
Policia Federal online form( reuniao familiar)

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Good evening abthree and all,

The Brazilian embassy answered me in the morning and they stated they don't accept copies, they only legalize original documents attested by the ministry of foreign affairs of UAE.

They didn't mention anything if my friend in Abu Dhabi takes care of the process on our behalf, so it should be fine.

They also didn't say anything about mailing the legalized police clearance certificates to us after paying the fees since they require the original documents to be attested by the ministry of foreign affairs of UAE first, I understand in this case someone needs to be physically present to do it.

The UAE police clearance certificates will be issued online and sent to our e-mails cause we left the country. they will be printed out, attested by the MOFA of UAE then legalized by the Brazilian embassy in Abu Dhabi. I hope they will consider the print-out of the certificates as original documents and not copies, any idea on this?




The Brazilian Embassy is not required to accept any particular document,  but their mission in Abu Dhabi is to encourage relationships, not discourage them.  So probably,  if they see the correct attestation from MOFA-UAE, they'll go ahead and legalize the document.   Your friend should print out the document,  get it attested at MOFA, then bring it to the Embassy to be legalized.  They will then probably return the documents to your friend, who can mail them to you.  Meanwhile, you should have the Sworn Translations prepared so that you can go to the Federal Police with the complete package as soon as you receive the legalized documents from your friend.

*ETA* Obviously, you want your friend to send the documents the absolute fastest and most secure way possible.


Hi abthree,

Thank you very much for the advice.

The UAE police clearance certificates were issued today. My friend will take care of their attestation and legalization on the coming days.

I will keep you updated on how things go.


Hello everyone,

Sorry to steal the topic. After reading Mourad, it raised some question marks in my head.

My situation is a little different. I got my Police Clearance Certificate from Turkey. which does not require to be legalized. We have an e-Apostille server that issues any required document apostilled in the chosen language. In my case, it was issued in Portuguese with an apostille. It says digitally signed.   

Now would PF accept the printed copy?



I showed the print of the police clearance from Spain with the E-apostille number on it in order to validate it online. They said that it’s enough but they asked for sworn translation of the document.

But I only went to request info if the document was accepted and they looked at it and said yes   Though I haven’t submit the documents to start the process

That’s my case. I would love to hear other experiences about e certificate documents.

Tenha um feliz domingo


Thanks a lot, Mitchel. Thankfully my documents are issued in Portuguese, through the system, so I can skip the later part. I will keep the forum updated regarding the issue.


Hi good evening sir my name is Muhammad shiraz Khan from Pakistan but currently I am working in Sudan Khartoum past 15 years I Apply for chef job so can you help me please tell me right way so I will Apply thank you



chefsheraz50 wrote:

Hi good evening sir my name is Muhammad shiraz Khan from Pakistan but currently I am working in Sudan Khartoum past 15 years I Apply for chef job so can you help me please tell me right way so I will Apply thank you

Hi, Muhammad,

The only way for a foreigner to obtain a job in Brazil is to find a Brazilian company or a foreign company with operations in Brazil that is willing to sponsor him or her with the Ministry of Labor.  Brazil has plenty of unemployed chefs right now because of covid-related restaurant closures, so it would be almost impossible to find a sponsor, or to obtain approval from the Ministry of Labor.


Good evening abthree and all,

Updates: delivery took place in a private hospital in Mogi Das Cruzes and all went well.

Registering our baby was hectic, we wanted to register our newborn in São Paulo municipality where we live. In the cartorio close to the house, they refused to register her the first time we went although we had the required documents. They informed us we must be accompanied by a sworn translator since we don't speak Porteguese. The following day we were accompanied by a sworn translator and it took 2 hours and a half to do the registration and issue the birth certificate.

With regards the police clearance certificates from Tunisia, due to spelling errors we didn't bring them with us and we had to reapply for new ones 2 days before leaving Tunisia. They were issued 1 week after departure, apostilled and maild to us. We received them on Wednesday, and straight away I took them to the sworn translator. Translation to Porteguese is done.

