from Italy, which saw an increase of 45.9 percent over 2017, with 18,862 Italians living in the country.


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Vivere in Portogallo: la guida per espatriatiBanche ( Situazione NOVOBANCO)Rinnovo residenza presso Aima in PortogalloDubbi sull'aggiornamento del documento NIFcambio patente italiana in portoghese

Santi2 ha scritto :

Fresh from Portugal news

The Portugal news - Monday . 8 July . 2019

"The minister for Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, told reporters that the trend of increasing foreigners living in Portugal, which began in 2016, remains the same this year."
“The demographic changes and the success of the Portuguese economy have determined that during the past three years, especially in 2018, there has been a significant growth of foreign residents,”said Eduardo Cabrita.
According to the report, the highest level of increase of foreigners from a single country was from Italy, which saw an increase of 45.9 percent over 2017, with 18,862 Italians living in the country.


Siamo in tanti , e abbiamo alleggerito l’Italia di tanta zavorra. Luigi




Santi2 ha scritto :

Fresh from Portugal news

The Portugal news - Monday . 8 July . 2019

"The minister for Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, told reporters that the trend of increasing foreigners living in Portugal, which began in 2016, remains the same this year."
“The demographic changes and the success of the Portuguese economy have determined that during the past three years, especially in 2018, there has been a significant growth of foreign residents,”said Eduardo Cabrita.
According to the report, the highest level of increase of foreigners from a single country was from Italy, which saw an increase of 45.9 percent over 2017, with 18,862 Italians living in the country.


Translate into italian pls  :D

Traduci in italiano, grazie  :thanks:


Giusto, giusto.

Cito i brani dall'articolo apparso su Portugal News che inizia con:

Il Rapporto 2018 sull'immigrazione, le frontiere e l'asilo (RIFA), pubblicato in occasione del 43 ° anniversario del Servizio per stranieri e frontiere (SEF), ha dimostrato che il numero di stranieri residenti in Portogallo è salito anche per il terzo anno consecutivo.[…]
"Il ministro degli Interni, Eduardo Cabrita, ha detto ai giornalisti che l’aumento tendenziale degli stranieri che vivono in Portogallo, iniziato nel 2016, permane quest'anno".[…]
"I cambiamenti demografici e il successo dell'economia portoghese hanno determinato che negli ultimi tre anni, specialmente nel 2018, c'è stata una crescita significativa di residenti stranieri", ha affermato Eduardo Cabrita.[…]
[…] Secondo il rapporto, il più alto livello di crescita di stranieri provenienti da un singolo paese proveniva dall'Italia, che ha visto un aumento del 45,9% rispetto al 2017, con 18.862 italiani residenti nel paese. […]

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