Holiday Inn Bali Responsiblity?

An Australian citizen who has fractured her spine due to being hit by a falling wardrobe, still asks Holiday Inn Benoa Bali to be responsible.

An Australian citizen, KC Yeah (80) still asks the court to order the Holiday Inn Benoa Bali hotel to take responsibility. The request through an appeal addressed to the Bali High Court, in March 2017 she was a guest staying at the hotel. While waiting for a pick-up car in the lobby, her head and back were hit by a falling bookshelf, causing her to fracture her spine.

KC. Yeah's attorney, Dr. Elita Purnamasari SH MH asks the Bali High Court to grant the appeal submitted in its entirety. "We ask the Bali High Court to sentence the appeal (formerly the defendant) to pay material losses due to the suffering, suffered by the appellant (formerly the plaintiff)," said Elita to reporters in Jakarta, Wednesday (17/3/2021).

She deeply regretted that the hotel did not provide security, thus the cupboard fell on her client.
Elita also regretted that the hotel used only hotel's vehicle which was not equipped with medical equipment, to transport the victim to BIMC Hospital. According to her, the hotel was negligence and must be responsible because it put a large cupboard in the middle of the lobby and did not fix it securely.

The appeal was submitted with number: 8/Akta.Pdt.Banding/2021/PN.Dps, responding to the Denpasar District Court decision no: 555/Pdt.G/2020/PN.Dps.

Why are you asking expats here if it's the responsibility of the Holiday Inn? And then liking your own post? There are always two sides to every story and we are only hearing one side of it. It's a legal matter and our opinions are meaningless. Let the court decide.

What caused the wardrobe to fall ?

Did the person hit it ?

Business here should have public liability insurance  to cover such issues ,if not why not?