How to apply for Vietnamese citizenship through Vietnamese wife?

Hi everyone,

The topic pretty much says it all.  I am married to a Vietnamese woman and have been living in Vietnam on various visas for about 4 years.  I am currently living here on a 5 year marriage exemption visa.  I would really love to get my Vietnamese passport mostly so I don't have to leave/do extensions every 6 months.  I am really having problems finding information on how to even begin the process. 

Has anyone gone through this in Saigon?  Any help on where to start would be very appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Not possible. *** Need a blood-Vietnamese parent.

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Why would you want a VN passport?

Get a three year TRC for 150 usd, a much better way to go.

This close to impossible. There is only one case, I know abit about, that a couple received somehow a honorary Vietnamese citizenship and in another case, a partner received somehow a honorary residence, which somehow every 10 years gets in the PM offices renewed.
Theoretical you can apply after so 10 years in Vietnam - with a registered address, at your local people committee.
There is also a public viewable law to that, did read a bit in there over 10 years ago, but put aside as never relevant ... hurdles .... Not applicable for anyone, who must ask such a question

Check out item 6.


colinoscapee wrote:

Check out item 6.


That reads to simple to be true. The law I had ages ago ... was a lot more complex

colinoscapee wrote:

Check out item 6.


Tiny_63 wrote:

That reads to simple to be true. The law I had ages ago ... was a lot more complex

Actually, it's one of the most simple laws in this country, and after the last modification in 2014, it's still valid today. 

The most difficult part of the citizenship law is not the length of stay, the marriage to a Vietnam national, the proof of your ability to maintain a stable life in this country, the compliance with its Constitution and laws, its traditions, customs, and practices, or the adoption of a legal Vietnamese name. 

No siree, the difficult part is possessing a document (passing a test) proving that your level of Vietnamese language is enough to integrate into the community. 

However, there's a way around that sticky point.  If you don't feel comfortable enough to hold daily conversations with other Vietnamese, to read Vietnamese newspapers, to understand Vietnamese play of words (the core of Vietnamese humour), or to go through an interview in Vietnamese, then the power that be will overlook your difficulty if you create a progeny with your Vietnamese spouse and being an active participant in the raising of that child.

Be proficient in VIetnamese language or be responsible for your own Vietnamese born child for *at least* 18 years (longer if needed)?  Hmmm.

The whole "renouncing foreign nationality" thing would be a deal breaker for me.  Seems like a lot of work to avoid a border run every three years with a TRC.

SteinNebraska wrote:

The whole "renouncing foreign nationality" thing would be a deal breaker for me.  Seems like a lot of work to avoid a border run every three years with a TRC.

The renouncing foreign nationality can be waived if you're a citizen of certain country/ies.  I've known Czech, American, and Korean citizens keeping their original citizenship after acquiring Vietnamese passports.  Don't know about other countries though.

One thing to remember: acquiring Vietnamese citizenship means that if something happens to you while you're in Vietnam, you'll not receive any protection whatsoever from your home country even if you're still a citizen of that country.  Vietnam government will identify you as Vietnamese, not American, Korean, or Czech, etc...

Tiny_63 wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Check out item 6.


That reads to simple to be true. The law I had ages ago ... was a lot more complex

Laws change over time.

And in many cases if you renounce your mother countries citizenship you lose your pensions as in my case. Not a price I would pay for sure. A TRC as mentioned above is far far cheaper. Very risky proposition I think. If that thought floated around in my mind I would talk to a very good lawyer to see all the ramifications before taking the leap.

There are many reasons that I want a Vietnamese passport, that's not really the discussion at hand here though.  I know a number of people who have obtained Vietnamese citizenship and who have retained their US citizenship (I am from the US), so I am nearly certain the renunciation can be waived. It is also my understanding that the language exam is waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens.  Does anyone know how I go about beginning the process or have a trustworthy contact who can help me through the process?  Thanks!

For me, it wouldn't matter a thing. I get nothing from my home country and I neither want anything, I neither have any plans to travel again. Still I not believe in the ease as described. Alone a supermarked asking more in information for a customer card.
Whoever has done it, may post a first hand reportage here and then I might change my opinion about the procedure

bgee wrote:

There are many reasons that I want a Vietnamese passport, that's not really the discussion at hand here though.  I know a number of people who have obtained Vietnamese citizenship and who have retained their US citizenship (I am from the US), so I am nearly certain the renunciation can be waived. It is also my understanding that the language exam is waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens.  Does anyone know how I go about beginning the process or have a trustworthy contact who can help me through the process?  Thanks!

