Hi I'm A New Comer

Dear All,
I would like to introduce myself here in this forum, I have been in Indonesia for quite sometime since Tsunami strike Ache and Melabu in year 2004, in and out of Indonesia like taking buses. I was the rescue team member and Satellite Transmission Engineer for that year in Melabu.  Since then I moved on my life as usual and  I slowly forgetting what had happened during Tsunami in year 2004, it was unforgettable memories in my life.  Why I ended up in Bali and Jawa Barat as I loved the way they live, I have no fears of walking into a village alone to greet the people, they likes me too. I do not know why? I'm a very down to earth person, I'm looking for some kinds of relive which I found it here, I like to see rice farms and the fresh air, I love the foods, I love the people here.  Why I'm here today to introduce about myself as I need more friends and I need more networking, sometime I feel so weird of something that I do not understand here, culture shock? lol! by the way, I'm not a PHD person, I'm just like you, English level just this. Hope you guys add me and we will have a lot to chat !! Thank you :)

What a pleasant introduction to read.   :top:

A lot of us, both expat and local alike spent a lot of time in Aceh after the Boxing Day tragedy.  Like you, their memories are forever with them.

Enjoy Bali!