
When to give notice to current employer


Hello - I'm an American about to sign a contract for a job in Copenhagen.  My Danish employer is going to apply for a Fast Track work permit, and my plan is to be physically in Denmark within 14 days of the application being submitted so that I can do biometrics and get a "quick job start" provisional work permit on the same day.  My question, particularly for anyone else who did the Fast Track scheme with a quick start date (but of course I'll take relevant advice from all others), is whether I'm taking a risk by putting in my two weeks' notice with my current employer and then heading to Denmark without the work permit being officially approved.  Is there a chance that the fast track permit and/or the quick start will be denied or delayed, thus leaving me in Denmark without the ability to work for however long it takes to be approved?  Based on a thread in this category, the fast track approval process seems to be coming in at about a month and a half after biometrics, but again, I'd be seeking an immediate provisional work permit based on a quick start, not the regular fast track process.  It seems like the quick start process is basically a rubber stamp as long as you meet all the requirements, so I feel pretty confident I can get it done, but want to know what the potential downside(s) could be.  Thanks!

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for DenmarkVisas for DenmarkThe Greencard in DenmarkWorried about my Denmark Visa Application - Need AdviceCivil Parternship for Accompanying Family Member Visa

I don't have any ideal about Danish work permit approvals. though i would also like to have my work permit approved when am isnside the country .Good luck Dear