
Leave Mauritius


Hello all,

I have worked in Mauritius since more than 1 year and wish to go home on July or August
What should I know about the laws in Mauritius about my right?

Thank you

See also

Invest in MauritiusRetiring in MauritiusTraveling to MauritiusInvesting in a project under Vente en l'état future d'achèvementMarriage certificate and South African Police Clearance

Are you on a work permit or occupation permit?
Did you sign a contract with your employer?
Do you plan to resign , leave your job and go home or to go on a visit?
What are the terms and conditions in your contract about terminating your contract or vacation time ?

Those are the questions to which you should already have answers. Otherwise give us more information .


Hello! thanks for your answer
I am here with an occupation permit. Contract duration is 3years but I have cancel it, so I am already in notice period
I wish to go back to mada definetely, not for vacation



Page #19  in this document and most probably in your contract signed with you remployer : … g-2019.pdf

The only issue would be whether the employer pays for your return  ticket and for this you should enquire with the EDB.
In addition, the border is still closed and you may not be able to get a flight for Madagascar