Entry ban for passengers from six counties lifted
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Here the link to the article in Khmer Times of today:
https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50725246/a … digest_289
Read it well.
There are two catches to this good news. 1, "$50k health cover" : no insurance company is issuing health or travel insurance which will cover the virus since they always have exclusion clauses for existing issues - they say insurance is for 'unforeseen events '. 2, good luck anyone getting a commercial flight right now from Europe or anywhere else apart from Korea or China.....
1. Plenty of people have managed to get a 50k insurance covering Covid-19
2. Several airlines will start flights from June 1.
3. I would be more worried about getting the certificate of covid negative. Some institutions don't offer this service (e.g. Pasteur Institute).
But still this is good news.
Yes good news, I am guessing by June everything will have eased up a bit. Regarding a certificate, I can go to a local clinic and get tested, and get a letter saying it's a negative test, is that what they want?
And on the subject of good news for those of us traveling from Australasia....https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/travellers-to-gradually-be-allowed-to-transit-through-changi-airport-from-june-2
No, it has to be a certified official institute, like Pasteur in Cambodia, not a local clinic.
If you mean a local clinic can take the samples and send it to the official institute, you still have the problem that they won't supply you with the health certificate.
Hi Joe I’m curious. In the article it says individuals from the six countries do you assume this to mean traveling from those countries or passports from those countries? It only says “from” in the article.
Also does this imply that travelers from every other country was able to enter anyway, not being banned?
mpmilestogo wrote:Hi Joe I’m curious. In the article it says individuals from the six countries do you assume this to mean traveling from those countries or passports from those countries? It only says “from” in the article.
Realize that what we read is a translation from Khmer to English.
If the original says "people" it could mean travellers, citizens or both.
Don't trust the translation too much and realize that officials could give another meaning to words than we would do based on the translation.
As no people from the 6 countries were allowed to get in it shows they mean all people, travelers and citizens.
hdgh29 wrote:Also does this imply that travelers from every other country was able to enter anyway, not being banned?
Yes, as stated in the thread about the ban people from other countries could enter if they had all documentation, insurance plus a quarantine on arrival.
But not many flights coming in so not many people came in.
Yep! Understand. I’m in no hurry to leave Hanoi. I can’t anyways. I’ll just go to Saigon instead in a week. Thanks! Wish they would state explicitly the meaning though so others could plan. Take care Joe. See you sometime for the beer.
Latest info is that ALL arriving passengers will be quarantined.
Reason is 2 imported cases of covid-19 after 7 weeks of no cases.
I guess the quarantine would not be good for tourists who had a time limit on their stay, but personally I am planning on a long term residence so a couple of weeks locked up on a strict diet would just be part of the adventure...might even lose some weight!
I know this Cambodia forum but Vietnam has announced evisa programs will begin again for 80 different countries on 1 July. I hope this signals relaxing of limits across the region. Especially into Cambodia then or shortly after.
https://vietnaminsider.vn/vietnam-to-gr … -july-1st/
Just as an update. My Vietnamese friends let me know that this is separate from opening the borders. So while evisa can be granted at land, sea and air borders those borders are still closed for access. Basically no one can get in across the borders even in July.
Sorry mate but that doesn't make sense. Why issue visas if you can't use them? Here is a quote from the Tuoi Tre news article:
"The resolution also details eight airports, 16 land border gates, and 13 sea border gates where foreigners can enter and exit Vietnam with an e-visa."
It sounds like the borders will be open from July 1st, or do you read it differently?
The policy according to Vietnam immigration and visa agents opens evisas to 80 countries. It does not open borders. You can read about it on the FB hanoi massive group. There are many visa and travel agents there.
Guys can we agree on something?
After many posts about Vietnam can we please stop posting them here on the Cambodia forum?
It can be quite confusing for other forum members who are looking for info about Cambodia.
Thanks a lot.
Any projections for late July/August? I looked, but only stuff about them using 4 and 5-star hotels... :-)
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … =5#4901474
Here you find info about traveling to Cambodia.
It seems this will be the rule for a few months.
JoeKhmer wrote:https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=498618&p=5#4901474
Here you find info about traveling to Cambodia.
It seems this will be the rule for a few months.
I wonder if the number of arriving passengers is low enough so that they can be kept separated after arrival? Otherwise, if one passenger tests positive, the passengers of multiple flights arriving at about the same time would have to be quarantined, since they could potentially have come into contact (in the arrival hall).
Yes that's a fact
After having lost a job in China, and spending a month in Cambodia before taking a position in Vietnam that was also lost, both to CV, I am glad to hear your report that the country is back open. I hope to have a working retirement there beginning early next Spring.
Can you advise me about some 3000.00 fee I have heard rumors about and read about. I was told that it is a deposit made when you arrive with no guarantee of when or how you get it back. I need this clarified by a trusted source....I did see the CV screening and the insurance rrequirement. Is this in addition to that?
Cambodia333 wrote:Can you advise me about some 3000.00 fee I have heard rumors about and read about. I was told that it is a deposit made when you arrive with no guarantee of when or how you get it back. I need this clarified by a trusted source....I did see the CV screening and the insurance rrequirement. Is this in addition to that?
Yes, it's in addition
+ fees for tests and hotel (minimum $150) + 14 days of quarantine for everybody (probably fees to pay for quarantine too !).
Hello Cambodia333
Here is a link to all information: https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … =5#4901474
The $3000 is a deposit, used to pay all costs involved.
If all passengers in your group are covid negative you can go to your own address and get self-quarantaine.
If one of the passengers in your group tests positive all passengers will go in a state=appointed quarantaine hotel, and of course on your own costs.
Don't believe any rumour that it's not sure that you get the deposit back.
After the last negative test on day 13 you get your money back less made expenses.
And last but not least... how to get a visa?
The embassy in Paris doesn't issue tourist visa anymore even now.
No tourist visas are issued at all.
You can only apply for an Ordinary visa if you have an invitation from an employer or a job.
JoeKhmer wrote:No tourist visas are issued at all.
You can only apply for an Ordinary visa if you have an invitation from an employer or a job.
Plus, doesn’t it have to be an ‘important or necessary function’? Which means there’s little to no chance you’ll get a visa for a teaching job.
If you have a job, confirmed by the school, you could get an Ordinary visa. I say could as all schools are closed, so not really a good reason to ask for a visa.
Hey, Thanks for all the good work. Will stay abreast of any new changes and updates.
I hope to meet you in person one day. When I do, drinks and/or dinner are on me.
ETA, Spring of next year, and possibly sooner for a shorter stay before then.
Thanks, better stick to drinks then as I always eat expensive food
Nobody knows what happens and what regulations will be changed or abandoned, keep yourself informed about changes.
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