Coronavirus in Ecuador

It is already too late, but thanks for the heads up. The ONLY time the classes are being offered is this weekend, until June. No classes, no wedding later this month. UNless the church decides to reschedule. I'll let my wife know down there, since she is doing the legwork.

As for the beach situation, I live between 1 to 3 hours away from all points on the Jersey Shore (I live around an hour & 15min north of Philadelphia & I usually fly out of Newark Int'l Airport), plus my uncle has a condo down there. The problem is that I am 45 & have been going there for 45 years of my life. I'm bored. Trying to convince the girls (12 & 15) that a beach location only 100 miles away from the ecuador might be a better choice.


Dagretto wrote:

As for the beach situation, I live between 1 to 3 hours away from all points on the Jersey my uncle has a condo down there. The problem is that I am 45 & have been going there for 45 years of my life. I'm bored. Trying to convince the girls (12 & 15) that a beach location (in) ecuador might be a better choice.

Top ten reasons why teen and pre-teen girls might prefer the Manta beach experience
    over the Jersey Shore in the month of June...

10.  It's summertime in Manta, temps in the low 80's.  Water may still be chilly at the Jersey Shore.

9.  Get to put into practice their español studies, flirting with the teenage guapos.

8.  Fiancée/wife may drop by, creating a blended family experience.

7.  Get to watch the Ecuadorians celebrate the end of el pandémico.

6.  Uncle's Jersey condo is well-trod property.  Manta is a brand new experience.

5.  How is Dad going to be the life of the party if he's bored in Jersey?!

4.  Restaurants, shops and seafood markets line the Scenic Boardwalk a.k.a. el Malecón Escénico at the Manta beachfront.

3.  Room service inexpensive in Manta.  Can order up plenty of shrimp and guava juice without breaking the budget.

2.  Can enjoy watching or participating in great water sports in Manta .. with amazing waves for surfing on offer.  Top attraction on the Jersey Shore is gambling, and the girls are too young to legally do that.

And the number-one reason the girls may choose Manta over the Jersey Shore....

1.  Coolest thing for selfies, Instagram and other social media:  visiting the Panama hat factory outside of Manta .. and wearing Panama hats to the wedding!

Again, thank you so very much. Naomi

Thanks for the tips!


Cancellation of Emergency Declaration For Ecuador

Ecuador will end its emergency-declaration measures three weeks early -- this Friday, April 9th, at midnight -- by order of its Constitutional Court.

The measures imposed by the emergency declaration include curfews and restrictions on driving and liquor sales. 

Presidente Moreno had wanted the declaration to remain in effect until April 30.  He cited covid spread as the reason for declaring an emergency.

The restrictions end just as Ecuadorians, and a few Expats, prepare to go to the polls on April 11 in a run-off election that will choose the next presidente de la República.


Forty percent of the people scheduled for covid vaccinations in Ecuador are not showing up for the shots.

Health ministry officials realize the need to educate the public on the importance of vaccinations to combat the spread of covid.

Nevertheless, health minister Mauro Antonio Falconí says the outlook is good to have most people in Ecuador vaccinated by late May.


The revolving door of Ecuadorian health ministers just keeps on swinging.

El presidente has just fired Mauro Falconí, who was on the job a mere 19 days, after a Falconí order led to five-hour waits for covid shots.

Falconí had the week from hell.  A few days ago he contracted covid and has been recovering at home.

The previous health minister also was dispatched after 19 days.  We've lost track of how many health ministers have come and gone during the first months of this year.

Presidente Moreno may have appointed his last health minister -- the head of Los Ríos province was his choice this time -- as the people will choose Moreno's replacement this weekend in a presidential runoff election.  Moreno is not running for re-election.


Ecuador appears to be on the brink of imposing covid-related curfews in the provinces where its major cities are located, 16 provinces in all.

The curfews would start at 8 p.m. weekday nights with extended curfews on weekends including daytime hours.

The Emergency Operating Committee is recommending the curfews .. and various organizations are supporting it, even urging a stricter lockdown.  Presidente Moreno is expected to authorize the curfews with a new declaration of national emergency.

