I'm sure there are several on this forum who've acquired their 3 year TRC, either through work or through marriage. Moreover, there are various brokers and agents who'll help with getting all the right papers in the right order. 

Does anyone know anything of the 10 year Permanent Residence Card, a far more elusive beast?  If anyone has actually acquired one, how did you go about it?

...Does anyone know anything of the 10 year Permanent Residence Card, a far more elusive beast?...     -@CHRISLANGTON

I had forgotten to add the steps for a PRC to the sticky "Visas to Enter Vietnam", so I'll do that now.

Thanks for the reminder.

(I'm aware that a PRC is not a visa)


Aidan.  The webpage makes it look relatively straightforward..... … rs-vietnam

So I contacted a law firm that handles immigration matters. They didn't deny its existence but said that it's an absolute rarity and declined to assist.   Hence my enquiry on this website for anyone who's actually obtained one.   

    Aidan.  The webpage makes it look relatively straightforward..... … rs-vietnam


So I contacted a law firm that handles immigration matters. They didn't deny its existence but said that it's an absolute rarity and declined to assist.

Now that is a surprise, a law firm refusing a billable case/assignment.

Did they give any indication as to why their history in trying to attain one for a client had only rarely (if at all?) been successful?

   Hence my enquiry on this website for anyone who's actually obtained one.         -@CHRISLANGTON

Yes, I saw that. It's why I replied to, and quoted, only the first of your questions. "...Does anyone know anything of the 10 year Permanent Residence Card, a far more elusive beast?..."


Permanent Resident Card.

My wife and I just completed my TRC. She did all the work. Really never heard of a permanent resident card.

We will, after my TRC is close to running out, renew it locally, as we did my TRC.


The topic of PRC (Permanent Residence Card) came up a little while ago.

Have a read through this thread, PRC comments in post #11. (Link)

Hoping all the best for member Kiteflyer in his pursuit of the card.

Yees and No. The PRC rules as described on the Govt.  website and as mentioned in the link you attached seem quite straightforward. In actuality, an acquaintance who  did manage to obtain one talks of having to produce a Red Book to show investment here; an interview in Vietnamese and other hurdles. Frankly, the good old TRC is looking more attractive by comparison.