
School admission

Elijohn Muchina

Hi, I'm Elijohn Muchina, currently in Kenya, could you please help on how I can place my application  admission, needed to study in Brazil but websites doesn't give me enough infor about international students, please

See also

Study in BrazilBelo HorizonteSchool Student Talk TopicsEnglish speaking schoolOpen a language school


Hi, Elijohn,

Brazil is a huge country with many schools teaching many subjects at many different levels.  The majority of them are not equipped to instruct non-Portuguese speaking students, although many are.

If you can tell us what level of education you want to enter, what you want to study, and any regional preferences, we may be able to give you some useful suggestions.


Are you trying to do post grad or undergrad?...if it's undergrad, search PEC-G. The deadline to complete application is very soon

Elijohn Muchina

Hi, thanks for the kind reply, explanation and willingness to help. I wanted to study medicine or psychology related course. Reaching admissions office for most universities is really hard for me when I'm here and I require an admission letter to attain a visa, any leads will be highly appreciated, thank you.

Elijohn Muchina

@stevenkmoore, Thanks for the kind reply, I appreciate. Is there any other means of admission for international students apart PEC-G maybe in private universities please?




If you haven't reviewed the information on the Study in Brazil section of the Brazilian Embassy in Nairobi's website, that's the place to start: … brazil.xml

With the exception of the Catholic university system and a very small number of private universities -- all very selective, expensive, and difficult to get into -- private universities in Brazil are pay-as-you-go and generally low quality.  Most are not equipped to serve students who don't speak Portuguese.  Foreigners in Brazil on Student Visas are NOT permitted to perform paid work, so you will need to finance your education from funds from your own country.

One international for-profit university chain, Laureate International Universities, has some outlets in Brazil.  Brazilians who can pay the tuition don't seem to have much trouble getting accepted.  You could contact them to ask whether they have any programs for international students in Brazil.