The four-week curfew would last from this Friday, April 23, through May 20.  There are some exceptions that would be allowed to take place during the curfew weeks.


It's occurring in Colombia too, at least in Cali, where they've had an 8pm to 5am curfew for the last several days.  Once one locality starts, another one copies, and it spreads - faster than covid-19!

I am seeing things getting worse here in the foreigner community. About 50% take precautions, the other 50% probably thinking lighting  a candle and doing yoga will stop them getting Covid.

Also hearing from family in Guayaquil, things are bad bad again

I do not know to which community you refer. If it is to Vilcabamba, indeed, the incredibly stupid Americans here, many of them would prefer the Yoga, you are correct.  The Europeans here tend to sometimes wear masks, but some of them have concerns about certain Covid vaccines.  We have all heard these concerns in the news, so cannot blame them on that count. But some people, of all ethnic groups, are prone to believing BS such as, the vaccines will change your DNA and other falsehoods.  Such a shame that, at such an important time when we should all be acting together, we are so divided.

cccmedia wrote:

[C]ovid-related curfews (are expected) in the provinces where its major cities are located, 16 provinces in all.

The curfews ... start at 8 p.m. weekday nights with extended curfews on weekends including daytime hours.

The four-week curfew would last from this Friday, April 23, through May 20.

As expected, Ecuador's president has declared a state of emergency .. with four weeks of curfews that include extensive weekend lockdowns

By my math, 102 of any week's 168 hours are curfew hours. 

"The weekend curfew is total
," according to Cuenca Highlife reporting.  It is from 8 p.m. tomorrow, Friday (April 23), through 5 a.m. Monday (April 26) and for the same Friday-Monday hours during the coming weekends.

More details, including allowable weekday exceptions to the curfews, at ...

  -- cccmedia

The latest Cuenca Highlife story appears to have an important error in the first paragraph about the weekday curfew hours in Ecuador's affected provinces.

Later in the story the hours are apparently corrected.

I believe the weekday curfews are correctly stated as 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.

  -- cccmedia

Updating .. I emailed the editorial staff at Cuenca Highlife about the error.  It has now been corrected.

Traveling to Ecuador?  In this post we have an update on entering La República, courtesy of immigration attorney Andrés Córdova, as of April 20 (2021), based on the government guidelines as revised last month....

1.  To enter Ecuador by air, bring a medical certificate showing you have received both shots of a covid vaccine.

2.  Absent the certificate, you may show proof of a negative covid test (RT-PCR) done within three days before air travel.

3.  If you have recovered from covid and do not have covid symptoms, bring proof of being symptom-free as documented medically in the country of origin within 30 days of flying to Ecuador.

4.  While Ecuador is "open," mask wearing is required in public spaces.  (The report was issued just as the new curfews were ordered in 16 provinces that include the major cities.)

Dr. Córdova's report is e-published at .. as 'Ecuador Covid Update'.  Gary Scott is an investor, businessman and newsletter publisher formerly based in Cotacachi, Ecuador.  Dr. Córdova is legal counsel to the Central Bank of Ecuador, among other clients.


The new Ecuador curfews started tonight in 16 provinces, including the largest cities of Ecuador.

Home food deliveries are allowed unrestricted as an essential service.

Parks are open during non-curfew hours;  sports practice fields are closed.

Doctor visits are permitted, although technically proof of the visit is required.

Via a Q-and-A post titled 'Rules of the Health emergency curfew', more about the rules and the curfew exceptions is revealed at

After the curfew began this weekend, Dom was walking his dog in Quito when he was approached by a policía.

Dom explained to the cop he was just walking his dog.

"Do you want three years," said the officer matter-of-factly.  "And pull up your mask!" he added as he walked away.


The incident is anecdotal while indicating that the authorities are taking the weekend and nighttime lockdowns seriously.

Dom is Domenick Buonamici, a USA Expat known for his Second Passport and Ecuador Citizenship writing and his YouTube channel "Mr. Second Passport."

