Anyone want to meet up?

Does anyone feel like having a meet up one weekend?  All ideas gratefully received! :)  I am pretty easy going so feel free to suggest anything from a picnic on Margaret Island, to a cycle ride, to a night out on the town, or a movie or a nice place we can all meet for lunch. 

My friends from uni are all home for the summer and although I have friends where I work, I do fell a bit Billy No Mates at times :(  We had a nice movie night ages ago and it would be great to meet up with some more people from the forum :)

Hollycat, just about the time to refresh our movie night? :) Let's wait for a while for people to spot this thread and then go somewhere all together. So please, report your interest by replying to this thread and describe your availability!

I am happy with evenings and weekends - don't have much to do here.

Hopefully we will get some interest :) I am on work experience with evening shifts and I also work Saturdays, but I can take an evening/Saturday off for a good cause!!! :P

yes miss hollycat i am up for it i will be down there on 12th of july. hope we meet up for a movie or drink. do u guys socialize on regular basis? we need to catch up as it will be so boring on my own there.


I'd be interested but can't do 14-17 July, after that only free on week days.

Cinema, drinks, picnic, night out on the town are all fine by me.


Captain America should be good when it comes out if anyone wants to go with me!!!!! :D

I am all in for Marvel comic-into-movie incarnations

I'd love to!

Good Captain America it is then :D

Let look up the release date and suggest a day we are all happy with.

Well, Captain America won't be in theaters before the month of August, so maybe we could do something else before that?

Yes, that would be good.  If anyone wants to meet up for a movie etc or has other suggestions before Captain America then just post here :)


This could be a good option before Captain America is here


I just enter first time to this blog and i am happy to find so many people to love Budapest as I do.
I am living in Fehervar, but if you decide to go for a movie,I would like to come with u, just keep me informed when.


hi coco - just check the thread.  it would be great to have you along :)

I like the idea of the open air cinema! Looks like a really good movie  - is anyone interested in going?  I can't make it myself unfortunately as I don't finish work until late and don't want to take an evening off at such short notice.

Hey! Let me know if you decide to go out for a movie or something!  The open air cinema looks great, actually.  I have dinner plans tomorrow night, but could maybe ... move them?  Or bring my dinner people there instead?

Hello all !!

I'm in here too for the meet up :)

Been too busy couldnt hangout in the forum for some time now...

BR ~ Sparks

Looks like Captain American comes out this week in Budapest, not sure if it is in English or Hungarian though....

Any suggestion for venue or dates?



I would prefer a Saturday or Sunday as I work 6 days a week in the evenings.  Saturday evening I finish early so that is good and I am off Sunday :D  However if this is not good for anyone else then I can take an evening off work.

I am hopeless with movie listings.  Can someone check and see when it is on and then we can arrange a day?

Woohoo!  Movie night! Great idea guys and gals, I'm in!  Pretty much anytime is good for me, except for Friday night -my Dad and I have tix to the Munkácsy exhibition -a special viewing :)

I'm also free for a coffee or just to explore the markets with someone else  - it's nice to do my own thing, but it's great to have company too!

p.s. I'm also hopeless with movie listings. Sorry  Ican't help with this...

Horrible Bosses are not too bad - and oh yes Captain America is on starting Thursday night in MOM Palace

No problem to meet just send me a message ;)


Hi to all,

This weekend I am busy, but if you decide to go to movie next week just send a message.

Ok - shall we make it Monday night at MOM Park??????  I will work the morning shift on Monday which is always busy after the weekend, so that is also good for me.

Kriz - can you check the movie listings for Monday and post a time? Maybe an 8ish showing so we get out in time to get transport home easily? I hope you don't mind me asking you but I know you are good at these things :)  We can all meet outside the ticket office or for those people not sure how to get to MOM Park we can meet more central and go together.

I have no internet and am in an internet cafe or checking e-mail at work between patients so if I don't reply much I am still coming!!!!

Hi all,

I will come on Monday, just let me know the hour.

Thanks :)

I will do my best

Would 07:45 PM be okay for you?

exactly - Captain America Subtitled and in 3D is @ 7:45pm on Monday in MOM Park Palace Cinema - they doing some refurbishment there now so i will check how it goes there

what do you think gals and gents ?

That sounds ideal :)

Unless Kriz posts otherwise re the refurbishment, lets meet at MOM Park at 7.30 outside the ticket office to give everyone time to be there.  If you want my mobile re meeting up in town etc etc just send me a PM.

Have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday


yeyy waiting for this meetup !! :)

I have just Spread the news on

Palace Cinema MOM is now called Cinema City - but its still there :) so see you ladies and gents

Thanks to everyone who came last night! We all had a great time and hopefully we will organise going out to a club or another movie soon.  Or just post your suggestions!

I also would like to meet new people! Though I life in a really beautiful flat, it isn't that beautiful, that I do not want to leave it somtimes. so if anyone is interestet in going out for a drink or something like that, or if you organize a movie night again, please let me know!

hope to see you soon

Hollycat! Calling a new movie night!  And you're the expert in organizing them :)

Yes, a movie night is a good idea :)

Is there anything new coming out soon that anyone particularly wants to go and see?

I still haven't seen Kings Speech yet...

coming soon in HU:
Jonny English reborn - nuf said!!!
Freinds with benefts

Harry Potter movie

Other movies, but I'm not sure if these will make it HU:
Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, spy - apparently a bit heavy but makes you think!!
Muran - remake of Hitchcock's 'Strangers on a Train'
The Debt - tale of an ex-spy who must face up to the terrible actions of her past.
What's your number - romantic comedy in which a woman sets out to discover whether any of her exes was 'the one'
Albatross - sparky, funny coming-of-age comedy.

Any other ideas??

I would like to join you too guys. I am very new to Budapest :) I vote for Johnny English.

hey if you meet up again IAm ineterested, I got a big cinema nearby if you want we can just arrange it ;))))

Friends w benefits is hilarious - i highly recommend

I would join in too! :)
but is there any way to convince you of not choosing jonny english? ;)

Nice work Zabz!! :) I always have trouble figuring out what's sub and what's dub in the cinemas here. And my language skills are about 100 years away from being able to follow a movie dubbed in Hungarian.

My vote is for Friends with Benefits!