
New members of the Macedonia forum, introduce yourselves here - 2021

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Hi all,

Newbie on the Macedonia forum? Don't know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country,
or to tell us more on your expat projects in Macedonia if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

Selina R.

Hi, I.m Selina from Austria, 50 yrs old and early retired.
After two years of search( I was retired three yrs ago) i wanted to go to South America, then came covid which forced me to saty in Austria and a flat contract in Germany cost me 1400 within a week to save myself from a fraud!
Since then Covid harassed all over this planet and even more changing visa laws, rstrictions and changing tax treaties!
So the dream of retirei g in a warm country among friendly people was busted by endless requests for help and cisas, stories from locals online( mostly on interpals and ShOE) that told me the worst stories ever about their places.. and at the same time asked for marriage or a partnership to survive! most broke, unemployed and sick, loans and whatever! no bad people but desperately needing a saviour with completely delusional expectations! tehy all think whites are rich!
After some snobby contacts with Bulgarian estate agents, who are just after a quick sale and warnings anbout Romania, expats are basically stuck between tax treaties( why should i loose 10% on transfer costs and pay +/-30% income tax from my locally(Austria) tax free income?) health care rwwuirements, investemnet hurdles amd so on...i donlt know why any "refugee" on Austrias borders ever complains about the EU, we take in more refugees willingly and feed them! and free healthcare! than the USA or Canada! Austria alone!
A bit warned about changing tax laws in Hungary( very friendly but also rasssistic people! paranoid like Slovenian, who still think the West is the cause for all their problems, whatever those problems are, but all come to us for work and buy houses! bcs our healthcare is so mauch better and cheaper! ) I read the newly reviewed double tax treaties which mostly ser retirees in a complete tax regime in All Over Europe! so Just Germany and Sweden keep the tax regime in Austria🤷‍♀️AND Northern Macedonia!
so between wonderful stories about cheap but splendid vacations there and ugly Skopje but cheap cost of living amd so on.. the ususal misinformation on forums and youtube and brainwashed rourist shit...i checke dthe dtt and the social security agreement, which both sets me basically in a tax free( taxed in Austria) state in Macedonia and Austria still charges my health care fees( wich are low) and pays all expenses according to a Social security treaty for in all over Europe, the EU, Northern Africa amd Turkey too! people ! we have social security there, but be aware, the tax treaties changed! we pay full income tax there and often double like in Slovenia!
So i checked the crime index, costs and real estate market...Macedonia is a safe place, very safe in comparsion to the surrounding countries! the police is hard against some people, but be aware that discrimination critizisex from the EU or whoever might be the police work against crime...
corruuption is actually everywhere, even in the West, we just lie about it!
So intried to buy a flat...all flats under 100k that were listed seemd to be sold! Rentasl only? why? and the real estate internet fraud sites like 4321 and e21 and so on did not answeer, sent me bugs! the moment i rgeistered( you give the Trojan a loophole to invade the moment you agree tomregister) and when you don,t register they tell you they accuse you to be a foreign agent who wants ro buy real estate( well sure🤷‍♀️this is legal! Madia wake up!).
resumee: anyone who knows a local estate agent who wants to sell a ready built/ existent! flat or row house in Ohrid or Struga is welcome to contact me on [link moderated] !
i wrote two long answers to 2 yrs old requests of info here! it.s my expertize after 3 yrs of scams from Germany to Japan!
Stay safe! all I want is a safe, cheaper place than Austria, no car anymore( and i drive a restired 96 convert! ) , play my violins( which grew mold out of them in my house last year! a nightmare! why Austria?) and no 40% tax and transfers, or i can go to Liechtenstein! bcs when you loose 30-40% for NOTHING..AND HAVE TO BUY HEALTHCARE...then i can stay in Austria and skip my car, heat with electricity what i do for the second winter anyway and get my food delivered, which is chraper than driving 70 km in a circly like now on a Sunday to evade dirty shops, stalkers( yes! ) and asbesto waste everywhere!
have a good time


Hi, I'm Mirjana; 57 year young "Makedonka"; I guess I'm not an expat, but currently reside in USA and seriously looking to relocate to Macedonia in the upcoming year or two.  I am born in Skopje, immigrated to USA at the age of 4 with family and currently reside in the Northeast (CT 40 minutes outside of NYC). I have inherited farmland/property in Skopje region (and would seriously love to explore marijuana growing options - next big biz venture) I also have the exhausting dealings with denationalization issues; inheriting more land - God knows when b/c the government has been dealing for over 10 PLUS years - lawyers, unfortunately just want to rob you (pretty similar issue in most places in of the world).  Ok soooo, back to a bit about me: I'm a realtor and marketing (can I dare say) "Guru"? I will say it LOL, Real Estate marketing expert! I am a single mom who raised her soon-to-be 17 year young daughter (who will be off to college next summer)!  My baby girl spent this past summer in Macedonia for the first time and absolutely adored Ohrid ( funtimes with her cousins that are her age as well) I understand this completely b/c I traveled to Macedonian pretty much my entire young adult life (EX-Yugo rocked for sure)  I took a serious long term break from my usual summer and winter visits when I decided to live like a robot and buy a house; today I engage in non-stop bill stinks being a responsible adult!  I was a vagabond traveler up until the age of 39 (prego with kid changed my lifestyle) But anyway, the kid will be off to college and I'm missing my old life, although, this time I will invest in having my own place in Skope.....There I said enough for now.

Shout out to all on here and feel free to ask me anything about Macedonia, despite not living there...I can give you insight into all things Macedonian BEING  THAT I AM ONE!....Love my culture; food, music, secrets of the ins and get the gist of it...I am a proud macedonian (not a political one though - they all suck, hey I'm from USA...what do you think.???? We rock BS politics...LOL....

Peace out



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