Ive been offered a position in aktau.
My conclusions are:
- in the city there is no radiation
- should there be southwards wind, the lake holding the uranium ore, which is currently half dry, it will carry the exposed pollutants to town..
- the water table is polluted with arsenic and other by products of uranium mining up to 5 km around the lake (town within reach). Most likely the Caspian area around is also polluted, but in constant flux
- storage of uranium in the decommissioned station should be safe but not sure
- you're not allowed in kazakstan with geiger counters (that is, they have something to hide.. otherwise why have such a ridiculous law?)
- There is no early alarm or monitoring systems for radiation in Aktau. If something happens, you find out too late...
- government is an obstacle to setting this up (oil companies have been trying)
We decided not to go.