
Residence permit for tourists


Hello! :)
As a colombian, I can stay in Turkey for 3 months without any visa, but I would like to stay a bit longer. I've seen that there's a residence permit I can ask to stay one year in Turkey. Also, I've heard it was cancelled and no longer available... Does it still exist? Or is it going to be cancelled? How can I get one? What are the requirements?

Thank you so much in advance! 😄

See also

Residence and work visas for TürkiyeVisas for Türkiyevisa violation officecan i enter turkey with work visa even if i have a 3 month banGetting visa again right after expiration of Ikamet? Any ideas?
Zabi Yousofi

Hello! it is possible to get the tourist residence permit. all you need to do is rent a house and provide couple of more documents like insurance.


It's not closed. You need address (authorized contract by notery), get Tax number, personal docs and photos, insurance, and fill up the form. more details here
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First You should check existing  terms to stay in the country during Covid Situation
Exit and Entry from neibouring country will be enough reason to extend your stay beyond 3 months.


You say rent a house? Does an apartment also qualify?
and did you personally do this?

Thanks for the information



Hello Everyone


Puedes aplicar en bien llegues a Turquía para pedir el tourist residence. Is good for a year y lo puedes hacer right away porque por la pandemia puede demorar hasta 3 meses para la cita pero tiene muchos requisitos como tener una cuenta bancaria de más de 10,000 Liras y una renta pero en la página te da más información. Anda a la página web de Turkey just google tourist residence visa application y asegúrate que es directamente con el gobierno te va a costar menos que una agencia


Hello dear
It s still applicable
If you rent a house or you live with a Turkish (with guarantee letter from notary )
I am a consultant in this sector