Source... a mass-email from Mr. Second Passport

cccmedia wrote:

After the curfew began this weekend, Dom was walking his dog in Quito when he was approached by a policía.

Dom explained to the cop he was just walking his dog.

"Do you want three years," said the officer matter-of-factly.  "And pull up your mask!" he added as he walked away.


The incident is anecdotal while indicating that the authorities are taking the weekend and nighttime lockdowns seriously.

Dom is Domenick Buonamici, a USA Expat known for his Second Passport and Ecuador Citizenship writing and his YouTube channel "Mr. Second Passport."

Source... a mass-email from Mr. Second Passport

There was no leaving the home for any non-emergency. No exercising, no walking the dogs.

They are not *** around

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An Ecuadorian health minister who resigned this year .. botched the covid vaccine rollout and other tasks so badly that he has been barred from ever serving in public office again.

Juan Carlos Zevallos served as the national health minister for two years.  Since resigning in scandal in February of this year, he has moved to Miami, Florida.

Ecuador's National Assembly has now voted 129 to 1 to censure Zevallos for non-compliance in the purchase of vaccines, improper allocation of vaccines and seven other charges.

The censure vote means Zevallos may not serve in public office in the future.  The case is now turned over to the Ecuador attorney general for prosecution.

Zevallos attended the censure hearing via Zoom from Miami.


Tens of thousands are flying from Ecuador to the USA for covid shots, primarily to New York City and major cities in Florida, according to Ecuadorian travel agents.

The reasons:  a shortage of covid vaccine in Ecuador .. and the fact that many living in Ecuador prefer the USA-available vaccines over the Russian and Chinese vaccines available in La República.

Some of these travelers are taking advantage of travel packages that include flight, hotel, insurance card and transfer to vaccination sites.

Such travelers mainly prefer the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because it's a one-shot vaccine, so they don't have to stay in the USA for weeks waiting for a second shot.


'Somebody' could make a lot of money taking vaccines to Ecuador and having Vaccine Holidays hooked to a hotel and a required isolation period!     Why is no one doing this?   Would need to be a medical professional leading it of course.

State of emergency ends.

Ecuador's state of emergency ended last night .. and so a weekend curfew and lockdown will not be in effect this weekend (May 21-23).

An overnight vehicular curfew will, however, be in effect from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.

The curfews affected 16 of Ecuador's provinces, including those containing the major cities.

Discos and 'centros de tolerancia' still cannot open .. and restaurants that serve alcoholic drinks accompanied by food must close at midnight.  Liquor stores must close by 8 p.m.

There are still restrictions in effect for major public events.

Source... Jeanne's column at

In his recent campaign for office, new Presidente Lasso promised 9-million would be vaccinated in Ecuador in his first 100 days.

Only 600-thousand are fully vaccinated so far.

Can these numbers be reconciled?

Apparently, the answer is yes.

India and other countries where cases and deaths from covid have dropped .. are shipping various brands of vaccine to Ecuador and other less-advanced countries in large quantities.

Based on the current trend of vaccine availability, everybody in Ecuador who wants a shot can be vaccinated by early September, meaning a full return to pre-pandemic routines is possible shortly after that.


Ecuador's health ministry has plans for 4,217 vaccination sites to distribute the covid vaccines.

Hundreds of these are election polling places.

Seniors who are still unvaccinated will get priority in the vaccine program in June.

Source... Cuenca Highlife website

The Lasso Administration is promoting two web links and preparing to launch a third one .. in support of its efforts to get millions in Ecuador vaccinated against covid in timely fashion.

One link is to be updated each Wednesday in terms of the government's ongoing plan to vaccinate la gente.

The second link is FAQ or frequently asked questions .. and, of course, answers.

A third link will assist foreigners in obtaining vaccinations.  The government says there are half a million foreigners in the country, most of them Venezuelan refugees.  This third link is to be posted later this week.

Here is a link to the first two links,, which appear in the article
titled Government Offers Vaccination Program Details....