The police clearance certificates from UAE were attested by MOFA and legalized by the Brazilian embassy in Abu Dhabi. They were sent on Wednesday and hopefully we will receive them on Tuesday. I noticed the online certificates had a remark in red stating they are not original, while the ones stamped by MOFA don't have that red remark. I will be waiting for their delivery to translate them.

Next steps to apply for the residency are filling up the online forms, printing them out, paying the fees at a local bank, setting an appointment with PF.

I am applying for the CRNM for myself, my wife and our 3 years old daughter and I need advice on how to fill up the online registration forms please.

In the part of Filiation 1 and Filiation 2, do I need to write the full name of my 3 years old daughter and the full name of our newborn baby too?

And my wife needs to do the same and write both full names in her registration form too?

Do we also need to fill up the online registration form for our 3 years old daughter and pay the fees for the 3 registrations (3 persons)?

I read in the forum and I can't recall the topic that it is possible for a child under 5 y.o. who is a brother/sister of a Bazilian citizen to be naturalized directly instead of applying for residency, and the naturalization is temporary, is it correct? May I have more information on how to apply for the temporary naturalization for our 3 years daughter? And is it a conditioned naturalization? What does it differ from the path of getting her the residency with us and later after 1 year or more the naturalization?

I signed with the house owner a temporary rent contract online until the 1st of December (our presumed departure date if we don't get the residency), the contract is electronically authenticated. It states that water, electricity, gaz and internet are included in the rent value. Would a print-out of such a contract be enough as a proof of residency for the PF? I can extend the contract when I request for it but it depends on our status in the future.

Do we need to present normal copies of all pages of our passports to PF or they must be certified copies in the cartorio?

Could you please share the link where to get an appointment with PF? The one I found always displays error 404. I read somewhere that taking an appointment with PF is only possible during 4 hours on Mondays between 14h and 18h, is it true?

I am affraid that an appointment with PF will be late as many experienced after covid, in this case once we get one, should we go to PF in Lapa or Guarulhos airport to request for an extension of our 90 days stay permit that ends on 10 December? Do we need a Brazilian guarantor to accompany us or it is not required?

The UAE police clearance certificate is valid until 23 November and we are also affraid after all what has been done that it won't be accepted by PF should the appointment be late, any ideas/experience to share about the validity of the PCC?

Many thanks.



Hello Mourad,
First of all congratulations for your new born poulista(o). I love sharing my experience on these type of cases. As i am going through the same process. Most of the previous comments, regarding this issue, I found negative or misleading. Well, my experience was completely opposite. It was simple, easy and straightforward.

Mourad, i don’t know  your current status. Would have been a lot easier for me to ans. do you have provisional residency(temp residency)/ RMN no./card?

Cartorio service varies from one to the other. Remember, if one cartorio is asking for irrelevant docs, try another one, it works.  My child was born 3 days ago, A cartorio official came to the hospital and registered all the newborn. It took only 15 min. Docs i had to provide : live certificate from hospital, our passports, CPF and RNM no.

If you have an RNM, you don’t need police clearance certificate. You just have to sign a declaration that you haven’t committed any crime in last one year.

Yes, next is residency application. Again if you have RNM, documents required is lot less. Look under ‘ provisional residency to permanent residency through family re union. Why not apply for your child’s passport, as you already have the Birth certificate.

Yes, each and every one of you has to fill up the form. Will generate different protocol no. and will have to take individual appointments.

Affiliation 1 n 2 means, name of your father n mother.

Nope, its 10 years. If your child is less than 10 years he/she can apply for provisional naturalisation, as soon as he/she receives permanent residency. No language requirement either. I dont know the difference.

Rental contact should be good enough for your address proof, but I personally prefer a utility bill on my name. It is very easy. Can be done online in 10min.

Just hand over you original passport, they will take copy of required pages.

Once you fill up the form you will get a protocol no. And link to make the appointment. Search agenda policia Federal. Keep trying, until u find a good date. Every now and then close date pops up. U just have to grab it. I found a date on 25th oct for residency application and 18th oct for passport application. So, it’s possible.

