
info on what is needed to live in nairobi


i am about to marry a kenyan lady  and want to stay and live in nairobi
what do i need to fill out to stay  in nairobi 
im new to this  and want to buy a flat for us both 
she has her own business 
thank you

See also

Marriage in KenyaUK citizens - documents marriage in Kenya (CNI/CONI)Class K permit in KenyaThe dowryPolice clearance as a non-resident


You would enter Kenya on a  normal Single Entry Visa and this will suffice for the marriage (assuming this is in Kenya).  You must have a affidavit, to evidence that there is no impediment to your getting married.  There are threads elsewhere on marriage, as well as information online.

Once married, the cheapest and possibly easiest route is to apply for a Dependent Pass.  This depends upon your future wife having the financial means to support you both.  The other possible route is a Class K Permit, for which you must have a source of income independent of work in Kenya, of min $24,000 per annum.  This permit would not be linked to you being married, but the cost (renewable on a 2 yearly cycle) is Ksh 100,000 per year.  NOTE: neither the Dependent Pass, or the Class K will permit you to work in Kenya.

There can be some foot dragging over processing permit/pass applications, so make contingency plans to possibly return home, if your visa runs out.  You are not permitted to remain in Kenya without a valid visa under any circumstances.

Property purchase.  Foreigners can only buy properties on a 99 year leasehold agreement.  You will need to apply for a PIN from Kenya Revenue Authority prior to any property transaction in your name.   The same also applies to vehicles (you need a PIN).


thank you for your reply 
first of all  the no impediment  is not recognised in uk  as i found out when i returned last week
itsd never been used  and an affidavit  was never mentioned  so after contacting my registrar in uk
the  way forward is to have a NO TRACE  document done at a cost of £50.00

that gets me the ok from the registrar in Nairobi to marry

next  i have no income but the state pension  so  i would not beable to meet that amout of money per year
the only way is to sell my home and buy a home there and with the left overs from the purchase of the house i would beable to keep myself  for a number of years
i am too old to work full time (71)

but thank you for your help i will still want to live in nairobi


"The  way forward is to have a NO TRACE  document done at a cost of £50.00"

As long as you have a legal document evidencing that you are free to marry - Kenyan law asks for a certificate of no impediment to marriage, but increasingly, this specific document is not available.

"i have no income but the state pension"

In that case, your only option would have to be to apply for a Dependent Pass, then after 3 years of marriage, you can apply for permanent residence.

Additionally, think carefully about your health.  If you have any health conditions, getting insurance cover for those could be difficult, or getting insurance cover at all, due to your age.  Healthcare in Kenya is incredibly expensive and the benefits of the NHS don't hit home until you are in Kenya and need to see a doctor, or need to buy your medication.