Income Requirement

I am just wondering if it is cheaper to retire now day's to Brazil for U.S. citizens?I have read that with the current exchange rate it would be around 6000 real ($1082.56)but have also read the income requirement is $2000 U.S?

For a Retirement Visa, yes it is $2,000.00 U$D/mo.
Now you can come to BR and obtain permeant residency for less, but you go through the CRNM process. You will need many documents translated and apostle.
But both have similar requirements
There is a post on retirement in brazil and many posts on CRNM.

The income requirement is set in USD, not BRL, so it doesn't alter with the exchange rate.

There are other ways to qualify for a CRNM, but they all require either a large investment,  an employment contract, or a familial connection to a Brazilian.

The  law for Imigration was changed in 2018 no more retirement permanent visa.  If they have reversed it I haven't heard of that happening. Best to call the Brazilian Embasey in your country to make sure.

NewBrazil wrote:

The  law for Imigration was changed in 2018 no more retirement permanent visa.  If they have reversed it I haven't heard of that happening. Best to call the Brazilian Embasey in your country to make sure.

The new Authorization for Residency on the  Basis of Retirement was enacted by a Portaria at the end of last year.  Neither the full regulations to implement it nor the temporary visa that will be designated to take advantage of it seem to have been finalized yet, however.  What we know about it is included in the Portaria, and detailed in the messages above.