
About Ramadan

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Hi all, just posted an article in the Guide section under general, just look at the latest article, it is listed there under the same heading as this post, and is directed mainly at new expats to Riyadh who may have limited information about Ramadan. 

As you will see, it's an information piece if any of you have information that you feel will be useful to expats/visitors to Saudi that may educate us further about Ramadan, please post your information here.  Would be great to have a better understanding or awareness of the differing opinions of this major religious and cultural event.

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideWant to do data flow and hrdProfession changing in iqamaLooking for a Compound in Riyadh for ExpatsFake hit and run case

Thanks for your article Maxine, your can be found here: about ramadan.


I'd like to start off by thanking you for taking the initiative to educate all of us about the Holy Month of Ramadan.  I just wanted to add to some points in the article:

"It is better to offer 'Magrib Namaz/salat' and then break one's fast, preferably with water, milk or dates."
Muslims usually break their fast then pray Magrib, as prophet Mohammed (salla Allah alayh wasallam) had urged the people to break their fast as soon as Maghrib has emerged!

[color=#000][/color]"Did you know that the daily fasts during the month of Ramadan are broken with prayer and meal called Iftar?  Following Iftar, it is customary to visit family and friends. Especially devout Muslims may spend the night studying the Quran. The Ramadan fast is resumed each day at daybreak".
Iftar or Fotoor is the arabic name for the breakfast meal!  Muslims have their breakfast meal after Maghrib prayer during the month of Ramadan. Most Muslims perform some prayers special to Ramadan called Taraweeh.  Taraweeh are extra prayers performed, preferrably in congregation, after Isha prayer.  Prophet Mohammed (SAAWS) urged people to have a meal, called Suhoor, right before fajr/dawn and considered it to be a blessing.

[color=#000][/color]Did you know that in addition to abstaining from food and drink, Muslims also refrain from smoking and sexual relations? This is because the month is seen as a time for spiritual reflection and discipline.
Sexual relations are prohibited during the day in Ramadan, meaning that Muslims can live their lives normally from Maghrib to Fajr.  Same applies to smoking!

For more information, please refer to this link


amegy wrote:

I'd like to start off by thanking you for taking the initiative to educate all of us about the Holy Month of Ramadan.  I just wanted to add to some points in the article:

"It is better to offer 'Magrib Namaz/salat' and then break one's fast, preferably with water, milk or dates."
Muslims usually break their fast then pray Magrib, as prophet Mohammed (salla Allah alayh wasallam) had urged the people to break their fast as soon as Maghrib has emerged!

[color=#000][/color]"Did you know that the daily fasts during the month of Ramadan are broken with prayer and meal called Iftar?  Following Iftar, it is customary to visit family and friends. Especially devout Muslims may spend the night studying the Quran. The Ramadan fast is resumed each day at daybreak".
Iftar or Fotoor is the arabic name for the breakfast meal!  Muslims have their breakfast meal after Maghrib prayer during the month of Ramadan. Most Muslims perform some prayers special to Ramadan called Taraweeh.  Taraweeh are extra prayers performed, preferrably in congregation, after Isha prayer.  Prophet Mohammed (SAAWS) urged people to have a meal, called Suhoor, right before fajr/dawn and considered it to be a blessing.

[color=#000][/color]Did you know that in addition to abstaining from food and drink, Muslims also refrain from smoking and sexual relations? This is because the month is seen as a time for spiritual reflection and discipline.
Sexual relations are prohibited during the day in Ramadan, meaning that Muslims can live their lives normally from Maghrib to Fajr.  Same applies to smoking!

For more information, please refer to this link

Brilliant! thank you for this excellent contribution :top:


Excellent work, you seem to have covered almost everything there is to know! :top:


I'm loving all the active threads GWTFUK!  You ROCK!


amegy wrote:

I'm loving all the active threads GWTFUK!  You ROCK!

Awwh, thanks Amegy :gloria

Zakaria khan

I think every thing we need to know is almost covered in the threads above.Ramadan actually educates to control our desires and promotes self control. It is not only about being starved from sun rise to sunset.It is about the feel for the poor and under previlaged who are deprived of food. Ramadan is all about sharing with the poor and under previalged. We try to share our resources with the one's who cannot afford what we can,Zakat the fifth pillar of Islam is distributed in these people openly during this month. From medical point of view Ramadan is an overall maintainaince for ones immune sytem. Regardless of what religion you come from , the theme of ramadan is to help the poor in our society. Cheers


Zakaria khan wrote:

I think every thing we need to know is almost covered in the threads above.Ramadan actually educates to control our desires and promotes self control. It is not only about being starved from sun rise to sunset.It is about the feel for the poor and under previlaged who are deprived of food. Ramadan is all about sharing with the poor and under previalged. We try to share our resources with the one's who cannot afford what we can,Zakat the fifth pillar of Islam is distributed in these people openly during this month. From medical point of view Ramadan is an overall maintainaince for ones immune sytem. Regardless of what religion you come from , the theme of ramadan is to help the poor in our society. Cheers

Nice one!  :top:


GowiththeflowUK, good job :)

Ramadan .... there is so much to it and I can tell you everything from A to Z but that will be too long.

Just to things to keep in mind:

#1) This is a fact that many don't know even including Saudis themselves and I witnessed it myself:

     If you get caught (meaning by police) eating or drinking during the day time in Ramadan you will be jailed!

     It's a law set by the minister of interior, so this is very serious.

     Of course this is non-islamic and well KSA is a pathetic excuse for an islamic country with all honestly

  #2) Today Ramadan became a shell of what is the real Ramadan:

      I mean it's enough people are getting fatter in it! I mean the whole point of Ramadan is thrown out of the window

      Ramadan became the month of entertainment which is the shallowest of human experience instead of what supposed to be the time of experiencing the deepest of human existence which is spiritual (and human wide connectedness)

      All stations go like crazy in Ramadan with all the new movies & TV series etc. I mean the situation is ridiculous.

Just my two cents

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