Dear Bill,
I see it was late July when you queried us, when it's typically 93 degrees F. in the afternoon in Alamogordo.
Did you know that it's also 90-plus degrees average high temps in the main city of Suriname from now through November, and high 80s the rest of the year.... That city, Paramaribo, is the only place in the country bigger than Alamogordo, with a population of 223,000 or so, per Wikipedia.
Also, as you may have read, the official language is Dutch.
Have you considered Santa Fe, New Mexico, where -- to my knowledge (and having lived there in '08-09) -- there may be less of the 'mayhem' your profile indicates you wish to avoid...
I have lived most of the last eight years in South America and traveled widely on the continent, so if you can specify what you're looking for, perhaps I can be of assistance.
Nicer weather than Suriname can be found in Spanish speaking countries, especially the highlands of Colombia and Ecuador (the latter currently open for international air travel), Uruguay, and parts of Argentina.
I would exclude from your plans Peru's larger cities as the covid era has not been kind. Also, Brazil -- where Portuguese is spoken -- is NG .. as is Venezuela.
If you post again, let us know if you are open to living in a Latin country other than sultry Suriname.