Freelance Visa for Indonesia

Hello people living in Indonesia ! :)

I would like to know if there is a visa for people working on remote and who would like to stay in Indonesia for a year or two.

Is there a minimum monthly salary required or any other criteria ?

I have been searching a bit but can't seem to find any exact information ! :/

Thank you ! :)

Salaam Yasmine,

I have been researching the same. I foolishly thought visa on arrival still existed and planned on visiting next month, until I heard Indonesia is only accepting Visa B211A, which is a tourist/business visa depending on your sponsor. I received some helpful information by calling the Indonesian Consulate. This one is near you, but like you said it's very barren and tight-lipped with info: … -mauritius

Basically, the information you truly need is at this link. The visa is good for 6 months, if your sponsor says you're there for business you do need to provide proof of $10,000 in funds, there is no requirement on how much you earn, while there.

You can fill out all the documents online; however your sponsor has to physically go to the immigration office in Jakarta to petition your application. No Indonesian Consulate is open to do any visas, at the moment.

As for sponsors, there are so many scalpers available and taking advantage of this time. I've spoken with a German lady who will sponsor me and my family at $600/person (requiring a Western Union wire transfer of course) and another seemingly decent guy giving me a "family discount" at $400/person. I confirmed with the consulate that the actual visa fees are below:

I may just pay my cousin $100 to sponsor me, while I sponsor her. It's kind of funny actually, she's desperately trying to move to the US, while we are trying to get out! I will update you with more info as I receive it. I wish you the best et méfiez-vous de gens sournois, as Indonesians are in financial turmoil, they will feed off foreigners first.

Its correct, acrually the only way to enter Indonesia for people that not already hold Kitas or Kitap Is to apply for a e-visa B211A.
Its important ti know that with that kind of Visa Is not possible to work, despite It Is a business Visa.
The 10.000 US dollar avaible on the bank account are not required to the foreigner but to the sponsor.
The best way to apply for this Visa is through an agency, wich will provide to all the iter, including the sponsor, at a fee arond 350/400 US dollar.
Be aware also that Is required a 14 days quarantine to an address that must be declared ti the immigration in Airport.

Sorry, I was wrong, There is not 10.000 US dollart required to the foreigner but 1.500 US dollar available on the bank account of the sponsori.

The visa pricing link broke: … dvisa.html

@Marcello Could you provide that documentation on proof of funds? I received the information from an "agent" via social media, so I can't even be sure how factual that is. The Consulate has no information on the required funds, either.

Alright I see, well it's definitely more difficult than I thought !

Mauritius has currently launched the 1 year freelancer visa so I thought maybe Indonesia had done the same before, given all the digital nomads living there haha

Thank you guys for the answers !

Kowgirl_Kam wrote:

@Marcello Could you provide that documentation on proof of funds? I received the information from an "agent" via social media, so I can't even be sure how factual that is. The Consulate has no information on the required funds, either. … indonesia/
Every serious agency can provide a sponsor who fill the requirement of 1.590 US dollar funfs.

That looks like a legit site and great info, Marcello. I am just having heart-burn over the that per person?

Kowgirl_Kam wrote:

That looks like a legit site and great info, Marcello. I am just having heart-burn over the that per person?

Yes, but acrually there are other agencies that aplly around 300/350  USD dollar, u can check online, Just read the reviewes, its plenty of fake agents out there.