Watching NFL Playoffs in Beijing

I was wondering if anyone knows of a bar or hotel in Beijing that is likely to show next Sunday's NFL playoff game between New York and Philly. It should be airing around 1am Beijing time (early Monday in Beijing). Thanks a lot for your help, don't want to miss this one...

I am searching for the same information, however I want to watch the Cardinals Panther game on Fox.  I found this link with some info..

info for China is:

China: smg (iptv, digital cable, gsports) live and delay, cctv5 on delay

Am trying to figure out smg etc.  I also get Phillipine Satelite reception here, but am crossing my fingers.  Good luck.

So for future reference, there is a sports bar called "goose and duck" (Chinese name is "e he ya" i.e. a direct translation) that shows all sorts of western sports events.

yep, i was actually there to watch the Cardinals beat the Eagles from 4am in the morning.   Evidently the Den and Rickshaw also broadcast the game as well.   The new Goose & Duck is harder to find than its two earlier locations (esp. at 4am in the morning).  It is east of the 4th ring road across from Chaoyang Park, in one of the new high rise buildings.