Dogs on Virtu Ferries to Sicily

Good Morning All,

Anyone have experience of taking a dog Valletta-Pozzallo on Virtu Ferries?


I can walk the dog! I have experience and I am looking for work, I am Spanish in Malta. better if we communicate via WhatsApp ***. regards

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Yes, we did recently. If it's a descent sized dog, there's only two options. If you're going by car, you can leave the dog in the car. Alternatively, you can put it in a cage ("pet cabin") inside a container on the garage deck for a fee. You can't stay with the dog during the journey. We tried. Staff has been very adamant about us having to leave the garage deck :D

Small dogs may be kept with you in a box, either on the inside or the outside deck, depending on how small it is.

See here for details:***

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Thank you, that pretty much tallies with what I've discovered thus far.

Did you have to forewarn the Italian authorities that you were travelling with a dog?
And, on your return to Malta, did you have to forewarn the Maltese authorities?


The dogs were checked thoroughly on arrival in Valletta (pet passports, transponders, rabies vaccination dates). The Italians didn't seem to care. We did not give advance notice to anyone, but the dogs were of course properly mentioned on our ferry tickets (as pets kept in the car at no additional charge).

We actually did the leg to Malta first and the leg to Sicily was our return, but I don't think this changes anything.

That's great, thank you so much.

Useful information here thanks.  Do you happen to know if that dog cabin of theirs is well air conditioned? Our frenchy doesnt do too well in the heat.

I guess so -- the so called "pet cabin" is a cage inside a standard air conditioned shipping container. I see no reason to doubt the AC works.

We took the trip in March/April however, so it didn't matter back then.