Assisted Suicide

I do not live in Mexico but have read that Mexico was becoming increasingly more lenient towards physician assisted suicide. I do not know the current laws on this subject.   I suffer from severe depression and early onset of dementia.  I don't enjoy doing things anymore.  I'm in constant mental agony.  I have to force myself to eat because I never have an appetite.  I am exploring the option of finding a sympathetic doctor willing to examine me and consider what I want.  Can anyone give me helpful information?  Thank you

geurge1 wrote:

I do not live in Mexico but have read that Mexico was becoming increasingly more lenient towards physician assisted suicide. I do not know the current laws on this subject.   I suffer from severe depression and early onset of dementia.  I don't enjoy doing things anymore.  I'm in constant mental agony.  I have to force myself to eat because I never have an appetite.  I am exploring the option of finding a sympathetic doctor willing to examine me and consider what I want.  Can anyone give me helpful information?  Thank you

Welcome to expat Mexico geurge

As a retired medical professional I can't help but wonder if you have consulted with a naturopath or functional medicine professional.

But your question can be answered by the information available to you close at hand . There are at least 9 states in the U.S. that have laws supporting what you want and there are two others that don't have a law for or against what you want.
From your description of your symptoms  I would think the trauma of traveling somewhere else would be more than you could tolerate. Yet I'm sure if you did manage to get here there would be someone who would help you.

Read or have read to you a book by Dr Bredesen, the founder and head of the Buck Center for Gerontology in Marin County. Its called "The End of Alzheimers". He has cured hundreds of cases of Alz. There are many interviews with him that you can listen to as well. I like listening to those by Dr Hyman who is an MD specializing in functional medicine.  Alzheimers is totally curable in all but the end stage but it requires very individualized treatment. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone's case has different factors involved both environmental, nutritional and genetic.  search on Alzheimers or Bredesen

I am a homeopath and have had good results with many people with various mental-emotional conditions. You can reach me at roger [at] can heal yourself [dot] com.

Hello..and thanks for your message.  I started to inquire about the requirements in Oregon and it was overwhelming for me.  I need something easy like I have read that people from all over the world come to Mexico to end their life.  Is there a doctor there I can get in touch with that is sympathetic to this?   If so it would be such a relief to know that help was waiting rather than flying there and starting from scratch.  I would suffer so much stress in the process of trying to find that doctor.  If you could help direct me with that I would be immensely grateful.

I want to give you a personal note. I had severe depression for 14 years and contemplated suicide many times, and even set out to do it once but changed my mind.  I started down the path of anti-depressants for about 6 months. But then I decided to do it naturally. Took a couple years and made some mistakes but eventually cured it. Havent been depressed for 40 years. There are solutions to mental health issues.

Thank you for sharing that with me.  I am presently waiting to talk with a counselor in a few days.  I'm trying to do my best.  Thank you again.

I guarantee that if you take a few minutes to listen to Dr Bredesen and Dr Hyman you will be very inspired. They have successfully worked with a lot of patients.

I like a guarantee.  So first I researched Dr. Mark Hyman.  He has several videos....hours of watching and listening about proper eating.  I wish I could muster up the willingness to watch and listen but I simply can't.  I'm emotionally exhausted.  Fixated on suicide.

geurge1 wrote:

I like a guarantee.  So first I researched Dr. Mark Hyman.  He has several videos....hours of watching and listening about proper eating.  I wish I could muster up the willingness to watch and listen but I simply can't.  I'm emotionally exhausted.  Fixated on suicide.

So this is probably what you are referring to  "A drug known as liquid pentobarbital is used by owners to euthanize pets. When given to humans, the drug can give them a painless death in under one hour. The pet shops across Mexico have such drugs. As a result, elderly tourists from across the globe seeking to terminate their own lives were reported to be flying out to Mexico ". [16]

Remember, Mexico is a catholic country so religion is a major factor.  I suspect that your symptoms are not looked at as unavoidably terminal like stage 4 cancer.
You should go to your counseling appointment and tell them about your word choices "Fixated on suicide"

Just watch the interview that Dr Hyman did with Dr Bredesen about Alzheimers.
That is the critical one for your situation. I think it will inspire you to get out of this obsession with death. What you have is TOTALLY curable.

There is a Buddhist principle that it is important to spend time with uplifting positive people and influences and to not spend time with the opposite. You have to make the decision. That interview is less than an hour of your time; it wont tax your abilities.

Another Buddhist principle is that the mind quality of the last moment leads to the plane or type of existence of the next life. What kind of mind quality does someone have at the last moment when they are committing suicide?!! Since reincarnation might be true (and of course no one knows) why take the chance?