You obviously didnt look at the link I posted.

bgee wrote:

It is also my understanding that the language exam is waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens.

No, the language exam is not waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens because being spouses of Vietnamese citizens is one of the requirements for citizenship.

It's only waived for parents of Vietnamese children.

Diazo wrote:

And in many cases if you renounce your mother countries citizenship you lose your pensions as in my case. Not a price I would pay for sure. A TRC as mentioned above is far far cheaper. Very risky proposition I think. If that thought floated around in my mind I would talk to a very good lawyer to see all the ramifications before taking the leap.

I am agree with you.

How We can renounce to some Western countries citizenship for a third world citizenship??
No thanks...
Think about that.

colinoscapee wrote:
bgee wrote:

There are many reasons that I want a Vietnamese passport, that's not really the discussion at hand here though.  I know a number of people who have obtained Vietnamese citizenship and who have retained their US citizenship (I am from the US), so I am nearly certain the renunciation can be waived. It is also my understanding that the language exam is waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens.  Does anyone know how I go about beginning the process or have a trustworthy contact who can help me through the process?  Thanks!

You obviously didn't look at the link I posted.

I "obviously" did as it is even the first google search result, it's just a list of requirements, no where does it say how or where to apply, nor how to obtain the myriad of bizarre documents (exe. Bill judicial level issued by Vietnam Government).  Thanks for your help though.

kallouche wrote:
Diazo wrote:

And in many cases if you renounce your mother countries citizenship you lose your pensions as in my case. Not a price I would pay for sure. A TRC as mentioned above is far far cheaper. Very risky proposition I think. If that thought floated around in my mind I would talk to a very good lawyer to see all the ramifications before taking the leap.

I am agree with you.

How We can renounce to some Western countries citizenship for a third world citizenship??
No thanks...
Think about that.

Again, as a US citizen I am allowed to have dual citizenship and Vietnam nearly always waives the requirement to renounce your citizenship, especially if you are married to a Vietnamese citizen.

Also the point of the thread was to obtain information to help my wife and I navigate a complicated and often corrupt system, not to hear everyone criticize our decision (based on a fact that is incorrect nonetheless!); how does that contribute to the thread?

Finally just in case you were unaware "third world" has not been considered PC for many years and it is seen as quite offensive in many countries.

Ciambella wrote:
bgee wrote:

It is also my understanding that the language exam is waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens.

No, the language exam is not waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens because being spouses of Vietnamese citizens is one of the requirements for citizenship.

It's only waived for parents of Vietnamese children.

Do you have a link?  Every site I have seen (though most are a bit sketchy) say that it is certainly waived for spouses.  Thanks!

bgee wrote:
Ciambella wrote:
bgee wrote:

It is also my understanding that the language exam is waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens.

No, the language exam is not waived for spouses of Vietnamese citizens because being spouses of Vietnamese citizens is one of the requirements for citizenship.

It's only waived for parents of Vietnamese children.

Do you have a link?  Every site I have seen (though most are a bit sketchy) say that it is certainly waived for spouses.  Thanks!

Do you have a link showing that, as most sites I have read state you need reasonable language skills to be able to integrate.

I think you will find that you also need to have a permanent residence card to apply for citizenship. I doubt a VEC is going to cut the mustard.

Bluenose tried this for years and I do not think he ever got it. The last word from him was he gave up. It entails more then an application passing muster.

bgee wrote:

Do you have a link?  Every site I have seen (though most are a bit sketchy) say that it is certainly waived for spouses.  Thanks!

I can give you several links, all of them are Q&A from law firms and lawyers.  They're all in Vietnamese, however.  Most of those lawyers said natural parents of Vietnamese children can be exempted from the language requirement. One of them said "spouses, parents, and childrens of Vietnamese nationals" can be exempted.  So you may be able to get around that problem if your lawyer takes care of the paperwork and can get the authority to accept his nterpretation of the law.

BTW, here's the part about renouncing citizenship:

"Under the provisions of the Citizenship Law, people who wish to be naturalized Vietnamese must renounce their foreign nationality. However, those who are the spouses, natural fathers, mothers, or offsprings of Vietnamese citizens; or people with special contributions to the cause of building and defending the Vietnamese Fatherland; or people who prove to be in favor of the Vietnamese State in special cases, may not be required to relinquish foreign nationality, if permitted by the President."