During appointment request you will be given option according to your home address, where to attend.

Suggestion: I know you are excited but you are thinking too far ahead. Take one step at a time, it will guide you to the next step. Because the Policia Federal website is so nicely organised. If you read carefully, all your ans are thr.  If you still have any question feel free to post. If it matches my situation, i will try to share my experience.

All the best.


Good morning arman737ng,

Thank you very much for your prompt and detailed answer and congratulations for your new born too 🎉

I am happy to find someone going through the same process.

We are on a temporary 90 days visit permit, it is also maybe called 90 days temporary visa. We didn't apply for a visa as it was not required for our nationality. I think the entry stamp on the passport is considered in many countries as visa on arrival and so the case when we arrived to Guarulhos airport.

I think in your case the delivery was in a public hospital and the process is much easier since the cartorio is responsible to register the newborns. We were responsible to register our baby as there isn't a cartorio in the private hospital, they only provided us with the yellow paper and we had to do the rest by ourselves.

I tried to register our child in a different cartorio near the place we stay but we were informed that we only have 2 options: either the nearest cartorio to the hospital where my wife delivered in Mogi or the nearest cartorio to the place we stay.

Besides the sworn translator, they needed our passports, CPF, apostilled and sworn-translated birth and marriage certificates plus 2 active phone numbers. They gave us one free of charge birth certificate and we requested another one that costed roughly R$ 42.

It is clear that the process to apply for the permanent residency is harder when one is on a tourist visa and especially in our case as we had to arrange the police clearance certificates from 2 countries, mailing them and so on. Your case to switch from a temporary residency to a permanent one is easier, less documents so less concerns.

We actually want to apply for our child's passport but didn't know from where to start. Is it the same on PF website? Could you please share with us the link where to apply and the required documents? We are trying our best to move forward as language can be a barrier, we must face it and learn it.

Do you also stay in São Paulo? I understand that during the appointment request we will be given the option where to attend according to our home address, so it's not everyone who lives in São Paulo municipality will end up taking the appointment in Lapa. I think PF in Lapa is the main branch in SP, there are other branches too and one of them is near our place.

You are right, I was excited and a lot of scenarios/questions were eating my brain due to lack of information while the process is easier than I thought.

Again, thank you very much for your time and clarifications, very helpful and useful.

Have a good day ahead.



Dear Mourad good day.

I am in SP, campinas. The reason I avoided big cities because its less hassle in smaller towns. Life is a lot easier. The document requirements are clearly written in policia federal website but there is a fine print. Which says they can always request for additional documents if they require so. I can very well see you are going through the same situation.

No, our child was delivered in a private hospital in campinas. Many has a misconception that cartorio service is only provide on public hospitals. Which is not the case here in campinas. In some private maternity hospitals, cartorio officials come for a certain time to register all the babies born on that hospital.
One blessing i have in disguise is our passport says mother’s name and marital status with spouse name. So nowhere we get asked for birth and marriage certificate. They asked for our passport, RNM and CPF. fees charged 36 real for the smaller version of Birth certificate. Even fees may vary.

The process for PR application is the same. You just need some extra documents which you have. So don’t worry. I went through the same hassle of legalizing documents but at the end I realized, it was not required in my case. 

Newborn passport: I believe you have the latest Birth certificate, which comes with MATRICULA no. And auto generated CPF no.
After the CPF no. Is at least 24 hrs old, then only  you will receive GRU payment slips. Go to policia federal website then select passaporte. … brasileiro

Fill the form, it will generate slip for payment, pay money. After you make the payment wait 24 hours for PF system to update. Once PF system knows you MADE the payment then only you can make the appointment. Go one step at a time, it will guide you to the next one. Very easy.
On appointment day both parents has to be present along with the applicant. A 5x7 picture of the child with white background is mandatory. If eyes are closed it is accepted. Original Birth certificate and sign the declaration form.(you will get it while filling the form)

Don’t expect a lot of liberty on appointment centers. In our case we only had one option. But for our new born he had 2 choices for his passport application. It is tomorrow. So if you have any questions let me know. I can update after tomorrow.

