
Following your life partner in the Philippines


Hi everyone,

If love can move mountains, it also makes people move abroad, in countries such as Philippines.
Following your life partner in a country with different customs and rules is an act of absolute trust and may require a period of adaptation.
This is why we would like to have your opinion to answer these questions and thus help future expats who are preparing to follow the same track by moving in the Philippines.

What preparation do you have, or do you advise, to do before your departure in order to make the best of this experience?

What challenges have you faced? In what areas (finding a job, socialization, well-being)? How did you overcome them?

What is the outcome of this experience for you? Would you do it again if the opportunity arose?

Has your relationship with your beloved changed since your expatriation in the Philippines? Do you have any advice on this subject?

If your expatriation involved children, how did you manage to maintain a family balance in the face of this life change?

Thanks for your contribution!


See also

Traveling to the Philippines with your petRemovals - UK to PhilippinesMoving to the PhilippinesPhilippines Mandatory Mobile Phone SIM Card Registration By Mid 2023Returning to Baguio and Ilocos Sur

When we first married and I visited the place in the province where my wife's family lived I found the place to be beautiful, but too remote. We saw the house of the German who had married a Filipina. Something had happened and the building stopped. The columns of the house had stood for years covered in vines and the entire place was overgrown and it was clear that no one would ever finish that house. That image stuck in my mind and for a long time. It put me off ever living in the Philippines.

Years later I shocked my wife when I told her that we should move back to the Philippines. I did it so the three of us could be together and she could be with her family. The three of us have never spent a day apart in ten years.


I've seen "Huge" vacant residences especially near Lipata Hills.
No one lives there & seems to just rot away....looks very sad indeed!


manwonder wrote:

I've seen "Huge" vacant residences especially near Lipata Hills.
No one lives there & seems to just rot away....looks very sad indeed!

Then there's the one directly opposite my home & 80% completed. (Betrayal)
In fact there's even one jus behind my home with 4 huge beams implanted into the ground....they were already there when I first started building my home in 2013. (Love on the rocks not sure but most likely!)


Look in any town or city, even Makati, you will find abandoned building sites. Its a Philippines phenomenon and not restricted to foreigners.


Munchie wrote:

Look in any town or city, even Makati, you will find abandoned building sites. Its a Philippines phenomenon and not restricted to foreigners.

Lost fortunes and abandoned dreams.

Some of the biggest and most beautiful houses have the anchor symbol on them.

They are now taking a hard hit. Most of them have not "made it" yet. Spending months and years away from family and now I hear many being sent home without pay.


Yes its sad to see all  these vacant houses for whatever reason!

As for my home it has the 'seagull' motif plastered on the walls!


Wilhelm van der Kolk

Hi Loic.

I found my wife by I,m 74 years old now.
I came, 8 years ago, 2 months to the Philippines to learn her and the situation in this country.
I went back to Holland and know, that i like to live in the Phils. But after 3 years, i don,t like to marry, i was feeling that she had me for my money. I could take care for her 3 children, 2 grandchildren and her brother. I ask her, can they not go to work? The answer was no, while i promissed my mother that i take care for them. So i  run away from her. I rented a house and found my new girlfriend. 5 years ago.
She,s a widow with 4 andult children. All working. So she came and we lived together till now
3 years ago i sold my house i Holland. We bye a lot in the mountains and build our own small house
25km from Cebu -city. It,s all on her name. But i have a lease contract for the rest off my life. My caregiver/girlfriend cannot  push me out off the house. She or her children cannot sell the house as long as i live. My girlfriend is also taking care for her granddaughter some days a week.
So till now i,m happy with my life and the climat is good for my body. And she can never came to my money/pension. That,s my privat. She knows and accepted that.
Now my partner started a cooperation with 30 neighbour farmers. They save every week a small money and use a part of our lot to plant vegetables. So we try to learn the people to save for the future or moments that they need money for medication or aducation for the children.


So maybe "love" leads one to 'buy' a lot in the mountains, rather than it actually being able to 'move' mountains!....Great post Wilhelm VDK ..agreed with many of your key pointers!



Yes, great post indeed Wilhelm.


Wilhelm van de Kolk, U Da Man!

Wilhelm van der Kolk

Thanks everyone for the positive reactions. Mabey you can give the message to new people who want to live in the Phills, before they make mistakes.