
Recommendations for an English speaking lawyer in Vitoria / Vila Velha


Hello all,
Any recommendations for a lawyer who speaks English to translate all the required documents for a real estate purchase in Vila Velha?

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideCPF for foreignersDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrit moving to Brazil with minimal PortugueseHigher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.

Translations for official purposes in Brazil must be performed by a Sworn Translator, a person who has passed a competitive examination and has been appointed by the Junta Comercial of the state where s/he practices.
You can find a local Sworn Translator by doing an Internet search for "Tradutor Juramentado Vitória".  There are also reputable firms that provide nationwide service over the Internet.   I've had good experiences with
When you obtain a Sworn Translation of a document,  be sure to obtain and keep duplicate originals for possible future use:   a Sworn Translation doesn't expire.


sprealestatebroker maintains a global database of licensed praticing attorneys in every country.   

I would start with that.  Reputable ( and expensive sometimes ) attorneys pay the subscrition to be there and be found.   

Any portal with Brazil in it is suspicious, given the nature of money grabbing and less than competent attorneys, particularly in Brazil.   

On Martindale, it is assumed the practicioner has fluency in English, and sometimes might be registered at a foreign Bar Association. 

On the account of translated documents, the fellow right above is right.  It is a racket, but there's not way around to it.   You can have a document translated, but if it is not a sworn one, the translation has zero legal validity.


Can´t understand comment above "any portal with Brazil in it" is suspicious. That is a generic, xenophobic comment and that does not confirm with reality. I myself know dozens of competent Brazilian lawyers, that deliver, for a reasonable fee.  Martindale, the only difference is that a fee is paid for the listing (and they are all normally overexpensive lawyers) - no actual due dilligence by the portal.