Utrecht or Maastricht

I've been offered a place at Liberal arts colleges at Utrecht and Maastricht and thus I hesitate which one to choose. Utrecht University scores better in rankings and has a wider offer of courses, yet UCM seems to have several research projects available to undergraduate students, as well as a well-organised and active student association (it made a bit better impression than UCU's, but that's just a feeling). Could anyone who's studied or is currently a student of one of the two colleges comment on them and give his feedback? Opinions from anyone familiar with Dutch higher education are also desirer. I'd be really grateful. I'm particularly interested in social sciences (legal and social philosophy, EU law, political science and economics) and history.

Utrecht is a great city, but finding a place to live is nearly impossible. Maastricht is also a great city, but it's also very difficult to find a place to live.

Ask the universities if they have an housing program for foreign students.

So University College Utrecht has on-campus housing, which costs 6,000 euro per year (I wonder if that's a good price), while University College Maastricht has an agency that helps to find a decent rent offer. I also wonder which college is better in terms of academics, research opportunities, student societies etc.