
How To Find Investment Money

Last activity 19 March 2021 by jodocus

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Since moving to Vietnam, being someone who isn't content to just sit around, and who has always been quite entrepreneurial and innovative/inventive, I have seen all sorts of practical opportunities for different  local businesses, eg restaurants, hotels, importing building products such as security screens, window film, or organic foods, or simply contemporary environmental solar architectural house design (if only i was 20 years younger!)

eg i am currently playing with the idea of converting/renovating a nearby derelict (empty) old five (?) floor apartment building just off the river (and near market) into apartments and/or a boutique hotel

... and for world-wide Internet-based sales businesses for actual products, eg t-shirts, VN artisan goods;  or purely Web services, eg dating (to compete w VietCupid), Viet<>Ang language teaching services.

so many ideas, so little time (and money)

but from my own perspective, i do not want personally to have work a millions hours every week like i did before ... something more relaxed, enjoyable, and hands-off is what i am thinking


for local businesses, i am aware of dangers of trying to simply foist different overseas social and cultural practices/habits (despite what might be, in many cases, excellent practical advantages)

eg Vietnamese lack of willingness to try different things or do things a different way. and of course, price points.

but Vietnamese ARE increasingly affluent

how most effectively to market & promote new local businesses is also very different and more difficult eg no letterboxes, street parking. the logistics of how people do shopping is very different ie they usually just drive their bike direct to the shop they want (how shops traditionally 'display' products for sale is another story again) ... here too there may be the possibility of some different innovative options

(Proactive marketing (or indeed any marketing) really isn't a Vietnamese strength)


... but enough background.

the big question, apart from what are the most viable (and easiest and enjoyable) option/s) is:


ideas, anyone?

PS typically, there is no relevant Category eg Business or Investment


Dear MyVietnam,

First, starting a new business usually requires that you put it many, many hours. Stupid long hours. It simply comes with the territory. Stating that you don’t “want to personally have to work millions of hours” but are thinking more in line with “something more relaxed, enjoyable, and hands-off,” also more generally know as retirement, is not a very promising introduction and, in all likelihood, isn’t going to get people excited.

Second, throwing out a whole bunch of ideas will also not entice people to sit up straight and pay attention. It’s advisable to narrow your ideas down to just one idea and focus on that idea. An idea you think is fool proof. One that you think has at least a spitting chance of succeeding in this market. Once you’re convinced you’ve found that failsafe opportunity, that hole in the market, you should research the hell out of it. Be your own devil's advocate. Think about and anticipate all that could go wrong. The Vietnamese market, as you clearly recognize, is very, very different from the one you’ve been used to (as, to name just one, McDonalds found out). Just the Government regulations alone will make your head spin. Then there’s the language, the culture, buying habits, etc. But if after extensive research and doing your homework you still think it’s an idea worth pursuing, write an old-fashioned but super thorough business plan and give it to as many people as possible for feedback (involve as many locals as you can). Find a retired banker or loans officer at let them take a look at it. If the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, incorporate suggested  pointers into your business plan and maybe now you can start looking for funds. Finding funds is not so hard if you can convince others of the beauty of your idea (read: of a great ROI).

But respectfully, if you want to be taken seriously, you should really put a little more effort into how you present yourself and your ideas. But perhaps I misunderstood and your post is meant as lighthearted entertainment.


jodocus wrote:

Dear MyVietnam,

First, starting a new business usually requires that you put it many, many hours. Stupid long hours. It simply comes with the territory. Stating that you don’t “want to personally have to work millions of hours” but are thinking more in line with “something more relaxed, enjoyable, and hands-off,” also more generally know as retirement, is not a very promising introduction and, in all likelihood, isn’t going to get people excited.

Second, throwing out a whole bunch of ideas will also not entice people to sit up straight and pay attention. It’s advisable to narrow your ideas down to just one idea and focus on that idea. An idea you think is fool proof. One that you think has at least a spitting chance of succeeding in this market. Once you’re convinced you’ve found that failsafe opportunity, that hole in the market, you should research the hell out of it. Be your own devil's advocate. Think about and anticipate all that could go wrong. The Vietnamese market, as you clearly recognize, is very, very different from the one you’ve been used to (as, to name just one, McDonalds found out). Just the Government regulations alone will make your head spin. Then there’s the language, the culture, buying habits, etc. But if after extensive research and doing your homework you still think it’s an idea worth pursuing, write an old-fashioned but super thorough business plan and give it to as many people as possible for feedback (involve as many locals as you can). Find a retired banker or loans officer at let them take a look at it. If the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, incorporate suggested  pointers into your business plan and maybe now you can start looking for funds. Finding funds is not so hard if you can convince others of the beauty of your idea (read: of a great ROI).

But respectfully, if you want to be taken seriously, you should really put a little more effort into how you present yourself and your ideas. But perhaps I misunderstood and your post is meant as lighthearted entertainment.


early April 1st fools day big_smile.png


thanks for your lengthy response; however, it seems off-topic as you seem to have somewhat wilfully (?) misunderstood my intentions: which were simply to get some ideas about where best to find investment funds for any given project/business (which could quite probably be different depending on the type of project).

the rest was intended to be preamble and bg, and - quite obviously - to merely indicate some very different ideas/concepts, and again quite obviously and demonstrably not intended to be any sort of 'elevator pitch for any one of them. like, duh.


... not the most helpful or collegiate response; however, pls note my additional separate response.

PS btw, 'interesting' motto you espouse: says a lot.

myvietnam wrote:

thanks for your lengthy response; however, it seems off-topic as you seem to have somewhat wilfully (?) misunderstood my intentions: which were simply to get some ideas about where best to find investment funds for any given project/business (which could quite probably be different depending on the type of project).

the rest was intended to be preamble and bg, and - quite obviously - to merely indicate some very different ideas/concepts, and again quite obviously and demonstrably not intended to be any sort of 'elevator pitch for any one of them. like, duh.

Then here's a blunt response:

When you go looking for money to finance your disparate ideas, you'd better be focused on your idea, because you are auditioning for money.

Your post indicates that not only are you not focused on any one idea but you don't know how to communicate well.

So you're either going to have to hire someone or get a partner who knows how to do the presentation part.

Then your one genius idea and that person's communication capabilities can possibly get you an audience with someone with serious funds.

Otherwise this really does come across as somewhat of a joke post.

And even if it's not a joke, there's nothing in your post that would Inspire someone who has serious connections to serious money to give you a serious response, other than the one you've already received.

You do realize that Vietnam is not waiting for people to come here with new ideas?

They're waiting for people to come here with new money...


Dear MyVietnam,

I didn’t intend to stir up the hornet’s nest although I must admit I was having a little fun in the process of responding to your post. But essentially, I meant what I said, a Declaration of Business so you will, with my “advice” the truths that are to be self-evident. That all men and women must be clear, concise and to the point when soliciting assistance to funds; that all men and women understand that investors are notoriously unwilling to part with their funds unless they are convinced these funds, and then some, a lot some, will flow back to them (which is why clear, concise, to the point, and presentation  come into the picture); that they must be dedicated to working long and strenuous hours to achieve their goals; and above all, that they march through life with humor as a trusted companion.
I am Canadian and as such forbidden, on penalty of being excommunicated from the tribe, to upend the apple cart. It's frowned upon, simply not done. So everybody, please accept my apology for this disturbance and whatever you do, don’t get your briefs in a knot on my account, life’s too short.

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