Source... Cuenca Highlife website

I have just been notified by my attorney, Sebastian Cordero of Quito, that Ecuador is permitting motorists with expired Ecuadorian licenses to continue to drive in La República through the end of 2021.

My license expired last October 1st while I was on an extended trip back to the U.S.

The reason motorists may drive on an expired license, Sebastian explained, is -- of course -- the pandemic.

Which means that as soon as I can rev up my 2016 Chevy Sail (or hire someone to do it) I can get back on the roads for the time being without having to deal with any of this stuff... off-road classes, on-road driving testing, off-road testing, hearing aids, motor reflex testing, blood testing and paperwork -- most of which I had to deal with when I obtained the license over five years ago.

cccmedia in Quito

I'm in the neighborhood and thinking of stopping by.

- Are outdoor (fresh produce) farmers markets fully open?

- Are people wearing muzzles, face diapers, masks outdoors or at open air venues (parks, markets, etc...)?

lizzaritimonohi2 wrote:

I'm in the neighborhood and thinking of stopping by.

- Are outdoor (fresh produce) farmers markets fully open?

- Are people wearing muzzles, face diapers, masks outdoors or at open air venues (parks, markets, etc...)?

If by "the neighborhood," you mean Gringo-friendly areas of Quito, yes, you can find open market(s) and parks.

Just this evening, I stocked up on fruit at the every-Monday all-day outdoors market  near Riofrío and Venezuela, a few blocks walk from Matovelle swimming pool and the adjacent Basílica.  My purchases included bananas, oranges, melon, fresh pineapple, green grapes, trail mix and persimmons.

I am not seeing anyone wearing a muzzle, but virtually everybody is wearing medical masks indoors and outdoors at all times.  In my recent experience in Quito, proper masking -- meaning both mouth and nose are covered -- is being enforced inside the bank and the supermarket.  Restaurants are sorta lax since you have to remove your mask to eat or drink.  I haven't seen any enforcement of mask wearing in any outdoor scenarios.

cccmedia in Quito

Thanks for the reply. You caught that 'muzzle' remark, eh? :-) Just to clarify, if you don't mind. I am starting training for a competition and high-intensity cardio at high altitude and then a mask on top of that would be a no-go health-wise. Are masks required in gyms? And when you say ...

cccmedia wrote:

... but virtually everybody is wearing medical masks indoors and outdoors at all times.

and later

cccmedia wrote:

I haven't seen any enforcement of mask wearing in any outdoor scenarios.

Can you please clarify that? Thanks much.

Also, I just created a thread regarding the cleanliness of Ecuador produce, since you just stocked up on produce, could you please share your thoughts - if you know. Thanks again.

Wait, I think I get it. You mean that even though you "haven't seen enforcement ... in outdoor scenarios", people still wear the masks when outdoors anyway? So, if don't wear a mask outside, will I be "that guy"?

lizzaritimonohi2 wrote:

And when you say ...

cccmedia wrote:

... but virtually everybody is wearing medical masks indoors and outdoors at all times.

and later

cccmedia wrote:

I haven't seen any enforcement of mask wearing in any outdoor scenarios.

Can you please clarify that? Thanks much.

Yes.  The clarification is this... 

Here in Quito, almost everybody I have seen in recent weeks is wearing a mask while outdoors.  However, it's voluntary.  Nobody is enforcing mask-wearing outdoors in my experience.  That is in contrast to the guards and doormen at banks and stores, where one is typically greeted at the door with a spritz of hand-spray and a visual inspection of mask positioning.  Some places add a temperature check to that regimen, which involves pointing a heat-seeking device at a body part at close range.  You don't feel a thing.


The Ecuadorian government has announced that non-essential public employees who are fully vaccinated may return to the workplace on July 1st.  That's less than two days away.  The decision affects more than half the public workforce.  Essential workers have already been on the job.  Many of the non-essentials have been precluded from entering their offices for over a year.

The current health minister, Ximena Garzón, says the covid vaccines have proved "remarkably effective."

