Can I leave S’pore after enter using IPA to request for EP

Hi all i wondering if i can leave S'pore after entering using IPA?

My employer need my latest visit pass to request for EP, however, i may need to leave S'pore on the same day, can i use that visit pass for my employer to request EP or i must stay in S'pore until EP approve?

You can use your IPA. Shouldn't be an issue when it comes to entering or exiting Singapore. However, you may need to take note of the validity of IPA. Most probably the period should be long enough.

Read the forum threads, these kind of basic information we have provided many times. Your EP process has nothing to do with whether you are in Singapore or not. MoM select based on many criteria, we have a separate thread at TOP of Singapore forum for your ref.

Secondly, your query is more confusing, what do you mean by I entered using IPA? Then, in another sentence again saying your employer will apply EP for you!

Thanks for the replied!

Opps i actually got my IPA, and i'm in the process to request EP. My employer ask for my latest visit pass when entering S'pore to proof my stay to request EP. That's why i asking if i can leave S'pore when the process of requesting the EP card.

Again, your statement is contradictory. Once someone got IPA that means the EP is already approved. There is no such things called “ in the process to request EP” after IPA issued by MoM.

Once IPA issued, you can visit Singapore then join your work (simultaneously, your documentation and medical check up will have to complete - read more details in MoM website or read existing threads).

Although your statements are confusing, I assaume you have an approved EP and entered Singapore with the assocuiated IPA. Now you want to exit the country before the EP is issued by MoM. Is that correct?
If so, I guess (because I don't know it for sure - ask MoM!!!) you should not exit, because if you do so the EP is lost.
But issuing an EP is possible within one working day, so there is very little need for such a constellation!

Thanks Beppi!

I think i got confused too. I got my approval from MOM and got IPA.

My employer told that they need my latest visit pass and show IPA to custom to get a short term visit pass to ‘request for EP' in order for me to start working (searching through it is a step before getting the real card). Or i should use the wording of ‘notifications letter' from MOM?

But you got my point. My plan is to enter S'pore to get the latest visit pass and short term visit pass to fulfil the above as requested by employer, and leave S'pore before getting the notification letter? I affraid this will create any complications to get the notification letter.

I got your point of MOM just need a day. So I assume it's better to stay over.

Thank you vry much!

I have received my IPA but the e-appointment date  I am getting from ICA  to complete the formalities is after almost after 20 Days . Can I travel out of Singapore for a few days.

You need to get your EP issued before you start work.
Use the IPA as entry visa when you travel to Singapore to get the EP issued and start your job.
If you want to visit Singapore before that and exit again without gettoing the EP issued, you should use another entry visa, not the IPA!

i am not taking up employment as my LTVP has been sponsored by my son, my question is can i travel out of Singapore for a few days on my IPA

Oh, you didn't mention that it is an IPA for an LTVP.
But the same principle applies: use the IPA (as a one-time entry visa) only if you intend to have the LTVP issued. If not, enter on another visa, e.g. SVP (tourist visa).

Hi All.
I need your opinion on how to approach a solution for my dilemma. 
1. I have an IPA valid til feb 10. My visit pass expires feb 4. Which is honored for the last day of my stay here, the visit pass or IPA?
2. My medical clearance will only be issued on March 19. Thing is I can ask for my hiring company to extend my IPA but that will only be for a month, March 10 which is 9 days short for the release of clearance.
3. Given my hiring company can extend my IPA, would that be honored by ICA? Still it will be 9 days overdue...will ICA then honor my medical cert saying my medical result will be released March 19?
4. Who is best to approach to clear/extend my stay...ICA first or wait for my IPA extension then go to ICA...
Appreciate the response. Apologies as im not thinking so clearly now.

Hi all,
Also was there any case that IPA can be extended longer than 1 month?

A medical check and report can be completed within a few days.
Visit another clinic that does it in reasonable time. Then have the IPA converted to EP before Feb. 4. It's plenty of time to solve this problem!

Hi Beppi.
Thank you for replying.
The problem was with my chest xray. Needing clearance and they performed a culture test with 8-10weeks timeline for results. I have a fibrosis and 5 years ago upon my first job here, it was not questioned.
I have changed employer thus the need for the complete medical again


Well, then you have to approach ICA/MoM for a temporary visa to bridge the gap - or you leave the country.

Thank you very much.

Hi Beppi,

I had my IPA extended and so is my short term visit pass. However, the STVP is still short of 9 days prior my final medical result release. If I exit the country, can I use my IPA again to enter? I do have the extension letter from MOM.
On the other hand can my STVP be extended again for another 10 days using my extended IPA as reference (and the doctor's letter if can be used?)


Contact ICA and ask!