Housing rental Solvency requirements

I'm still in the US.now. got my 90 day visa to come to Tenerife  to pick up NIE and 1 year residency.
My adult children have permanent residency already.
I'm trying to rent a place before I travel . I have no Spanish bank account  but have 30k Euro in US accounts  and proof of US social security but I am being rejected for having no Spanish bank account and income or fiador
Anyone have suggestions  how to overcome  that problem?
Please PM me by WhatsApp at xXXX
George M

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You can contact any Spanish bank and open a non-resident bank account.
You will probably have no problems if you rent a temporary flat, which are generally used by tourists. Once in Tenerife, you can open a local bank account and find a permanent accomodation for you.

Got it
Good info

I think @diegoag78 has it right: you'll probably find it easier to grab a short-term room/apartment on booking.com or Airbnb. (It's a bit more expensive, but many of them let you make bookings for 2 or 3 months, if you want to.) Then when you're here, you'll find it easier to view the apartment & convince landlord in person. And also much easier to open a bank account.

However, also take a look at Idealista it has lots of rental listings all over Spain. It will be easier to deal directly with the owner, rather than listings by property agents who will be more picky about what you need.

Alternatively, as your children are already here, and probably speak fabulous Spanish, I would have imagined that if you had your shortlist of 2 or 3 long-term rentals, they could go over and close the deal for you.

Yeah. The children found me a place I can live with for  awhile while I look for the ideal place

Congrats. Hope you enjoy life in Spain!