@XTang which type of company you are working like construction or some other types?

@XTang which type of company you're working like construction or other type ?

@XTang Sir, I have Question, it is regarding my application for Working Visa in Dubai. My recent Medical result shows that i have pleurodiaphragmatic adhesion in my left lungs do you think i can still apply for Working visa?. Thank you for your time

pleurodiaphragmatic adhesion is serious in dubai?

Hello, @XTang! What if I can provide some documents as a proof from my pulmonologist here in the PH with regards to my scar in lungs. Can I process a working visa in Dubai?

Hello, @XTang! What if I can provide some documents as a proof from my pulmonologist here in the PH with regards to my scar in lungs. Can I process a working visa in Dubai?

Hello, @XTang! What if I can provide some documents as a proof from my pulmonologist here in the PH with regards to my scar in lungs. Can I process a working visa in Dubai?

@XTang Hello, what if I can provide some documents as a proof from my pulmonologist here in the PH with regards to my scar in lungs. Can I process a working visa in Dubai?

It all depends on your medical in the UAE itself. 

Hi can I ask what is the cause of Bilateral upper lobe fribrosis? thanks

Not sure how to answer that.  The causes could be many and dependent on each patient's history.   This is something you need to ask your doctor. 

@XTang what if you have been here in dubai for a long time and then they see a scar, i will  be deported?thank u

No issue for old residence visa holders.