S Pass status showed Invalid after 2 days of submission

Hi everyone,

My S Pass submission was done on 10 May 2023, and it showed Invalid, stating. "Your application has not been approved. Please talk to your employer or agent".

I would like to have your advice if it is just the rejection for missing some document supports or it is the rejection after the review of the officer.

We submitted the required document MOM mentioned on 15 May, but the status has still shown as Invalid.

Will the status be changed to pending or be the same till it gets approved or rejected again ?


You sent this tome as private message IN ADDITION to posting it here.

Although this is in line with Singaporean "Kiasu"-ism, we don't like it on this forum, as it wastes the limited time of our volunteers. Did you read the forum rules, which you agreed on when signing up?

Your application will remain "invalid" (=rejected), unless your employer appeals or submits a new application. But, as MoM pointed out in their message, the employer should talk to MoM first!

(Since we have stated this numerous times before, in reply to similar questions, you could have easily found the answer by reading existing forum discussions. Why didn't you?)

@beppi Thank you for the answer.

@jaden789 Is it renewal or new application? How old are you now and how much the basic salary offered by your employer? These are some of the involved in Spass application aside from the documents needed.

@San Antonio83 It is a new application, and the salary requirement for my age is met.

Qualified at SAT as well.

I would like to know if the status would be turned to "pending" or still shown as "Invalid" until it is approved.

Thanks so much.

Going by application status at MoM website,

  1. Pending -> Approved
  2. Pending -> Rejected
  3. Pending -> Rejected -> Approved (after Appeal)

After your employer did the appeal then your status would remain the same. It would only change to Approved or Rejected based on final outcome. Good luck

@surya2k Thank you very much for the kind reply. :)

Hi @jaden how is u S pass now ?