Interviews of Nairobi expats

Hi everyone,

I am a master student in the university of La Sorbonne in Paris. I also work as a research student at the French Institute for Eastern African Studies and I currently live in  Nairobi.
I am working on a thesis about : "the pandemic in the lives of expatriates".
To write this thesis, I would need to interview some expatriates, living in Nairobi.
The interview will be anonymous and won't take more than 30 minutes.
We can do it by WhatsApp or Zoom conference.
It will help me a lot if some of you could give me some their time.
Have a great day,

Hello ElodiePalayer,

To help you gather more information for your research about ''the pandemic in the lives of expatriates'', I invite you to post an advert in the Nairobi classifieds > Testimonies section.




It is an interesting thesis subject. But why put yourself in such barriers by saying that you only want to interview expats living in Nairobi ...


Thank you very much for your answer. I don't want to interview only the expats. Any resident of Nairobi is interesting to interview but we are on so I asked for expats naturally..

Beautiful female pirouette.  However, in a purely academic hypothesis, I find that you should widen your area of ​​action.

Enfin, amuse toi bien et bonne chance

"female pirouette"?
Just asking for expatriates testimony on a website called "".
As you are apparently a sociology specialist, I chose to interview as much people as possible but I chose to work particularly on expats because :
1. It's a field I have access to
2. Interpersonal relationships are changing with the virus (inside the families and also for employers and housekeepers/gardeners/nannies relationships) and that's pretty interesting to study
3. I work for one of the major research lab in Africa and they already have people researching in more "tough" areas and they are more legitimate than me to work on that.

I could continue but I don't really see the point. Thanks for your advice anyway, you should try to write a thesis yourself, you seem to have pretty good ideas.


Here is an answer as I like them.

Clear, clean and precise ... :one

There is also the perspective of expats like myself who are stuck in the UK, have family and property in Kenya and at this point, no idea when travel might be possible.

Hi, am an expatriate living in Nairobi. am ready to give interview for life of an expatriate in pandemic.

Either on zoom or comfortable.



I m an expat in Nairobi and is ready to give interview for your topic but am not hearing anything from your side. I think you are done with your interviews.....

Hello Fardin Khan,

Maybe you should send a private message to ElodiePalayer.  :top:


Expat.Com Team.

May I know, how to send a private message, I don't know how to send private message on

Fardin Khan wrote:

May I know, how to send a private message, I don't know how to send private message on


You just have to tick on avatar picture of the message is insteresting you.

Thank You for the information for sending private message.