Travelling with orange card

Did someone have real experience of travelling inside Schengen zone with orange card? I have travel visa, but I entered EU more than 90 days ago. But I received 19ter before 90 days stay (if count used days - I stayed in EU als tourist around 60 days). Can it be the reason to travel legally inside EU? What should I wait  from border control ( if I will be unlucky and meet them)?

According to the orange card you are not allowed to exit the country borders in any manner which includes by road too. As orange card is only vaild in Belgium the card is allow you to stay in the country untill decision.

When I got my orange card I was traveling to France for groceries sometime. As everything was normal in 2015 but due to covid certain regulations are started. So i would suggest you to stay in the country untill you will receive your answer. If you get cought then according to the rules you have to start the process again.

I hope this will help you with your query.


Thank you for answer! If it's only about restarting procedure - I can take this risk. But I'm afraid of deportation. I don't know are they allowed to do this and how they often act.

The answer is pretty easy, in case of border control and if you don't have a valid visa, you'll be denied to come back in Belgium and your case is closed (no interest in Belgium or to stay in Belgium ==> byebye)

Just don't take the risk... that's the most stupid thing you could do...

Just to what Alex has said, they do checks at the borders even more so now with COVID.