Policia Federal online form( reuniao familiar)
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Good day to you all !
Can anyone help, please?
Do I need to print the PF online form to take with the other documents ? I don´t remember seeing any print option when I finished filling the form.
Do I need to get authenticated copies of all documents, in the cartorio? On the PF documents checklist, they don´t ask for any copies.
And last question, We arrived in Brazil end of February and only got an appointment for 30th of July. Will I need to get a certidao de antecedentes criminais from Brazil too, to cover those months I have been living here?
Thanks in advance
KatHScott wrote:Good day to you all !
Can anyone help, please?
Do I need to print the PF online form to take with the other documents ? I don´t remember seeing any print option when I finished filling the form.
Do I need to get authenticated copies of all documents, in the cartorio? On the PF documents checklist, they don´t ask for any copies.
And last question, We arrived in Brazil end of February and only got an appointment for 30th of July. Will I need to get a certidao de antecedentes criminais from Brazil too, to cover those months I have been living here?
Thanks in advance
Try using "right-click" for print
You will need an apostille of some documents (use your BR Consulate site to help}. Once all apostilled and translated you should be good at the cartorio.
I do not believe you will need Brazil's criminal record. PF would check if needed.
Hi Texan
Thanks for your reply.
I filled the form in March and I already have an appointment with PF. I also have all the documents apostilled . Should I just fill the form again and try to print it?
They have accepted it if you have an appointment. So it is in the system.
I would not mess with the site again! Never know what would happen and it may be canceled.

You should have received an email when you filled the form and received the appointment; it contains a pdf of your protocolo.
Beyond that, all your foreign documents should be apostilled/authenticated and then translated. All your local documents and sworn statements should have the signature notarized in the cartorio, with exception of utility bills and copy of passport.
If your stay here has been less than 180 days, you won’t need your local criminal history.
I recommend being prepared for anything! I arrived in Brazil in May and had my appointment in July. At the first appointment I didn't bring local criminal history checks with me and they wouldn’t complete the process. I was all set after presenting local background checks at my second appointment. We also had to provide an updated marriage certificate from the cartório where we were married.
Hi everyone!
Thanks a lot for all your replies.
My husband used my account for asking for some advice.
Well, All went well at PF in Florianopolis SC.
My husband had all the documents including the authenticated copies which were not needed. We explained why my husnand didn´t have the form and they just said that it wasn´t needed either as they had the form number on his appointment and they also made the copies themselves.
He already got his protocol and residence certificate and will get his card in 60 days.
Good luck to anyone with your appointments!!!!!
Hi Texan!
No snow where we live but on the Serra catarinense ,they got a little bit. I heard it was a lot more in Rio Grande do Sul.
Great question. She said we’d been married for so long (13 years) and not living in Brazil permanently for most of the time. It was no problem to get a new certificate at the cartório.
For more context: she also questioned whether the FBI was the correct agency to get a background check, but thankfully she accepted it in the end.
I am from England and have only just joined.
Firstly , congratulations. Good to hear that all went well.
I have a question: What card are they going to give you?
After obtaining my PDF number here in Brazil I applied for a residence visa which proved to be complicated and quite difficult I went through the routine but after several visits to the Federal Police office and obtaining copies of the documents they had insisted upon that I produce I was given a Protocol and finally a Certidao de Registro which has a RNM number and I understand to be a permanent residence visa, but the document states Validade de Certidao ate 13.11.2021. Please correct me if I am wrong. I also received a stamp in my Passport.
Does the remark at the bottom limit the visa to the 13.11.2021 or merely the certificate / document.
Any advice and assistance would be appreciated
Actually, a CRNM almost is always temporary, If it's one year or two all you have to do is go to the PF for renewal.
Now, most CRNM's issued to those over 60 are permanent.
Hi Texanbrazil
Thank you for your reply.
I am over 60 years old, does that mean it is permanent or do I need to go to the FP and renew in November 2021?
The Certidao De Registro issued to me states the following:
........ esta registrado np Sistema de Registro Nacional Migratorio (SISMIGRA) da Policia Federal, RNM No. ............, com classificacao Residente, amparo legal 286 - ART 37, LEI 13.445/2017,. com prazo de estada de residencia regular Indeterminado, estando em sitoacao Ativo.
Validate de Certidao ate 13/11/2021
Does the word "Indeterminado" make it permanent?
As far as I know it does, but sometimes your card will have a validity (printed on the front) that is different from the prazo (printed on the back).
Also: you are speaking about your certidao, which is printed on a piece of paper, right? You will have to pick up your card (check
here if it's ready) and see what it says. My card had different dates than my certidao and my protocolo.
Hi, FR267,
I read that expiration date as applying to the Protocolo, not your RNM. You'll probably be called to the Federal Police office to pick up your CRNM before November, but if November 1 rolls around and you still haven't received the email, I'd go down to the office and inquire.
My CIE (the pre-2017 equivalent of the CRNM) arrived long before my Protocolo expired, but when I applied for naturalization, the expiration date of my Protocolo did come before the process was completed. I went to the Federal Police office, and they assured my that my Protocolo was extended automatically, and didn't need to be renewed.
