
Homes in Praia Cape Verde


How much does a home cost in Praia Cape verde in the inner centre of cape Verde. I live in Baltimore, MD and is retiring.

See also

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Hi Hopey1,

Praia (the capital city) is extremely large and has quite a few districts and is the largest population center in Cape Verde. It's not necessarily known as an attractive retirement destination so I'm curious as to why an American would even consider retirement in Praia (where are you getting the information which lead you to select Praia?)

To answer your question: it depends. If you select a poor neighborhood, you can find a home for well under $20,000. But you'd find yourself in an unsafe neigborhood in a shabby home. In the most sought after neighborhoods, you'd likely find a very nice, posh 2-3 bedroom recently built apartment for $100-200,000. A used 1-bedroom apartment one of the best neighborhoods in Praia can be had for $50-60,000.

You will need to focus on apartments because there isn't land available to build the houses that are typical of the American suburbs, but if you wanted to buy such a property, they do exist and you'd probably be looking at over $500,000 (almost impossible to find because there is no supply).

Hope that gives you an idea. But the best way to deal with this is simply to hire a real estate agent.

Still curious why any foreigner would seek to retire in Praia though. Retirees coming to Cape Verde typically go to the island of Sal (if you want to enjoy a very active retirement) as it has the most modern/international offerings and has the best infrastructure of all the islands, but it is definitely not a cheap destination. Or if you want a quiet returement, you might instead select Fogo, Brava (close to Fogo), Maio (close to Praia).



Hopey1 wrote:

How much does a home cost in Praia Cape verde in the inner centre of cape Verde. I live in Baltimore, MD and is retiring.


Hi CV Angelo
I haven't been to Cape Verde and reading  about it I was interested and doing my geneology I learned that I'm Creo Portuguese. I live in the city their are homes all around. I like to shop and the malls and markets are all convenient so I wanted to know what Praia is like. Where can I find this similarity in Cape Verde.
Thank you Hopey1