Last but not the least, you have done all the hard works, now seat down on your computer and start doing things one by one. Once you start, you will realize its a simple read and do task. On top if you are true and polite to PF, they are the best immigration people you have ever meet.

All the best


Good evening arman737ng,

Thank you again for your answer and assistance.

I thought the cartorio only comes to the public hospitals to register the newborn babies. I asked the administration of the private hospital in Mogi if they can assist with the registration as a second option although we wanted to do it in São Paulo municipality and they told us that they only provide the yellow paper and the rest is our job to do.

We thought before coming here to stay in a small city but it would be difficult with the translation/transportation. We may consider moving to a small city after getting the residency.

I remember I paid around R$ 36 + R$ 6 for the second birth certificate. I believe it is the small version, is the big version just a bigger format of the paper?

The matricula number and the CPF are stated in the birth certificate that was given to us so I believe it is the latest one.

Regarding the payment of GRU for the child's pasaport, does it have to be made by a debit/credit card or I can pay at a bank and get a receipt? Unfortunately I was not able to get an international bank card in Tunisia due to unexpected reasons from the bank side the last minute and it was challenging to get everything done using cash only so far.
I also think I can't open a bank account here without the residency.

I understand for the child's passport I need to pay the GRU fees after filling the form and before setting an appointment with PF. Is it the same when applying for the residency or the link to set an appointment with PF will be available right afrer filling up the forms and generation of protocol numbers?

I haven't started the applications yet because the phone number I am using is not mine. I need to have one under my name tomorrow and start the process.

Thanks a lot for the information and advice and all best of luck tomorrow in PF with your family.



Dear Mourad good evening,

It is always a pleasure, if i am any good to mankind. I am not answering you, in fact i am keeping all these information as a written document for the next person to read. I read every single word in this forum relating to my situation. But i could not find my answers clearly.

My theory in Brazil, avoid big names and big places, you will find it easier. Campinas has a brilliant public transport network. Also u can get a driving license very easily, if you have one from back home. Very easy.

Yes, you do have the latest version of birth certificate.

Unfortunately no, you can not have a bank account without an RNM no.

For child passport, you need to pay first, PF system has to recognize your payment and then only your appointment window will open. You dont need to carry your receipt. You can pay at any bank with that slip. But the slip itself is from Banco do Basil. So i would suggest pay through that bank. I paid through barcode(pix). Its fine.

Now, residency application payment is other way round. You can take appointment first and pay later. You have to generate the slips by the codes. I haven’t done it yet, as soon i do it, will update. But it should be very straight forward.

For sim, go to a vivo/your choice of network store with your cpf, passport and proof of address. Dont go to vendors. They will mess it up.

My experience today was as usually brilliant with campinas PF. Very welcoming and smiling people. All three of us went( mandatory). Gave appointment slip, our RMN, child birth certificate and signed declaration. All together 15 min. We were out of PF. Delivery in 7 days.

Any confusion/question let me know. I am happy to share my experience.
Good Luck


Good morning arman737ng and all,

Detailed and useful information as usual, and as you said they remain helpful for everyone who reads the conversation after.

I received today the documents from Abu Dhabi and took them straight away to the sworn translator. So yes, after the translation of these two police clearance certificates I can say the hard part is done.

I finally had a sim card under my name and that was from a store in a mall. You are right about the vendors, they did mess it up before, the reason the sim I was using is registered under an unknown person/identity!

I sat on my laptop in the afternoon and I filled up the three registration forms for residency and the passport request form. The Protocolo de Solicitação
de Documento de Viagem is generated with slip for payment.
Could you please advise on the declaration form that needs to be signed? Is it the FORMULÁRIO PADRÃO DE AUTORIZAÇÃO DE EXPEDIÇÃO DE PASSAPORTE PARA MENOR that has to be signed by both parents? If so, do we need to sign in PF or they can be signed before attending the appointment?
Do you have an idea on the validity of the babies' passports? Is it true the validity of the first passport of a newborn is 1 year only?

