Employment pass pending
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Hi all,
I have been waiting for My EP for 2 months and 20 days as of today.
It’s applied by a an audit firm which is mid size having employees around 30 and most of them are expats. The HR is in constant touch with MOM, 1.5 months back MOM has asked why the firm couldn’t hire a local, and for that the job requirement was posted in govt portal/banks with same skills as mine, and there wasn’t any local who responded for the job for three weeks. And after that MOM never responded. Last week when asked they informed that they will update by sept second week.
I have been delaying a UK offer because of this, I am so confused and I don’t know if I should wait for this, is there anybody who can throw any light on this.
You have already known where is the issue. The same issue was already highlighted by us in many threads. Your employer has to justify why they hired you and proof that they tried locally by posting the job in job bank for two weeks then took several interviews but unable to find the local auditor who can match their requirements. If the employer failed to justify it, then MoM is not going to respond positively.
You are free to select any offer coming on your way, MoM will take its own time. There is nothing you can do, except waiting. Good luck
Hi Surya2k, thank you for the quick response. So I just wanted to mention that the job was already posted and they could not get anybody with same skills and they showed all that proof to govt three weeks back already.
i have new application number.. it shows no record found in epol..when i put passport num& date of birth it shows old record (withdrawn).
but employer sent new application(5.8.19) pending status in his portal. its also like epol portal only shows foreigner's particulars..
now 15 days passed.. till not get new application status.when i ask my agent ,he replied , you will see your status after the new application get approved
Is it true??. in this forum all are seen status within a week or less.. but my case ??
expats, Are you seen this type case in before??
how its possible??
As I said your employer has to justify with valid rationale that why they want to hire a foreigner. Your employer has to impress MoM on this. You don’t need to do anything.
Your agent says incorrect information to you. If your complete application form was really submitted online, then it takes few days to appear in EPOnline. If it shows old record that means either it is not submitted or there is something wrong. If your agent says that they can see status as pending then ask them to share the screenshot. Good luck
agent sent new application pending status on 5.8.19. its like epol portal but only have foreingers particulars & below statement (print, new enquiry&so....) in pdf format...now i checked but shows old record...
please reply surya2k...
hi surya2k
can i send feedback form to MOM to enquire my application status??
if i sent feedback form to mom,
1. its a remark or it will affect my application process
2. any messages sent to employer about my queries by mom..
You can call MoM and see if they can help you. But, in normal practice, the request should come from your employer.
My friend has the same matter. His employer applied for him on 31 July but only on last Friday, we can see the status Pending on the system.
Not sure why...
hi bephoe....
how long after you see the pending status??(16days or long)
what's the reason from his employer side for the status(status not display in eponline)???
at that time,(in status)
what is the date of application??(july 31 or any date)
Is any status (applied) copy sent from employer side before u see the status??
please reply bephoe..
We can see the status on 16 August and it shows the application date 31 July. It means around 15 days from the application date then we can see status (of course it’s a pending)
However, he told me that on 5 August, the HR sent an email to request a confirmation letter from his uni to mention that he has completed the course since November 2018 but yet receive degree certificate. His graduation will be end of this month.
HR said MOM requested them to submit that letter.
==> So I guess MOM has already roughly checked the documents after 31 July and found certificate is missing.
Then we managed to get the letter on the same day and HR also submitted immediately (5 August)
So I dont know if the missing of document may result to “no record found” on the system such long time?
Anyways, after 16 august we can see the status and it’s still pending until now
Almost 3 weeks after the application date already...
Moreover, we didn’t request the company to send us any screenshot or evidence that they have applied (coz we believe they did apply)
But we check it every day and was abit worried also because we didn’t see any record till 16 August.
Thank you Harini. Hope you have the same! Good luck! 🍀
this is my 2nd ep application..
1st approved within a week , go to singapore & returned for emergency .
2nd applied 5.8.19,EMPLOYER SENT PENDING STATUS. now 18 days passed i can't see my status in eponline.. when i put passport num it shows old application status (withdrawn).. when i put new application num its "no record found".
i asked to employer, they said,the previous status not change till the new application get approved.. its very strange.. what i do?? is it correct reason?? expats,do you see this case before ..
You are keep on asking same questions repeatedly despite of given answers multiple times. Check this thread, a week before you too asked these questions in another thread:
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 85&p=5
Don’t spam, rather start reading old threads and understand the process flow at MoM. Thanks
Congrats Sunai!!
Just for update, my friend’s application was rejected after 21 days and the company has appealed it. They said the reason was not so clear but mostly likely because of quota issue. So they appeal it after their quote got updated.
Today is exact 3 weeks from the appeal but no news so far
I really hope it will be approved guys. We’re really worried now but nothing can do, only can wait and pray hard...
Hi all,
Just would like to ask if you know how many times we can appeal to a rejection of SPass? I read somewhere saying that 1 application can only appeal 1 time but there is some cases people saying that they were approved after 2nd appeal.
It didn’t state clearly on MOM website so just would like to have you advice if possible.
Thank you.
Dear sir/madam,
One more thing that I would like to seek your advice.
My friend’s application was rejected due to quota issue, but the company insisted that they have just enough quota to apply for him. So they appeal against the 1st rejection.
After 3 weeks, it was rejected again due to the same reason. The company cannot understand why and they will try to appeal the last time.
The company is a MNC with more than 200 people at Singapore branch. They actually did hire quite many FTs but in terms of quota, they are sure that they have enough.
However, we are guessing that MOM didn’t count those new local staffs (the company just hired 2 new one last month) and that’s why Quota is still not enough. Does it mean that MOM will only accept those local staffs working for the company more than 3 months? And in terms of appealing, can HR submit the permanent contract with the new staffs to prove it?
Thank you and looking forward to your advice
Along with appeal, employer has to submit the new ratio with proof to prove that they hired local staffs: Then, it’s MoM to consider your appeal or not. Good luck

I'm waiting for EP since 12 days. apply on 24/10/2019
Indian national
Bachelors Degree
7 years past exp in SG
Salary offered 7k per month
Company Director
40 % shareholder
I want to know. Whether this application will be approved or not. If anyone has information then reply to me
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