
german work Permit or work eligibility " Not Work Visa " Process Time


Hi everyone ,

I'm an Egyptian who currently work and live in Brussels , Belgium based on my Belgium work permit and me and my family we had belgium residence till Feb 2023

I got an acceptance and I had signed a contract with another company in Dusseldorf Germany

Two weeks ago ,my new german company take from me some documents

- my Bachelor Degree Certificate,
- my Bachelor Degree  Course Transcript Certificate,
- Passport Photos for e and my wife and my son
- Birth Certificate for me and my Wife and my Son ,
- My Marriage Certification
in order to apply for a work permit for me in German .

so I ask :
1- what is the estimated process time for this work eligibility
2-  what exactly the process in my case ? , what I had understand that after this work eligibility , I don't need extra document   .
3- why this need a birth certification and marriage certification for my family and my son

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for GermanyWork visas for GermanyProcess of Family Reunion visa in IndiaApplying from Aufenthaltstitel to bluecardWork Documentation to provide at Einwohnermeldeamt

Hard to answer since your English is not correct. But of course one needs a work permit for a specific country. Having one in Belgium doesn’t mean that one can work in Germany. And of course they want information about a spouse and any minor children since this is critical to get a family reunion visa if you intend for them to join you. This all seems more than obvious. And how long things takes is hard to say. What did the officials tell you or did you not bother to ask? And it is shortly before Christmas so if things are not approved before the holidays then expect it to take a few extra weeks.


Normally, the employee is himself responsible for applying for the required visa at the nearest German embassy.
Did you also sign an authorization with which they can apply on your behalf? If not, they can't.


Dear @TominStuttgart

Firstly Thanks a lot of your answer ,
I know that I need a work permit for germany , since I don't have a Blue Card , and my work permit is only for belgium
but what I want to know
- Regarding the german work permit , what is estimated process time
- Did I will need extra documents to be eligible residence in Germany


Dear Neppi ,
I guess I don't need a visa , where I'm already in the schengen area 
did I'm correct or wrong ?


My nickname is Beppi.
("Nepp" is a German colloquial word for rip-off!)

A Schengen visa allows you to visit (up to 90 days), NOT to live and work in Germany. Thus you do need another visa.


Dear Beppi ,
I'm sorry for my typing mistake
thanks a lot for your notice , I contact the german embassy here , yes they confirm that