
International Postal Services Suspension.


Does anyone have any concrete information regarding what the Hell is going on with international postal services into & ex-Cambodia? I run an international mail order business based in Siem Reap. I've been neither able to send,nor receive mail since May. The Post Office keeps fobbing me off with vague excuses about EMS not being able to send or receive anything (except from China of course) due to [varying] excuses about Coronavirus quarantining or alternatively, their inability to fly mail out because no planes are flying that they can use as carriers.

It's absurd either way you cut it; we seem to have an indestructible link to china, but they claim that they cannot parcel out to anywhere else in the world.

Anyone have any info as to what the reality is or know of someone providing an international parcel service? (NOT DHL, who demand that I open every package so they can examine the contents, which ruins the presentation & packaging of the product & is both rude & counterproductive- not to mention a bloody great hassle to fix in their office after they've ripped everything apart).

I cannot believe that international mail services are suspended until further notice & am interested to hear from anyone who knows more about the situation or has run into the same problem.

I have customers worldwide, who've paid for their orders & have been waiting for almost two months for confirmation of dispatch & all I can offer them are virtually unbelievable, flakey excuses on behalf of Cambodia Post. Even for Cambodia, this situation seems absurd & unbelievable.

Cheers & peace all.

See also

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Cambodia Post has suspended international mail and don't use airplanes anymore til further notice.

The only options are DHL and Fedex, expensive and not very customer friendly as you stated already.




Thanks Joe,

Direct as usual. What a bloody pain in the arse, but if you don't mind I might make your response the one I send my poor bloody clients. 🤟