Some private-company employees are also affected by this development, which was decided by Ecuador's national emergency operating committee.


The U.S. government is donating two million doses of covid vaccine to Ecuador, starting next week.

Presidente Lasso has thanked President Biden .. saying these doses are crucial to the goal of vaccinating nine million in Ecuador by September.

75 percent of Ecuador's elderly and vulnerable populations have been vaccinated as of now (July 1, 2021).

More than four millions doses were administered as of the end of June, according to Ecuador's health ministry.  To date, the vaccines administered are from Pfizer, AstroZenica and Sinovac.


Officials in the Galapagos Islands, which are part of Ecuador, have announced that 100 percent of the 25,000 residents over the age of 16 have been vaccinated against covid-19.

Members of the governing council say they met little resistance as the islands' residents recognized how important it is to start bringing worldwide tourism in the Galapagos back to pre-Situation levels.

Ecuador's health minister, Ximena Garzón, says the Galapagos vax campaign is "a fabulous success."

There was a 17 percent increase in June tourist visits over May, although tourism remains low in the Galapagos Islands compared to what it was before 2020.  It's down about two-thirds compared to the pre-Situation era.


Thanks for the news.  Have the chinese invaded the islands yet?

Presidente Lasso has declared a state of emergency for Ecuador's largest city, Guayaquil, and El Oro Province.

El Oro is a southern province on the Pacific Ocean whose capital, Machala, is located near Tumbes, Peru.

The reason for the emergency order is the emergence of a strain of coronavirus, called the delta strain, that has produced new cases in Guayas and El Oro provinces.

Physician groups had called for a nationwide lockdown.  Sr. Lasso's response is more moderate.

The emergency order is complex and the rules for the restrictions (in effect now until July 28th) vary between the two jurisdictions, so we refer you to our source for these developments,, where specifics are available.  The article is dated today, July 14, 2021.


There has been a surge of people in Guayaquil seeking vaccinations following news of the delta variant of covid-19. 

None of the ten people affected by the outbreak had been fully vaccinated.  Five of these ten people in Guayaquil and in El Oro province .. have died. 

Only one had received a vaccine shot, just two days before testing positive, too soon for the vaccination to take full effect.  Among the deceased, ages 40 to 70, all of them had pre-conditions such as diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and anemia.

The mayor of Guayaquil has announced that the city is opening new vaccination centers to meet public demand.


Record numbers of vaccine-seekers showed up this week for shots, following the reports that the delta covid variant had arrived in La República.

On Friday alone, a record 336,000 shots were administered.

The supply of vaccines has been adequate to meet demand.  Two million individual shot-doses of Pfizer vaccine arrived in Ecuador this week.

Fear is a motivating factor, according to a Ministry of Health adviser.

In the coming week, the age of eligibility for covid vaccinations drops below 40;  hundreds of thousands of refugees from outside Ecuador will be eligible as well.


An Ecuadorian health official says that the delta-variant cases are largely due to people streaming into the country in a continual flow from Peru where there is "a large-scale outbreak" of cases.

Zonal 7 health director Isabel Cueva says these refugees are avoiding border blockades by making 'informal' (i.e. illegal) crossings into Ecuador, reaching El Oro and Guayas Provinces.

Over 100 people are being quarantined and observed for possible delta-case covid in Ecuador's southern provinces.


Ecuador's surge in vaccinations since last week has made the country number-one internationally in vaccinations per capita in recent days.

Of every 100 persons, an average of 1.83 have received covid vaccinations during each of recent days.

One Ecuadorian health official says Ecuadorian people -- prompted by last week's arrival of the delta variant -- have become well aware of the importance of getting vaccinated.


Ecuador is on track to have vaccinated 75 percent of its population by the end of September, according to the Bloomberg vaccine tracker.

The Lasso Administration had pledged to vaccinate nine million people in Ecuador in the administration's first 100 days.

Source... Bloomberg

Wikipedia data:

The population of Ecuador is 17.7 million (March 2021 estimate).

Presidente Lasso was inaugurated on May 24, 2021.