
Travel to Brazil from UK for Visa Extension


Hi guys,

As with most, this pandemic has been distressing due to travel restrictions.  That being said, is there anyone here from UK that has travelled to Brazil from the UK?  It will shortly be 2 years since my last visit and I would like to avoid the risk of losing my permanent visa due to this pandemic.  I have been unable to get clear direction from embassy website.  I suppose if i list my questions:

1. What are the steps specifically for UK citizens to travel into Brazil in these current conditions?
2. If I wait until after the 2 year period/limit, do I lose my permanent resident status?
3. If so what is the process for regaining?
4. Is there some form gov extension that will allow me to fly over "after" my two year absence from the country, without losing residency status?

Anyone with specific experience/knowledge in this area, I'd really appreciate the help!

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is Online

If you have a CRNM, no problem entering. Even tourists may enter, but only for 90 days. Now going back to the UK would be questionable.
Hope you are vaccinated??


Thanks Texan, I am not and don't plan to be yet. I don't think it's mandatory and a negative PCR test 72hr prior to arrival is enough.

At the moment, I'm looking for clear answers to my above questions 1-4?



I just spent 5 days in Salvador last week, then returned to USA .... in both directions, I had to produce negative covid test results from within 3 days of the first flight, but other than that there were no issues .... the airports in the USA are packed, I've never seen them so busy .... Salvador is locked down pretty tight, you cannot even buy beer even in the markets, thursday through sunday, and you cannot swim in the ocean (go figure that one out for me please!), but I went for the express purpose of spending 5 days and nights in a hotel room so I did not care ......



I have about 80%+ certainty of these answers to your remaining questions:

2. You lose it.  The Federal Police have a certain amount of discretion available to them here.  They may cut you a break because of the pandemic if the delay is a short one,  but I certainly wouldn't count on it as a sure thing.

3. Once it's gone it's gone.  There's no "regaining" it.  You'll need to apply for a new one, based on your current situation and whatever the rules are at the time you apply. (About 95% certainty on that. )

4. Talk to the people at your nearest Brazilian Consulate General about it before your CRNM expires.  Anything positive that they tell you, or better yet, give you, could help convince the Federal Police to exercise discretion in your favor.


My comment on the vaccine was to help your health and safety. You will not be able to get vaccinated in BR.
Abthree can bump the percentage to 99 + %.
If you allowed your CRNM to expire the PF is swamped and can just say no. Do speak with the Consulate ASAP.
International diplomacy is "thin" currently and act as soon as possible.


Thank you very much guys in particularly abthree.  Seems I will need work out some logistical challenges around travel.  I dont plan on taking the vaccine myself, however I'll consider it if absolutely necessary.


All it takes is being admitted into the country at a port of entry before your expiration date,  and you're good to go for another two years.  No requirements on length of stay.


Just think, if all could and would get vaccinated, all the restrictions would begin to ease, air agents and attendants not having to be a covid cop. PF and Consulates running full schedule and people not having to worry and have some normalcy.
Just a thought!


The narrative has already begun to bandy about the potential for vaccinations

1. not to provide complete protection or
2. protection to expire or
3. not to protect against mutations of the virus.


I am in a similar position. I have a CNRM, valid until 2026. My last departure from Brazil was in Sept. 2019, and I haven't been able to go back due to COVID. I have emailed the PF in my town in Brazil, which usually is responsive, but gotten no answer. Will try the consulate.


What would also be good is if someone from the UK has been able to travel to Brazil recently.  What were the steps and documentation needed?  A step-by-step guide would be absolutely awesome for others to learn.

At the moment, I understand it to be:

1. Completed declaration from with valid reason, required for permission to leave the UK
2. Travellers Health Declaration, required by Brazil and completed within 72 hours prior to travel
3. Negative RT-PCR screen test completed within 72 hours prior to travel to Brazil

4. Book 2x PCR tests for after arrival in UK (must be booked before travel).
5. Complete a passenger locator form (before leaving for UK)
6. Negative RT-PCR screen test completed within 72 hours prior to travel to UK

Is there anything else required?



If you obtain any guidance from the Consulate, please post it here, including which Consulate provided it.  Thanks.


You also need to check with the airlines' guidelines. Many times the airlines are slower to ease restrictions.


keep an eye out for changes.....the number of new cases and the number of new deaths in Brazil is dropping fast ....


As of this morning, number of new cases is still increasing in these states:
- Maranhão
- Ceará
- Pernambuco
- Sergipe
- Rio de Janeiro

Number of new cases is declining in these states:
- Amapá
- Amazonas
- Acre
- Rondônia
- Paraná
- Santa Catarina

In the remaining states and the Federal District,  new case numbers are stable (often at a high level).

Deaths in the last 24 hours:   2,791

Source: Folha de S. Paulo