Will post the info on paperwork and where to apply either later on tonight or tomorrow.  I'm in the middle of a lengthy translation project for a friend's business, must finish that first.

Ciambella wrote:
bgee wrote:

Do you have a link?  Every site I have seen (though most are a bit sketchy) say that it is certainly waived for spouses.  Thanks!

I can give you several links, all of them are Q&A from law firms and lawyers.  They're all in Vietnamese, however.  Most of those lawyers said natural parents of Vietnamese children can be exempted from the language requirement. One of them said "spouses, parents, and childrens of Vietnamese nationals" can be exempted.  So you may be able to get around that problem if your lawyer takes care of the paperwork and can get the authority to accept his nterpretation of the law.

BTW, here's the part about renouncing citizenship:

"Under the provisions of the Citizenship Law, people who wish to be naturalized Vietnamese must renounce their foreign nationality. However, those who are the spouses, natural fathers, mothers, or offsprings of Vietnamese citizens; or people with special contributions to the cause of building and defending the Vietnamese Fatherland; or people who prove to be in favor of the Vietnamese State in special cases, may not be required to relinquish foreign nationality, if permitted by the President."

Will post the info on paperwork and where to apply either later on tonight or tomorrow.  I'm in the middle of a lengthy translation project for a friend's business, must finish that first.

Thanks, I would really appreciate it!  We have been thinking of finding someone to help us (even when it's not complicated it seems like you need someone anyway).  I have worked with lawyers and companies in the past, but sometimes it is quite hard to sort out which are legitimate and not! Especially since the renunciation of citizenship and the language requirement "may" be waived, it seems like it might be a good idea to have someone who is able to negotiate that.   I will be very interested to see the links you have in mind :-)

kallouche wrote:
Diazo wrote:

And in many cases if you renounce your mother countries citizenship you lose your pensions as in my case. Not a price I would pay for sure. A TRC as mentioned above is far far cheaper. Very risky proposition I think. If that thought floated around in my mind I would talk to a very good lawyer to see all the ramifications before taking the leap.

I am agree with you.

How We can renounce to some Western countries citizenship for a third world citizenship??
No thanks...
Think about that.

Why not?
I could do without losing anything - because have nothing to lose
Privileges for travelling? - I have travelled already to many years. Now I am happy to be home
I  am just tired of this all this nonsense paperwork.
So articles, how look to easy - more easy, to little requirements. Logic tells me, that even a bookshop or supermarket requires more information and paperwork - so that little "bit" is not true. 100% off and 24x24 service fit the same line. Btw., most Vietnamese even haven't a word a service. I am not a believer, but  realist

Make a suicide flight and sink a Chinese aircraft carrier in the East Sea.  You won't get to enjoy it but you may be granted Vietnamese citizenship posthumously. :joking::sosad:

VN legal forum

"In order to reside permanently in Vietnam and be eligible for naturalization in Vietnam, you have to apply for a permanent residence card, which has the same validity duration as a visa. To obtain such card, you need to satisfy the following requirements:"

THIGV wrote:

Make a suicide flight and sink a Chinese aircraft carrier in the East Sea.  You won't get to enjoy it but you may be granted Vietnamese citizenship posthumously. :joking::sosad:

A less fatal way to have Vietnamese citizenship is to have a talent and go where the money is.  That's what Fábio dos Santos aka Phan Văn Santos did.  He didn't renounce his Brazilian citizenship.  He didn't marry a Vietnamese.  He has never planned to learn Vietnamese ("to maintain the mystique of the language" is his excuse) although he manages to speak a few words after 20 years living here.  And he didn't even deliver what his second country expected him to do.

Twenty-five other footballers became naturalized Vietnamese after he did.

Bgee -- I haven't forgotten my promise.  Just taking a short break before returning to the project -- my friend has a deadline so I can't dawdle too long.  If you can wait a few days, I'll send you the info via PM.

I posted before reading all of the comments and now I can't seem to delete it so I am editing it. Why not just get a 3 year TRC sponsored by your wife and then apply for a PRC? It is neither difficult or expensive. That is what I did.

It might be that the OP has a situation where he wants a passport from another country than his mother country. Maybe he prefers not to have to show it. Everyone has their own situation and one size does not fit all. Understand everyone questioning the sanity of it all though.