Filling the forms is easy however I am facing the challenge of setting the appointments with PF for the three requests of residency.
The assigned PF according to our address is the one in Lapa and I kept on trying to find available slot(s) but no luck so far, the same message "No momento não há vagas disponíveis, tente novamente mais tarde" is displayed on a little window.

Any idea/experience how often/when PF in Lapa releases slots for new appointments?
I was expecting to find slots in December but no available slots at all was surprising  :lol:

Yes, the translator told me about the driving license, the one from back home is taken into consideration here in Brazil, I think classes are not required but taking the road test is mandatory,                 

I am glad all went smooth in PF before yesterday, positive experiences give hope to others !

Thanks a lot.



Dear mourad good day.

There are may be 2/3 different types of declaration. 2 of them I know for sure.
1. Both parents has to be with the minor during international travel.
2. Any one parents will accompany during international travel.
We picked no.2. Because the declaration i had, was for no.1. When expressed what i want, they gave me a different form to fill. So make sure which declaration you are signing.

No need to sign in front of them. You sign it from home, as long as you did not sign the wrong one. 

Newborn babies passports are valid for 1 year. Because their face and identification changes very quickly.

I got my license by showing my UK driving license. Did not require a road test. I can share the procedure in details if you are interested.

I took my slots even before my child was born. You are already late. 🤣😂 but here is the trick, keep checking the slot every 20/30 min. This is how i had mine so quick. Always keep one browser open exclusively for the task. Just check the kapcha box and search for dates when ever you get time.


Dear arman737ng, good afternoon,

Yes I remember there were 3 options for authorization, the 2 you mentioned above and another one that we selected. We picked the third option that states an authorization is required before the baby travels, and I think this requirement is only when traveling from / to Brazil. The reason we opted for this option is because choice number 1 and 2 will be written on the passport. Our child may travel accompanied by her grand-mother or aunt from Tunisia to EU in the future and with the first or the second option the same won't be possible.
The selection was made online and the authorization of the 3rd choice to print and sign did not appear while filling the form, what was generated is only the FORMULÁRIO PADRÃO DE AUTORIZAÇÃO DE EXPEDIÇÃO DE PASSAPORTE PARA MENOR.
Will PF give us the declaration form to sign according to the selected option no.3 when we go there?

For the appointment of the child's passport, there were 4 centers available and we chose Lapa on 28/10. Dates were also available in the 4 centers. We will wait for a warm and sunny day to take our baby to a photograph.

Thank you very much for showing me the trick how to set the appointment of the residency. I have been refreshing the page since the morning and ticking the caption every moment and hopefully we will get a free dates/times. Wasn't there any appointment available for you in the beginning as well and you had to keep on refreshing the page every 20/30 minutes till you found one? Did it took long to get free slots? I read a note earlier before setting the appointment of the passport, it says schedules are dynamic and therefore vacancies can arise at anytime, so it's the same for the residency appointments. In the beginning I read few reviews on Google about Lapa center and I almost lost hope lol.

I am interested to know more about the driving license. I have 2, the Tunisian and the UAE driving licenses. I will ask you about the procedure after getting the residency.

It is again sunny now and hopefully the future will be bright :)

Have a nice day!



Dear Mourad good day,

Yes! PF will provide you the form. Ask nicely and accept ur ignorance about the language. They are always nice trust me.
I had to take 3 appointments. Took me 7 days all together to find the dates of my liking.

I wish u all the best..


Good morning Arman and all,

I was trying with my wife for two weeks to find an appointment online to submit the documents for the CRNM but unfortunately no slot is available.
We went twice to PF in Lapa and we were given a piece of paper where it states the address of the website to search for appointments. We also were advised to continue looking for slots online.

Meantime I consulted three lawyers and they clearly told me the online system of appointments in Lapa has been suspended for a while and they have immigration cases on hold because of that.

