
I'm just wondering if any of our Indonesian friends or expats can assist with identifying snakes (3 different in 24 hours)
1. All brown with darker brown/ black stripe from back of head to tip, about 3 ft long/90cm/ 900mm about 1 inch, 25mm, 2.5cm in circumference this was on the grass in garden
2 as above size but black, yellow and green (not sure if had red also all stripes from head to tip
This was on top of climbing ivy on land we own adjacent to our house
3. About 18/20inches , 45/50 cm, 450/500mm about 1/2inch in circumference all grey/silver about 1/2inch, 1.5cm, 15mm in circumference
This was on top of a wall by plants and trees and a koi pond

Any help would be grateful
And yes baseball bat at ready

Local guy just said the small grey one could possibly be a Javanese spoon snake found all over Indonesia and to stay well clear and by the size just a baby so mama is around also 😳😳

I found, when I lived in a village, the baseball bat idea to be less than perfect as snakes tend to be able to move a lot faster than most people, thus 'close' is not good.


Einsiedler wrote:


Many thanks, the only one that is close in colour is the 2nd picture but this was quite small in comparison and looked very shiny/ glossy
Our land adjacent we have now had cleared for much easier inspection
One local guy suggested a young Javanese spoon snake?  Been quite wet here also, possibly a factor

Fred wrote:

I found, when I lived in a village, the baseball bat idea to be less than perfect as snakes tend to be able to move a lot faster than most people, thus 'close' is not good.

Totally agree, but it's a good old lump to chuck from 5/10 meters, we see large pythons quite regular but these I've never come across before and searched lots on the internet but can't find anything similar