Ciambella wrote:
THIGV wrote:

Make a suicide flight and sink a Chinese aircraft carrier in the East Sea.  You won't get to enjoy it but you may be granted Vietnamese citizenship posthumously. :joking::sosad:

A less fatal way to have Vietnamese citizenship is to have a talent and go where the money is.  That's what Fábio dos Santos aka Phan Văn Santos did.  He didn't renounce his Brazilian citizenship.  He didn't marry a Vietnamese.  He has never planned to learn Vietnamese ("to maintain the mystique of the language" is his excuse) although he manages to speak a few words after 20 years living here.  And he didn't even deliver what his second country expected him to do.

Twenty-five other footballers became naturalized Vietnamese after he did.

Bgee -- I haven't forgotten my promise.  Just taking a short break before returning to the project -- my friend has a deadline so I can't dawdle too long.  If you can wait a few days, I'll send you the info via PM.

Hi Ciambella, I was wondering if you still had some of those contact details?  Despite the negativity in this thread I would still be pretty interested in any leads you might have :)  Thanks for being positive and helpful!

bgee wrote:

Hi Ciambella, I was wondering if you still had some of those contact details?  Despite the negativity in this thread I would still be pretty interested in any leads you might have :)  Thanks for being positive and helpful!

I'm sending you the information via PM in the next 15 minutes.

Ciambella wrote:
bgee wrote:

Hi Ciambella, I was wondering if you still had some of those contact details?  Despite the negativity in this thread I would still be pretty interested in any leads you might have :)  Thanks for being positive and helpful!

I'm sending you the information via PM in the next 15 minutes.

Thanks, I really appreciate it a lot, I'm looking forward to it :)

Hi everyone,

Kindly note that a few off topic posts have been removed from this thread.

Thanks and Regards,

Priscilla Team

It may help some people here. Sorry for the poor English.

extract from : VIETNAMESE LAW ON CITIZENSHIP (24/2008/QH12)

Part 2. Getting the Vietnamese citizenship
Article 19. Conditions for getting vietnamese citizenship

1. Foreing citizens and people without citizenship, presently living in Vietnam as permanent residence, can apply for Vietnamese citizenship if they fill ALL the following requirements :
a) Have a civic behavior fully complying with the vietnamese regulations
b) Comply with the constitution ant laws of Vietnam; Respect traditions, customs, manners of the vietnamese people
c) Know vietnamese language enough to integrate the vietnamese community
d) Have lived permanently in Vietnam for at least 5 years at the time of Vietnam citizenship application
đ) Have the capacity to unsure a living in Vietnam [understand : having a legal and regular job]
2. One applying for vietnamese citizenship can get the vietnamese citizenship without needing to fullfill  ALL the requirements at points c, d and đ of the 1st term of this article, if he/she belongs to one of the following situations:
a) is a wife, husband, father, mother or child of a vietnamese citizen;
b) has a particular merit for contributing to the construction and the defense of the Vietnamese Nation;
c) represent an interest for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
3. In order to get the vietnamese citizenship, one must renounce to his foreign citizenship, except those who are concerned by the 2nd term of this article, in some exceptional derogatory cases, with a permission of the President of Vietnam;
4. One applying for vietnamese citizenship must have a vietnamese name. That name is chosen by the applicant and is written clearly in the Decision vietnamese citizenship acreditation.
5. One applying for vietnamese citizenship will not obtain the vietnamese citizenship if that is on detriment of the interest of the Vietnamese Nation.
6. The government decides concretely the conditions for vietnamese citizenship issuance.

All those regulations applicable since January 7th 2009 have been detailled in the very recent Decision 16/2020/NĐ-CP, applicable since march 20th 2020.