I also visited an organization that assists immigrants and they confirmed what the lawyers told me. They also informed me according to a decree that the 3 months validity of the police clearance certificates is extended till the 15th of March 2022 and that it will be possible to overstay the 90 days visa till then without being fined, is it correct?

We have all our documents complete and we only need to submit them, we feel time is tight and we don't really know how we act and what we should do.

Any ideas are welcome and appreciated.




Mourad84 wrote:

Good morning Arman and all,

I was trying with my wife for two weeks to find an appointment online to submit the documents for the CRNM but unfortunately no slot is available.
We went twice to PF in Lapa and we were given a piece of paper where it states the address of the website to search for appointments. We also were advised to continue looking for slots online.

Meantime I consulted three lawyers and they clearly told me the online system of appointments in Lapa has been suspended for a while and they have immigration cases on hold because of that.

I also visited an organization that assists immigrants and they confirmed what the lawyers told me. They also informed me according to a decree that the 3 months validity of the police clearance certificates is extended till the 15th of March 2022 and that it will be possible to overstay the 90 days visa till then without being fined, is it correct?

We have all our documents complete and we only need to submit them, we feel time is tight and we don't really know how we act and what we should do.

Any ideas are welcome and appreciated.



My wife and I tried getting an appointment with the PF in SP for my own CRNM appointment for a month.  We had heard they only add appointment slots one at a time as they come available, so you have to go online constantly in search, as e had tried.  After a month, we gave up and hired a facilitator.  He had an appointment arranged for us, at the exact best day and time we asked him for. I have no idea that magic had had, but he most certainly was great and knew exactly what to do. My guess is he has a super secretary who sits on the computer day and night searching for new pen slots.


Dear Mourad,
I m sorry to hear ur situation. Unfortunately there is no other way round that i know for appointment. I took all the appointments even before my son was born. Because CRNM application doesn’t ask for your child’s details. So we were able to complete child’s RG n Passport and out CRNM within 13 days of his birth.

Let us know how u getting on with the new born passport.


Dear rraypo and Arman

Thank you very much for your reply. It is really difficult to set appointments for CRNM in PF / SP.

We submitted the documents for my child's passport last week, It was easy and only took us 20 minutes to get it done. The agents were helpful, we will collect it on the 9th of Nocember. I will keep you updared


Dear rraypo and Arman

Thank you very much for your reply. It is really difficult to set appointments for CRNM in PF/SP. We are trying our utmost best to get them.

We submitted the documents for my child's passport last week, It was easy and only took us 20 minutes to get it done. The agents were helpful, we will collect it on the 9th of November. I will keep you updated.

Have a good night.



Dear all,

I have just come back from Policia Federal. I collected my daughter's passport and all went well. It took me less than 15 minutes to get it and the PF agents were good and professional. The validity of the passport as mentioned 1 year. I also have set an appointment with Poupatempo to apply for the identity card of my daughter. I will update you once we get it.




Dear rraypo,

We have been constantly refreshing the page and looking for appointments but unfortunately in vain.

We like the idea of hiring a facilitator to do the job. I sent you a private message, would it be possible please to share with me the contact details of the facilitator? We would really appreciate it, time is running fast and we certainly don't want to waste it. Once we get the CRNM we want to take our 3 years daughter in the kindergarden.

Many thanks.



Hello Mourad,

CRNM is not required for your child admission. My daughter is going to school and the year is ending very soon.
Any public/private/international school i went to, they asked for her previous school records, which needs to be verified from back home. Basically apostilled and translated.
I had all the documents but not stamped and translated. So i went to Education Secretariat campinas to seek help. They confirmed schools should not ask for any documents, as every child has right of education. They took my daughter’s details and from next day i started receiving phone calls from different schools of my area. I picked the one which has good reviews. My daughter is very happy 😃


Good afternoon Arman,

Thank you very much for the useful information. It is easy then, I thought the child needs to have the CRNM in order to register in the kinder garden. We feel our daughter is bored and she needs to play with children, I always take her out with me but it is not enough.

I am happy your daughter is happy  :top:


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