U.S. Dollar to Vietnam Đồng Exchange Rate

I got 23,330 at Sacombank this morning & 23,130 from Schwab at atm a couple of days back! With a 2.13 usd ATM fee rebate

After I made the previous post, I made my payday withdrawals:

At MB Bank for ₫5,000,000 VNĐ I was charged a ₫49,500 VNĐ ATM fee.

5,049,500 Vietnamese dong total on Google search (now, about 90 minutes later):

$215.10 United States

But I was only charged:

$215.02 from Schwab

So unlike you, I have to wait till April 30th for my rebate of ATM fee, which should then be $2.11 (at the exchange rate when I withdrew).


-    $2.11

$212.90 for ₫5,000,000 VNĐ

In spite of Google search results, my actual exchange rate at MB Bank ATM on Schwab Visa debit (USA domestic account) was about

₫23,485 to $1 USD

It looks as if I profited 0.08¢ on the deal.

So much for the naysayers who say I must be paying a hidden exchange fee to Visa.

CHANGED DAYS......my great FX money change shop for many happy years this morning, 23,300 usd. Sacombank 23,385 usd.

CHANGED DAYS......my great FX money change shop for many happy years this morning, 23,300 usd. Sacombank 23,385 usd.

Dang, I feel for you, GOB 🥹

Oh for those days when we were not worthy and you were always pulling down ₫200 to ₫600 more than us mere mortals. 😉😉😉

I'm gonna have to find another god...



"The Treasury Department reiterated this week that the U.S. could become unable to pay its bills on time as soon as June 1 if Congress doesn't raise the debt limit." - WSJ

If the US defaults on debt, the dollar is expected to fall.

Should expats start converting USD to local (or other) currencies before this happens, or even if it doesn't happen since raising the debt limit obviously does not solve the root problem.

Is it time to ditch the dollar?

@jayrozzetti23 Never underestimate the mighty US Dollar............ there is a reason everybody wants them, and most of the world's commodities are sold in USD.   USD-VND 23,545........that's a far cry from when. it was when I started investing in Vietnam - back then it was 10,000 VND to a USD   Peace

Breaking through resistance set last February:


GOB, your bus ticket just got a bit cheaper, eh?

A new high for the past year:


this morning at Sacombank


There you go...


    There you go...

Just did an FX Usd to VND............................Not quite 25,000 but nearly at 24,936. Life is good, god bless the good old USD.

        There you go...screenshot_20240403_163631_chrome8682842949382896826.jpg-@OceanBeach92107

Just did an FX Usd to VND............................Not quite 25,000 but nearly at 24,936. Life is good, god bless the good old USD.


Good on ya mate! (as my Aussie friends like to say).

I like to post the "mid-market" rate, because it's always what I receive at ATMs here when withdrawing VND from my Schwab USD account.

Are you charged a FOREX fee? When I send to my ACB USD account and then "buy" VND for my ACB Visa debit domestic account, I seem to recall I get hit with a small fee.

I haven't done so in quite some time, so my memory is foggy on that.

            There you go...screenshot_20240403_163631_chrome8682842949382896826.jpg-@OceanBeach92107Just did an FX Usd to VND............................Not quite 25,000 but nearly at 24,936. Life is good, god bless the good old USD.        -@goodolboy

Good on ya mate! (as my Aussie friends like to say).

I like to post the "mid-market" rate, because it's always what I receive at ATMs here when withdrawing VND from my Schwab USD account.

Are you charged a FOREX fee? When I send to my ACB USD account and then "buy" VND for my ACB Visa debit domestic account, I seem to recall I get hit with a small fee.

I haven't done so in quite some time, so my memory is foggy on that.


Not sure OB, I don't see any fee on my statement. It just asks me how much VND I want to buy, then it says to check the exchange rate, then fire in my Mcode & the deal is done. I cant see any fee on my statement.

Actual exchange I did at Sacombank this morning 25,025 vnd to 1 usd

    Actual exchange I did at Sacombank this morning 25,025 vnd to 1 usd


Very good!

I see the mid-market rate peaked at ₫25,110 this morning and is currently sitting at ₫25,095 VNĐ