Decision 16/2020/NĐ-CP, applicable since march 20th 2020

Part 1. Accessing Vietnamese Citizenship

Article 7. Some requirements for receiving Vietnamese citizenship as ruled by the Article 19 of the Vietnamese Law on Citizenship
1. Knowing vietnamese language enough to integrate the vietnamese community is having the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in vietnamese language, appropriate with the living and working environment of the person applying for vietnamese citizenship.
2. The applicant for vietnamese citizenship according to the 1sr and 2nd terms of the Article 19 of the Vietnamese Law on Citizenship must reside permanently in Vietnam and detain a permanent residency card [thể thường trú] issued by the competent Police Office.
The duration of the residency in Vietnam considered for the applicant runs from the day he/she have received the permanent residency card.
3. The capacity of the applicant for insuring to himself/herself a sustainable living in Vietnam is testified by the applicant's own pocessions or legal incomes, or by the guarantee of an organisation or individual in Vietnam.
Article 8. Are considered exempt of some conditions for vietnamese citizenship accession as regulated by the points b and c of the 2nd term of Article 19 of the Vietnamese Law on Citizenship :
1. Those who have particular accomplishments greatly contributing to the construction and defense of the Vietnamese Nation are those who have received a medal, a decoration, or higher distinction from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, or any certified vietnamese authority testifying those particular accomplishments on the basis of files, ideas of the related authority or organisation and in accordance with specific legal provisions.
2. Those for whom the Vietnamese citizenship benefice is profitable for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam are those who have really outstanding talents in the domains of sciences, economics, culture, society, art, sport, medecine, education, who got international awards, medal, decoration, or who have been endorsed by the  authority/organisation where they work, and whom talent has been certified by a ministry-level public administration as well as the basis for acknowledging that deliverance of the vietnamese citizenship will effectively contribute positively and durably in the developpment of the aforementioned domain in Vietnam after receiving the Vietnamese citizenship.
Article 9. Special situations of vietnamese citizenship application while keeping the foreign citizenship according to the 3rd term of Article 19 of the Vietnamese Law on Citizenship :
Applicants belonging to one of the situations mentioned in the 2nd term of Article 19 of the Vietnamese Law on Citizenship are considered as the particular cases as in the 3rd term of Article 19 of the Vietnamese Law on Citizenship, and are eligible to consideration by the President of Vietnam for a delivrance of the vietnamese citizenship, without being constrained to leave the foreign citizenship, if they fulfill ALL the following conditions:
1. Fulfilling the requirements to obtain the vietnamese citizenship according to the Vietnamese Law on Citizenship.
2. Having particular accomplishments contributing to the construction and defense of the Vietnamese Nation, given that the delivrance of the citizenship while keeping the foreign citizenship is profitable to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
3. Keeping their foreign citizenship while obtaining the vietnamese citizenship is compatible with the laws of that foreign country.
4. Leaving the foreign citizenship affect his/her rights in other countries.
5. Not using foreign citizenship to commit prejudice on rights, legal interests of any institution, organisation or individual; threaten national security, interests of the nation, social order and security of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

anhkhi wrote:

2. Those for whom the Vietnamese citizenship benefice is profitable for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ..............

2. Having particular accomplishments contributing to the construction and defense of the Vietnamese Nation, given that the delivrance [sic] of the citizenship while keeping the foreign citizenship is profitable to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Hopefully the use of the term "profitable" derived from a misunderstanding by the translator and was not the actual intent of those who wrote this regulation/law.  I think Ciambella's observation about foreign born members of the national football team is most illustrative of the cynicism that is embodied in this situation.

It may be a misunderstanding, or maybe i simply don't know how to say that properly in English. It would be helpful if you suggest a better translation. :)

Again sorry for my poor English. Tried my best.

anhkhi wrote:

It may be a misunderstanding, or maybe i simply don't know how to say that properly in English. It would be helpful if you suggest a better translation. :)

Again sorry for my poor English. Tried my best.

My apologies as I didn't realize that this was your translation.  I had assumed it was an official translation from the agency.  Perhaps if the moderators will tolerate, as a special case, your posting the original Vietnamese sentences, someone could suggest a more appropriate translation.

Interestingly you have posted this detailed information without comment.  Could I ask if you are considering applying for citizenship?

THIGV wrote:
anhkhi wrote:

2. Those for whom the Vietnamese citizenship benefice is profitable for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ..............

2. Having particular accomplishments contributing to the construction and defense of the Vietnamese Nation, given that the delivrance [sic] of the citizenship while keeping the foreign citizenship is profitable to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Hopefully the use of the term "profitable" derived from a misunderstanding by the translator and was not the actual intent of those who wrote this regulation/law.  I think Ciambella's observation about foreign born members of the national football team is most illustrative of the cynicism that is embodied in this situation.

Just reading from context I would suspect it is something along the lines of 'beneficial to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam'

SteinNebraska wrote:
THIGV wrote:
anhkhi wrote:

2. Those for whom the Vietnamese citizenship benefice is profitable for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ..............

2. Having particular accomplishments contributing to the construction and defense of the Vietnamese Nation, given that the delivrance [sic] of the citizenship while keeping the foreign citizenship is profitable to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Hopefully the use of the term "profitable" derived from a misunderstanding by the translator and was not the actual intent of those who wrote this regulation/law.  I think Ciambella's observation about foreign born members of the national football team is most illustrative of the cynicism that is embodied in this situation.

Just reading from context I would suspect it is something along the lines of 'beneficial to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam'

Thank you. Unfortunately I can't edit my post anymore. I should have used Google Doc for this. Next time.