About a month later, it all came right. I expect that it will be the same for you, but it's worthwhile to ask, as you approach that date.
Hi JNSQ 86
I have only the Protocolo document which states validade 08/11/2021 and the Certidao De Registro document both just printed on paper. I do not have a card.
I will go to the FP office on Monday and enquiry about the card.
Hi JNSQ 86
Thank you for the link. I have checked on the site and it confirms that my card is ready for collection.
Hi Everyone
Booked an appointment yesterday with the Federal Police Office for this morning and as arranged went to the Federal Police office and received my CRNM Card.
Happy to say it states "Indeterminado" on the front and rear.
All is well and I can now at least leave Brazil and return without problem.
Hopefully the COVID hotel quarantine requirement in the UK will be lifted soon.
FR267 wrote:Hi Everyone
Booked an appointment yesterday with the Federal Police Office for this morning and as arranged went to the Federal Police office and received my CRNM Card.
Happy to say it states "Indeterminado" on the front and rear.
All is well and I can now at least leave Brazil and return without problem.
Hopefully the COVID hotel quarantine requirement in the UK will be lifted soon.
Congratulations! 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Seriously, congratulations!
Hi there,
About translate documents home country or inside of sworn translate brazil?
4 years back translate all the documents in India after that stamp cartorio in brazil.
Policia federal issued permanent resident in brazil for my mother.(65 years old)
Unfortunately out of brazil 4 years so, RNE will cancel. need to apply new visa in India.
hi, there
Please click this link and will get infomation
https://help.unhcr.org/brazil/asylum-cl … igratorio/
rahul rahul47 wrote:hi, there
Please click this link and will get infomation
https://help.unhcr.org/brazil/asylum-cl … igratorio/
This link pertains to people who are already in Brazil, seeking asylum through the UN High Commission for Refugees. It is very unlikely that an Indian citizen in India, or anyone who has lived safely in India for four years, will qualify for refugee status in Brazil.
If your mother obtained her CRNM that has now expired on the basis of family reunion with someone in Brazil, she needs to work with the nearest Brazilian Consulate, as described in my last post to you.
Yes you are already explained. Thank you very much.
Unfortunately I will go to India and doing this process.
Because my mother don't no about this process she is not well educated.
Anyway thanks for your information.
rahul rahul47 wrote:Hi,
Yes you are already explained. Thank you very much.
Unfortunately I will go to India and doing this process.
Because my mother don't no about this process she is not well educated.
Anyway thanks for your information.
Best of luck to you!
Good morning and happy day to all!
Thank you very much for the assistance provided in this forum.
I tried to look for specific information about the criminal record certificate and I couldn't find it.
I understand that the criminal record certificates are required to apply for the naturalization, is it the case for the permanent residency based on family reunion when our child is born here?
We were, myself and my wife permanent residents in Dubai and we left in Feb 2021. We can request the criminal record certificates online and they can e-mail them to us in English, however it wouldn't be possible to get them legalized in the Brazilian consulate in Dubai.
My questions:
Are these certificates mandatory to apply for the permanent residency in Brazil and is their validity 60 days?
Do they need to be legalized in the embassy/consulate in UAE before translating them in Brazil?
Many thanks.
Hi, Mourad,
Yes, Criminal Background Checks from the government of every country where the applicant has lived are required for all permanent residency requests. 90 days is the usual validity period, but the Federal Police have some latitude on that.
They should be legalized, but getting the Sworn Translation does not need to wait for the legalization, and should be done as soon as convenient. Sworn Translations do not expire.
If you have someone who can get the documents legalized for you at the Brazilian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, that would be ideal. If not, try contacting the Embassy to find out whether it can be done by mail.
Good morning abthree,
Thank you for the clarifications and advice.
I sent an e-mail to the Brazilian embassy in Abu Dhabi to ask them if a friend can set an appointment to legalize our police clearance certificates after paying the fees or if it would be possible for the embassy to mail them to us after paying the fees and legalizing them. Let's see what can be done.
I also want to ask you please, when the police clearance certificates from UAE are issued online and we e-mail them to the UAE consulate in Sao Paulo to stamp them, would PF consider them legalized as they are stamped by a UAE diplomatic mission in Brazil? I asked the consulate of UAE in Sao Paulo if they can assist in stamping the certificates in order to avoid the legalization process in UAE and they replied they can do it. Any idea on this "technical avoidance"?
On another hand, I called in the morning the Brazilian embassy in Tunis and they informed me they stopped the legalization of the official documents issued in Tunisia starting from 2019, and an authorized local apostile will be enough.
Thank you!
Tunisia is a party to the Apostille Convention, so their answer is correct. You would need a Tunisian apostille on a Tunisian document. Unfortunately, the UAE is not a party, and legalization requirements still apply.
You can certainly try to submit your UAE document with a stamp from their Consulate in São Paulo, and an official Brazilian Sworn Translation. The Federal Police may accept it, and if not, the worst thing they'll do is give it back to you. They won't destroy it or confiscate it, and you won't get into any trouble.
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