Playing soccer !!!

Hi everybody, I'm lloking for someone to play soccer...does anyone of you play?We could also organize a match between people of the blog...
Wait for you!!!

Hi claudietto,

Welcome to! :)

I hope you receive replies and find someone very soon.

I play soccer everyweek in anatolian side.
Hi I may join if we can organise, where are you located?

At now I' m living in Beşiktaş but I'm Planning to move in Üsküdar; if the place qhere you play is not so far from the ferry I'd be happy to come, and/or we can organizise something you know any soccer ground to rent? 5 vs 5 or 7vs 7 or similar maybe it's easıer to do...Let me know and thank you for your fast responce!!!

I can come. Write me.

Most of the places are 7 to 7 squads. Where we play is not that close but only one bus and mostly some guys attend with car that you can join them to go back...

heyy people if you are looking soccer I m READY always.. but ý will go to travel and ý will come back 1 week later ...